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Everything posted by gmac

  1. iPod Video tonight?

    I think I'm gonna wait until apple release a proper "video" iPod with good battery life and better file type support, only problem is my current iPod is full :P
  2. Starting this Saturday night on BBC 2 we have Family Guy followed by American Dad I love Family Guy and can't wait to see American Dad as it is supposed to be better than Family Guy (if that's possible )
  3. 2 great new shows on BBC 2

    yeah was dissapointed when I looked up the tv guide and it was an old episode of family guy, but I don't think that series 3 has been shown on terrestial tv so maybe that's why, but not sure
  4. Re: Import shops

    nope, nowhere near the border
  5. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    8) a [clean] jam jar with 15 bottle caps in a [clean] salsa pot with a spork magnifying glass, two pairs of compasses a penknife that's as long as you told the truth in your thread on this ;P
  6. best album for non sex/drugs

    ah the Flaming Lips, amazing band, and the best live show you will ever see
  7. best album for non sex/drugs

    I can't believe I forgot My Morning Jacket, class band and their song "One Big Holiday" is one of my favourite songs ever. See it live here http://www.mymorningjacket.com/Video/onebigconan1.ram
  8. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    8) Challenge Anneka I got it straight away (how sad am I)
  9. Terribly simple physics q

    basically the mass of the earth opposes gravity when we are on the ground and as has been said already a normal force generated by the earth opposes gravity
  10. NTL and Telewest Confirm Intention To Merge

    this better not mess up the upgrade NTL were due to do soon http://www.ntl.com/mediacentre/press/display.asp?id=797 I want my 10Mbit :P
  11. The Dark Tower

    I've read The Dark Tower series (as anyone who saw my quiz questions should now :P) and loved the books, but the bit after he tells you to stop reading was a bit crap and imo a total cop-out
  12. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    1) 2 more years
  13. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    Art Brut's album is Bang Bang Rock and Roll
  14. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    3) Bullfrog produced Theme Hospital
  15. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    1) Name the 5 members of the Strokes - Done 2) Who is the star of Ong-Bak? - Done 3) Who is Roland Deschain? 4) and who created him? - Done 5) Who is the current World Footballer of the year? - Done 6) Who won this years Mercury Music Prize? - Done 7) What is Sodium Chloride better known as? - Done 8) What is the capital of Mongolia? - Done 9) Who wrote War & Peace? - Done 10) Which film stars Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne? - Done
  16. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    well if you wanna be precise the lead singer of the Hives full name is Howlin' Pelle Almqvist anyway Ford owns volvo
  17. No Direction Home - Bob Dylan

    taping, but will prob still buy the DVD when it's released
  18. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    I remember in the last quiz you weren't allowed to edit incase of cheating
  19. WWE Day of Reckoning 2

    got this and loving it, but anyone else been annoyed by the immense loading times?
  20. No Direction Home - Bob Dylan

    I'm gonna watch, as I am a huge Dylan fan. Only dissapointment I had was seeing him on tour last year, was not what I expected all the songs sounded different apart from his new stuff
  21. Does anyone here play WoW?

    aww boo, I was looking forward to spreading the plague
  22. best album for non sex/drugs

    The albums I own that best fit what Tom says is probably the Mars Volta ones. I much prefer De-Loused in the Comatorium over Frances the Mute as I feel there is less messing about and more tunes Other ones I own that I love are anything penned by Will Johnson, he records under 3 different names; Centro-Matic, South San Gabriel and Will Johnson and releases about 2 records a year of some of the most beautiful music
  23. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    damn editing post :P 10) Ougadougou
  24. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    you're only supposed to answer one question :P
  25. Adverts That Blow - Secondary Remix

    who would have thought Esure could have replaced Michael Winner with something even more annoying, but they managed it with that damn mouse