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Posts posted by Kagato

  1. I'm playing the demo right now as I'm tempted to buy this game, but....

    I just don't feel it yet... It feels like hacking and slashing into those big monsters without any idea if I'm doing things right. I just feel helpless and like it hugely depends on luck if the monster dies before I faint...

    Swimming feels like a mess too, I really can't "feel" the distance between me and the beasts...


    I really want to love this game but yeah... :(


    Definetly agree with the others, fighting the monsters is only a small part of the game, gathering resources, harvesting bones and scales from defeated creatures to build new gear, thats what the game is really all about. You can really see your progress as you become stronger and more resilant to monsters that used to be so hard to fight, that to me is what makes the game worth playing.

  2. What weapon are you using dazzy? I suggest going to the MH Wikia weapons page. For example, here we have the gunlance weapon tree. As you can see, the two basic weapons, iron GL and bone GL, branch out into a million different choices, including rarity 9 and 10 weapons. So yeah, do start upgrading, because those same weapons will lead to the end game weapons as well...


    With armours, it's really about finding the armour that has the best skills for you. Again, this goes with the weapon you're using. Overall, it seems that all the rare 2-3 armours plus the hunter, alloy and bone from rare 1 have about the same max defense of around 500. So basically you could max any of these sets to get you through low rank. For example, I'm thinking of going either with the Rhenoplos (rare 2) because it has Gunnery for the Gunlance, or Barroth (rare 2) because it has Guard+1. Agnaktor (rare 3) has Guard+1 and Razor Sharp as well, plus Fire Attack +1.


    So the first question really is: what weapon are you using?


    I feel like such a novice lol, even after having played a good bit of the Wii version i had no idea you could upgrade the starter weapons to such a degree! My mind has just been blown lol

  3. Finally an excuse to pick up the game and play through it properly, i got it for free with my OnLive sub a few years ago but it just never looked great with all the atrifacting associated with streaming a game online. Off TV Play is fast becoming my favourite buzz word on WiiU games, as ive mentioned previously, if im playing on my screen and sitting next to my girlfriend it still counts as spending time with her ^_^

  4. Last day at work before my long weekend starts, cant wait to get home as i know both my Monster Hunter games will be laying on the floor in front of the door waiting for me. Totally forgot to get a circlepad pro and the only versions they have in store at the moment are the XL ones and i still only have the small 3ds, ill need to hit the shops on the way home...


    If anyone is playing online tonight ill be after 9pm as its unfortunatley the day we do the weekly shopping, looking forward to getting this kicked off ^_^

  5. My theHut order says payment pending even tho i pre paid for it over a week ago,



    so tried to phone them and they never answer the phone , tried emailing no reply. I have had to order from shopto and was shipped witha photo of the package within 5 mins, thats service for you



    Has anyone ever had problems with the hut or zavvi with a paypal payment being stuck as pending ?


    Sometimes they sell more copies than they physically get in, they did it to me a couple of times and then the following month they have a sale with the same game because they must have gotten too many on their next order lol. They really seem to be poor at stock control.

  6. Were you not able to get back to your previous survivor to loot the crossbow from him?


    If not then you can use the CCTV cameras at the safe house to see if the crossbow respawned in an area where you hacked the cameras


    @shin_kagato It is possible to regain this weapon as when 'lost' they will respawn in the game somewhere. IIRC I think @Mokong X\-C once said that it will respawn in the area you originally got it from, but at a different location.


    Off for another go.


    And, just finished that go. Got quite a lot done in a short space of time.


    Refuelled the generator after boshing Vicrim's dead head in, obtained the keycard decoder upgrade for the scanner, awesome. I am now on a mission to collect all 7 Dee letters, collected the Tower of London one today and have only 2 more to go. Did pick up hell of a lot of weaponry today.



