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Everything posted by HereticPB

  1. I apologize Yan is new. I am not sure if this was meant to be a straight post or a funny post but he is part of the site now.
  2. I smell BS. The only event that most of us knew about was the 24th and nothing happened there.
  3. Nifty about the uncovering of the image. I now can see it.
  4. The company was better when it was called MadOnion. Try finding 3dmark 2000. I think there was a 2000 version. It has been awhile.
  5. Well I found where I got the image from and it isn't Kevins blog I thought. I have so many bookmarks its crazy and I forget where half the stuff comes from. Anyhow it was on a comment on the No End Soon Blog. The post is by 192bpm: Source: NES Blog
  6. NM I did not see Penic's post. Yeah, many professional people could have made that. I cannot see some 16-year-old in Photoshop/Illustrator creating this. Hell even a pro would have a hard time creating those curves. On the other hand, a font could have been used that allows such curvature. The photoshop-itis is the pixelation around edges and corners such as when someone pastes an image over top of another. Alternatively, when someone removes color or objects away from an image it leaves little pixel dust. As for what the home button does I think it is pretty obvious. The Home button goes to the home or menu page for the Revolution and probably when a dvd movie is being played it goes to the main menu. The revolution does play DVDs the last I heard anyhow. There is also rumor that the A button has been replaced with a thumbstick such as on the PSP. I would add on to this rumor by saying it would be interesting if it clicked like the Xbox/x360 sticks.
  7. And what type of graphics the "Rev" will have.
  8. Uhhhhh?? HtPB
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