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Posts posted by stuwii

  1. Probably a defective cable or socket, check to see if any of the pins are bent, if the sockets are clean, make sure you have all the plugs pushed in all the way. Easiest way to tell where the fault lies is try someone else's RGB cable, or try another RGB cable with a different device.


    Dad pulled it apart couldn't find a fault, stuck back together with duck tape now fixed

  2. Totally different arguments, dude...


    We're in the Afghanistan not to prevent Islamification of Europe, but to combat terrorists and demolish the inhumane megalomaniacs that are Taliban. Geert Wilders is the most public figure in the anti-Islamification argument, it has nothing to do with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.



    There is asector that believes Iraq and Afgaistan wars were Anti-Islamist. Also Iran is a representation of what Nick Griffin despises about Islam.

  3. Yeah, provide a little more information so someone might have a hope in hell of answering your q?


    Picture of it? What make of tv? Is this a constant thing? Could it be screen burn? Etc...


    Constant- alba tv- follows text not constant burn


    I have the image I just cannot get it online

  4. Are green day any good live- they seem to be.


    What would green day play something like this




    Saint Jimmy

    Time of your life


    East jesus Nowhere

    Do you know the enemy




    Are we the waiting


    Hitchin a ride
