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Posts posted by Kagato

  1. I seem to remember during the late 90s, Nintendo bringing out their own cell phones in Japan, would have been pretty basic units but im willing to be a Nintendo branded phone (could be partnered with Asus or Samsung) would sell like hot cakes if they made some VC games available on a customised Android based system. I want no part of this Apple "Utopia" everyone keeps going on about, Android would be a much better fit for Nintendo as it was for Amazon and Google.

  2. I just finally started playing for real the other night, a friend gave away the massive spoiler about the guy you start as so its going to lose some of its effect on me now lol. Ive been playing it in stereoscopic 3D and it really adds to the game, when the storm hits the ship in the first bit of the game and the waves are crashing around as you climb the mast i genuinely had my heart thumping away as i progressed. A lot of the 3D is fairly subtle, things like the depth of field in the Aniums as its loads sequences is fun to watch but it does sting your eyes a bit each time it does that white flash between loads. Ive heard a lot of negative things about it but im still having a lot of fun, that said ive only just landed in the Americas so anything could happen between now and the end...

  3. I cant see any of the images on my work pc but im assuming the 360 controller has the thumbsticks in the "correct" positions? I found whilst playing shooters and such on the PC with a wired 360 pad that having one stick at the top left and one at the bottom right was way more comfortable for long gameplay sessions, i did a 12 hour session on Sleeping dogs during the holidays and i felt comfortable the whole time.


    Despite that its the higher capacity battery im more interested in, i have two cats so the minute you have a cable dangling from the power outlet you immediatly have two sets of eyes trying to work out how they can bite through it. Another couple of hours charge would go a long way.

  4. I love pretty much everything about the Walking Dead, the adventure game by Telltale was my favourite game of the year but this just looks plain bad. Its hard to predict how a game will come out, sometimes you get a real suprise (just look at sleeping dogs) but they seem to be just reskinning a generic shooter with a walking dead skin. The comics, the tv show and the other game all work around the premise that attacking the zombies straight on or using a gun is a fairly bad idea, playing a shooter based in that universe just seems totally against the spirit of the whole thing.


    Not to mention that our playable characters are a couple of racist brothers from the South, sure Daryl redeems himself but are we going to have to listen to Meral swearing and shouting racist slurs at asian zombies? I just dont understand who this game is being made for...

  5. Well this evening is the first time ive had a proper go at the game. I conpleted the arcade mode without being beaten. I then felt a bit confident and had a go online. Decided against a ranking match so did the other one. Ive had two matches and were destroyed on both. I didnt stand a chance. Im only a beginner!


    To be fair ive been playing Tekken since the original game came out in arcades and i still get my ass kicked online. Im the best player out of all my friends but the level of play online is way beyond what i can do.

  6. I saw that the sale was ending soon and picked it up along with Mighty Switch Force, ive got to say, its a lot of fun! The game is perfectly fine in single player and looks great visually! You can play the game on the pad screen as you would expect and the controls are perfect. I personally dont use the touch screen controls but my girlfriend does when she played it. I havent played it online and i havent played enough of it to really review it as such but for the price its a great game.


    I can see why some would think it plays like Lost Vikings but its a lot more physics based and way more fast paced. There is also a great sense of humour in the game, some of the dialogue had me thinking of Discworld and it certainly dosent take itself too seriously. It is my impression that you can play it in small bursts but i havent tested that. I personally feel that other players get in the way a bit, i play it on my own and i havent found myself being punished for doing so. Each of the characters are totally unique and using them all is required to get through each stage, one character can not do it on their own. Yep, its a platformer with puzzle elements.

  7. Is anybody else having trouble submitting the surveys at the moment?


    My girlfriend had to go through the process 3 times yesterday to register her 3DSXL, kept getting an error message. Looks like if you stick with it then it does go through eventually.

  8. I intend to be putting a lot of time into this over christmas.


    I have only played it for around 8 hours according to the activity log - and that's not unlocking / doing very much at all.


    All my time has been spent on Mario!


    Forgot about the Christmas character! If it isn't Billy Hatcher or Eggman in a santa suit / beard - I'll be fuming.




    You are not going to be pleased then, its not either of them...although i could see Sega releasing Billy at Easter

  9. I actually own the 360 and WiiU editions and i honestly didnt notice any issues with the game and usually im pretty nitpicky about things in my fighting games. Ive played it mostly in local multiplayer and in single player and i couldnt have told you the difference between the two versions without watching that video. Obviously offscreen play is a huge plus for the title and considering its a launch port, im really impressed.

  10. I actually kind of like the idea of the motion comic and rounding off with the last episode in trilogy rather than the slogging through 2 more 20 hour+ games... but I realise that makes me a bad person. :blush:


    Can't decide whether to pick this up early next year or wait after EA teased the trilogy set coming over. Maybe they were just being dicks? "Never say never"...


    This should be treated as a rumour only, but apparently Amazon Germany briefly had a pre-order up for a WiiU edition of Mass Effect trilogy, its gone now and it might have just been a misprint...but ill put my money where my mouth is right now. If that game does show up for pre-order with or without WiiU enhancements ill buy it, gives me an excuse to play through the whole thing from start to finish again.

  11. Been playong this the last few days. Excellent kart racer. Been playing multiplayer campaign mode, with gamepad and classic controller.


