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Posts posted by stuwii

  1. Don't get too carried away after beating us, the way we have been playing recently I'm surprised we didn't lose by a hatful today.


    Hopefully Mark Robins can get a few defenders in on loan, I think our strikeforce and midfield are good enough, but without a decent defence, we are dead certs for relegation. Do Man Utd have any young defenders that they could send Robins' way?


    You were not terrible

  2. if you mean a multi part song/ piece




    Mogwai and Explosions In The Sky have done entire albums of it. And they're both far, far better than Muse.


    I would love a link- I thought thig Genre was Meat Loafs all on his own

  3. Paranoid Android says Hi.


    There's quite a bit of variation with Radiohead. Idioteque is pretty strange considering what came before it. Muse have their slow songs too. It's not all Plug in Baby.


    Name me a quick radiohead song

  4. I've been hearing mostly good things about The Resistance, some hardcore Muse fans have even been saying that it's better than OoS.


    I've loved what I've heard so far though, I think it'll be absolutely epic! It's already sounding far far better than Black Holes and Revelations imo.


    Of course, I haven't downloaded it, I'm waiting till I actually get the album. Although I'm worried I won't get it on time, due to the huge backlog of post at the moment. My pre-order on HMV.com says that it's still "not been issued by supplier". That, and the fact my friends are telling me how amazing it is doesn't help. With all this in mind, I might have to download it. ><


    It is better than OOS more rounded Citizen erased and PIB still up there but EXO is the best ever


    Exo gives ne more goosebumps than any music ever will again
