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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. They do after you beat the SSE.
  2. Yeah, it's pretty easy once you get the timing. Now that yellow cage attack of him + the whip.
  3. You basically have to dodge (R + Down) three times. On Hard (where I beat him) you have to dodge the first two in succession and the third with a tiny extra delay because it comes a bit slower. I think they go faster in the more difficult modes.
  4. The thing is you can't use the Hammers on those.
  5. This is what I am expecting.
  6. You can see in the Data section and then Brawl Records I think it was.
  7. That was not the case with my TV upstairs though. As 60Hz there is probably PAL60 and not an NTSC signal.
  8. Loading times are a bit on the long side, especially during Classic mode when it's loading the "team" enemies while you're walking around waiting for them to drop. I finished SSE two days ago with a friend, we completed it on Hard. The last boss was pretty difficult but mainly because my friend couldn't dodge that OHKO attack, so he kept losing lives. On the go we managed to beat him in I was left with Ike and managed to get 2 smashes in, only needed one hit after that which I also managed to land after a few tense moments. Beating it unlocked a whole bunch of stuff, but I still have three characters left,
  9. I think there are ten of them. I don't think I'll ever be able to beat that on Intense, shame that you can't use a Golden Hammer on that challenge.
  10. I'm currently doing Homerun Contest with Ganondorf as well, my best record is currently about 3400 feet. But I think I can make it up to 4000. Also got to 2700 with Falcon.
  11. That was hell in Melee as well, using Donkey Kong's Down+B. Maybe the same tactic is still effective here. Love getting hit by something on the last few seconds.
  12. That can happen if either of your internet speed isn't that good, or the bandwidth is being used up by something else like downloading stuff, or the distance between you is big.
  13. The game creates a direct connection between the players, so no servers are involved except for matchmaking in With Anyone. This way your own internet speed decides how much lag you get, and the more players the more lag. One vs one doesn't have a lot of lag but a four player match can lag pretty bad.
  14. Thom would be me, I'll be adding you as well.
  15. I wasn't planning on getting it anyway but there's a chance it will have the update. We could hope NoE delays this update for Europe as well.
  16. Yeah, you're right but I'm not updating till Brawl's released in Europe at least if this does block the Freeloader.
  17. Thanks for the warning then, guess I won't be updating for a while.
  18. I already have downloaded it and the Freeloader still works. Or is this another one next to the Shop Channel update?
  19. I'm using the GameCube controller. Haven't even tried one of the other ones.
  20. Maybe something with over an amount of total running distance then?
  21. For Snake play 15 Brawls on Shadow Moses. For Sonic one of these:
  22. He's slower but then again everyone is, he's still the second fastest runner next to Sonic. His Knee is harder to connect with because the sweetspot is smaller now, he also doesn't combo as well because enemies tend to fly too high up. As a Falcon mainer in Melee, it was a bit difficult to adjust to his Brawl incarnation but I'm getting the hang of it and I'm able to use him much better now.
  23. I agree, Falcon was my main in Melee and I find it really hard to use him here. He doesn't combo as well because your opponents fly too high every time.
  24. I added Shadow, Hellfire, King_V and Dyson to my friends just now. If you want to add me my friend code is in my profile, please send a PM so I can add you back. : peace:
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