    My 8th survivor is going well so far, but The Church looms in the distance


    You guys are the best, no really! I thought id lost it for good when my new suvivor was killed by the last one, thought the game was taunting me by giving me more bolts too lol. First thing i do when i go back on is hunt that bad boy down, being able to silently one shot Zombies is my favourite thing right now ^_^

  7. The shotgun was particularly effective against the nurse 'pad disrupter'. Three close proximity shots and it was all over for her. I had previously seen the extra scare scan on a trailer, so it didn't catch me out, wish it did though, oh well!


    Well, finished that nursery section, yey, but managed to lose 2 survivors in the process. One upon evacuation, the other later, outside. Anyway, managed to recover all my goods and some extra weaponry off a zombie player who I don't know. Does this game add zombies who are not on you're friend list.


    I was thinking the same thing last night, i met two Zombies who i assumed where neurope folks but i had never seen them before and dont recognise the names. Maybe it adds friends of friends or some such...


    I lost the suvivor who had my crossbow and shotgun last night...absolutely gutted. I didnt care about the shotgun but the crossbow was my go to weapon <sniff>

  8. cool but i'd rather have Road Rash 3D


    I LOVED Road Rash! The second game was one of my favourite racers of all time, liked how folks would side with or against you depending on your actions. Why havent they tried to revive the series? Give it to the Burnout guys lol

  9. Never had a freeze yet?


    Is it on any particular stage (I'm only in Buck Pal at the mo') or is a general freeze?!


    All my freezes where really early on in the game, before any of the palace visits but having said that ive probably jinxed myself now ^_^ I havent had it lock up on me for a good few sessions now but anticipating it is almost as scary as Zombies themselves.

  10. It seems the game just isnt for me, i enjoyed Lords of Shadow but this just feels like they jammed the 3d sprites and moves onto a 2d plane and there dosent seem to be much in the way of exploration at all. I was lucky enough to be able to convince a friend to let me have an hour on his copy and something just dosent feel right, ill probably end up buying it when it goes down in price as im planning on playing Lords of Shadow 2 and dont want to miss any of the story, still, @Captain_Falcon is right, fans of the series havent done themselves any favours and this may well be what we are stuck with going forward.

  11. I had no idea this even existed, i never really got far enough in the previous game for charms to make any real impact on my guy but since im planning on spending hundreds of hours playing id better make sure i spend some time doing this correctly. Thanks for the heads up!


    Well I've learned something new today, thanks @RedShell :) my thoughts on it? This reminds me of Section ID's on Phantasy Star Online except those were determined by what name you gave to your character but it would mean that only certain items/weapons etc would drop for you or that you'd get more of a particular item.


    Charms are important in Monster Hunter from what I have gathered but not important enough for me to even consider starting over again now that I'm around 64 hours into the game but it is something that I might take into consideration if I make another character but realistically this won't bother me that much but it is certainly an interesting topic. :D


    Yeah i remember being caught out on PSO, i was an android shooter type and my section id made it so i only ever found swords lol.


    So it seems that everyone is saying if you dont know what table to chose, to go for table 10, would everyone agree with this?

  12. So being a huge Castlevania fan and loving the old Metroid-vania style games i was really worried about this game after hearing the most recent 8-4 podcast. Is it true that the maps on some of the areas are practically straight lines? Are there major perfomance issues when only battling a couple of enemies at a time? I dont know why the gave the handheld version of the series to Mercury Steam, the previous 2d games always seemed to review and sell well...

  13. Same here, this game stresses me like no other... I was in Buck Pal last night and got to the bit with a grand stair case... a few zombie's rushed me (including a new spitting one).


    Now I was prepared; had my flare ready to throw and a molotov or two to take care of them. What happened?


    Panicked, forgot how to bloody well throw a flare (i.e. press ZL) and shoved with my flare in fresh air 4-5 times, got spat on, lost it big time and ran round in a circle until I was chomped!


    This is literally the only game this type of thing has happened to me on... I would not fare well in a Zombie Apocolypse! :shakehead


    lol i just did something similar, walking around underground with my crossbow and a zombie comes running towards me, i take aim, wait for her to get closer and fire just as she lurches and my shot goes over her head! Then im frozen trying to remember how to reload and then she was on me chomping on my head T-T

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