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Posts posted by DomJcg


    Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36


    That was actually really really good. Start of the Ben Reilly stuff, and it was very intruiging. I am pumped for this storyline. Its official.




    It reallyy presented nothing that new...shed abit of light on reilly when he wasn't in the spotlight. But thats really it...i wish it was 599 instead =[ now x men 513 is where its at, utopia looks damn goood.

  2. Chair finally told Callum he wants him, now. Ashley got a 2.1. Coolness got a job. Ine is in recovery. Haggis became Slaggis. Flink realised people are rubbish, especially about jackets. ReZ made a post with no made up words! Gizmo hit a tree. I slept with a forum boss. Bluey is on the path to teacherdom. Dan Dare's brother came back. Federer won Wimbledon. Daft has gone, temporarily. The cake is real. Goafer found a dog. Letty works illegal hours for a Minor. Eevil looked sore. A man in Venezuela realised the meaning of life. J7 doesn't have the interent and we all need a morphine drip to cope with the loss. Dante was nearly run over. Channel 4 started making the ''MJ what REALLY happened'' documentary. Chris got a work placement. The chicken came first. Wesley got 4 parking tickets. People finished school and also graduated from Uni. Moogle looks good in a suit. Jimbob's employer is a bastard. Raining had a birthday! The weather was hot.


    Possibly not all true. Sorry if I missed people, you know I love you but it's 00.19.




    wow, don't know what to say to that...thank you for the catch up, it certainly wasn't what i was expecting :D


    and yes ell i did miss you, alot. I also worked for 12 hours today. Time to sleep?

  3. The thing I hate most about Brand New Day was his Other powers being ignored. They were awesome and finally a change to Spider-Man for once.


    Well its like a reset isn't it? because mj and peters marriage never went through, it never led up to the things that led to him becoming the other. But i actually found it pretty interesting, the whole totemic spider needing a chance to reign rather than the man. I liked that, i think its just that because of the civil war, where peter completely flip flopped on his ideals, his ethos had changed (the 9 counts of felony he committed during one more day). He did need to be brought back down to earth, but taking his powers away? thats the bit i have a problem with.

  4. Heh, freesies :D


    Reading from spiderman 500 to about 588, i'm currently up to 558, and my god what did they do to the poor guy! It's terrible! from gwens kids coming to kill spidey, to the other arc where he dies to the whole one more day thing, which i was surprisingly ok with. But taking away the powers he gained like what 20 issues ago? It's just what was the point in giving him them in the first place, going through all that etc


    BUT i think so far, brand new day is pretty good. Not sure why it lasted 10 or so issues with no conclusion but hey.

  5. Its definately turning out to be a good arc, probably the best Spider-Man since......the incident


    I read the new Uncanny X-Men and im confused. They need a blood sample from the first mutants parents in 1906, but Wolverine was born in the 1800s some time.


    Wasn't it because beast said that mr nemesis's parents were around the time mutants started spiking in appearance? rather than isolated like wolvie?

  6. I'm sick of arguing with my mum over tidying the house. I want to tidy the house really badly for when my girlfriend comes to see me, so mum was like ok, start on your room, but you have to check with me before you throw anything away. But she never tells me why, just that i have to, i could have finished in one day rather than three


    fucks sake

  7. Apparently someone at uni has confirmed Swine Flu.


    What a joke, where's my first? The uni sent a email round explaining what their contingency plan is, the link they give for it directs you to the who home page ><

  8. Doubt it.


    She can barely talk, let alone turn his arm into mush or whatever. Thats assuming she isn't already dead. Which I can't see ANY way around. I'll admit he left it somewhat ambiguous and not definitive, but....I just can't see any way around it.


    Seriously how pissed is he gonna be @ Cecil.


    not sure about cecil, i suspect he'll rant, but nothing will come of it, looking for a scapegoat if anything. I just can't really believe shes dead though... its shocking really, really shocking. I just so wish we didn't have to wait a month you know?


  9. So dead, she got punched through her stomach shes dead, or dying, i still reckon she turns conquest inside out with dying breathes


    two things, his arms not gone yet, and the art is actually the best i've ever seen, the two page spread of conqust was magical

