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About irfman

  • Birthday 11/15/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    mean streets of london
  • Interests
    games, fixing things, footie
  • Occupation
    looking for one. O.o


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    nes, snes, gb, gba, n64, gamecube, ds
  • Other Systems Owned
    ps1, ps2, psp, xbox, (Xbox360 soon)
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda ocarina of time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender
  • Google Talk ID

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes

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  1. It only this site when I go on it I get a pop up... other sites dont do that. I used Ad Aware and still the same. Im using firefox btw... I think i might just change my internet security.
  2. Is it me or do people get spyware from visiting this site... i mean some of those ads on the main page might be the issue i don't know. Just wondering... and YES I do have a Firewall, Ad-Aware SE, Antivirus. Just wondering.
  3. 1- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64)- Simply the best no doubt... Great Storyline, Great Gameplay, I could not stop playing this game even when I finish it. 2- Goldeneye 64 (N64)- The first FPS I played and still play it today... I have for hours.. not many games can do that today... 3- Super Mario World (Snes/GBA)- One the best 2D sidescolling games ever made... what more can i say? 4- Resident Evil 4 (GC)- When I first encoutered the chainsaw guy I tried to runaway... I hid in the house... my heart was beating... and next thing i see my head getting chopped off... Pure Genius... Superb Graphics, Sound, Atmosphere and Story... 5- Mario Kart 64 (N64)- Another great mulitplayer game which lasted for hours... with people shouting in agony... and some laughing suspicously... this game had hooked me and mates for hours and still play this game today.
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