    I have seen plenty of frame rate issues and I seriously doubt it's "some people are just unlucky". I haven't seen much of the game in exclusively single player mode though. Perhaps it doesn't happen in singleplayer and perhaps that's why some of you have seen less of it?


    The worst offender is the Monkey ball level with the whirpool section. The area shortly before that part gets to like 10fps or something.


    Anyway, it doesn't spoil the game though and apparently these issues are there on all versions, so whatever. It is certainly more robust than the recent MK games, at least the ones after MKDS.


    That might actually be it, ive never played in local multiplayer so it might be the source of all the frame rate issues. Playing in singleplayer dosent seem to have any issues.

  12. Well...ive offically given up on playing ZombiU, its still the only game that freezes on me, Ubisoft dont have any answers and Nintendo dont seem to even know there is a problem. Its a shame because i really love the game, but the prospect of playing for an hour and losing all that progress when it inevitably locks up on me just makes it not worth my while.


    *edit* - Ah who am i trying to kid? Ill be playing this tonight no doubt, its just too good...

  13. Definitely. Two big positives for me are that items are less game changing (though they still have a huge impact - if you try one of the boost races where it's just pure driving the AI is a lot easier to beat!) and unlike almost every Mario Kart, one character doesn't keep getting the top spot. In other words it feels a bit better balanced.


    Having said that, I have noticed certain bottlenecks in the higher difficulties, where you basically get stuck in a particular position and can't progress, even if you drive perfectly, drift, hit all the boosts and trick every jump. The difficulty is also wildly uneven in World Tour. It sort of reminds me of a Rare game from back in the day in that respect; brilliantly designed and balanced in fundamentals, but uneven in the finer points.


    Another observation (and it really is that, not a criticism) is that with the tracks being more elaborate and 'realistic', and incorporating water and air, it can be tough to tell sometimes what's 'track' and what's not. There've been a few times as well that I thought this game would benefit from 3D (like in the underground water bit in Chilly Castle or the flying sections in Race of Ages). You soon get used to the chaos though and it adds a lot of excitement to discovering your favourite routes :)


    Agreed, the difficulty in world tour totally spikes randomly and then drops again, ive spent nearly 2 hours on one race and finally beat it only to find the following races super easy. I dont know if there is an easy answer for this, it seems as you unlock racers they take over the positions of the slower characters so maybe if you dont unlock anyone until the end it would make world tour easier? Sonic R actually had that problem, if you unlocked the higher tear characters too quickly it was way harder to finish the game.

  14. I noticed a few bugs playing this earlier, while playing World Tour in 2-player. Firstly when you select a mod it says the name but then reverts all variables to standard, the icons all reset. Tried multiple times with different characters and mods and every time the same thing. Next there was some weird flickering and glitching behind the main player characters on both the gamepad and TV on Roulette Road, which luckily stopped after that one race. I also noticed that on the gamepad screen a thin sliver of the image that should be the bottom appears at the top (eg on the Golden Axe track, a bright yellow line of the lava appears) - might happen in single player too, but it's the first time I've noticed it. Does anyone else see this? At first I thought it could be something the matter with my pad, but it doesn't happen in any other game or in the system menus. I think there are still a few issues to be ironed out. If anyone could check the two player mod thing I'd be grateful.


    I havent noticed any of those things but ill keep an eye out for them, could be i just didnt notice. Ill post any findings on here tonight.

  15. Well, compared to Monster Hunter the characters in DS move really clunkily and slowly. Combined with the unforgiving difficulty of the game, it turns into a friggin' nightmare to play...


    Im a bit of a convert, i felt exactly the same, really hated it for a good week or so but forced myself to keep playing because everyone i know told me that you dont know if you really like it until youve played it for at least two weeks. After that i really did start enjoying it, i think if they changed the controls and made it easier it just wouldnt be dark souls anymore, its not for everyone but i its worth giving it a try to see.

  16. They are very much a one-trick pony.


    Bored with the constant churning out of lego games.


    I found the Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Lego Batman games to be a lot of fun, i didnt really enjoy Harry Potter though and looking at Lord of the Rings i get the same vibe from that game. Some properties seem to be a better fit for the lego universe, i could totally see a lego x men or lego star trek working but for some reason fantasty stuff dosent seem to work as well.

  17. Oh yeah, I've heard they're good - albeit rather difficult! Just not for me really; and I wouldn't want to sign a petition to get the game on the system, then not buy it. If they think there's demand, release the game, then have poor sales...that will burn them and re-affirm that the wii u isn't viable.


    The games are not hard in the traditional sense, they just use a specific timing and animation priority so that when you commit to an attack you cant cancel it. You definetly get used to it, its actually not unlike Monster Hunter so if you like those games you may like Dark Souls. Everything is paced very deliberatly, some people say its bad controls or its unfairly hard but its the kind of game that you just need to take time to learn the systems and timings, a pretty big investment but one that does pay off.

  18. My favourites so far would have to be the excellent Afterburner stage, the House of the Dead and Golden Axe. all of them are excellent stages and the music totally had my blood pumping during the race, my girlfriend kept looking at me weirdly when i let out little yelps of joy lol.


    I was a bit disapointed with the Burning Rangers stage, was expecting to hear the main theme but we got that weird rap tune from the end credits instead, hearing the sky sanctuary music flow into back in time had me grinning like an idiot too.


    I hope they release a soundtrack cd for the game, some of the different takes on the original tunes are incredible.
