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THE ganondorflol

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Posts posted by THE ganondorflol

  1. Ok .


    Thank you. I was expected to have you jumping down my throat, but you are not like some other losers on this forum who seem to have a problem forgiving. Now, lets get back to the topic at hand... WW was great, and I prefer it to OOT, but TP is my favourite- i don't have reasons, its just my opinion.

  2. The Portugese mark was uncalled for, but the homophobic one was worse. Can't see anyone commenting on that though.


    I appreciate the fact that you say I talk sense The3rd


    I agree, the homophobic one was uncalled for. And I know Portugal isn't between the tropics of Capricorn or Cancer, but surely its much warmer there than here?

  3. Motion 2000: this is me apologising: I'm sorry. I was stupid. I have just noticed how annoying I was starting to become, and I loved WW. It was great. I understand your points now, and do not think I thought TP was perfect. I have finished City in the Sky, and thought it was pretty terrible. Maybe I do not understand your opinions, but I should not cuss them. You are probarbly the expert at Zelda, and I shoul not have doubted you. Please, lets pretend this never happened and try and get on... maybe even friends?

  4. The LAN adapter over the USB connector anyday. The LAN adapter gives a much better bandwidth, a more reliable connection, skips your ZoneAlarm and it doesn't require your PC to be on all of the time.


    Cheers, DCK, you have really helped mate. I can tell we will get along. Do you know where to get em though? Where did you get yours?

  5. Excuse me? You are swiftly becoming the most annoying member on this forum.


    What about motion2000? He gets the wally member' award since he joined hasn't he? Anyway, I have loads of friends... Conzer, Solitanze (may he live forever in our hearts) Fierce Link, and Jordan to name but a few...

  6. Me not making sense. Then what the hell does LMAO mean, and why is it you are the only one who uses it? I Knew how to get to the Hidden Village, just asking where th brokrn bit of a bridge was. Your hilarious, mate, and Windfall Island wasn't 'buzzing', it had a few houses, a pig and a little girl eho came out at night. And what about the rest of WW? Like dragon Roost Island. You haven't spoken a sensible ord since you played the game...

  7. In the next Zelda game, I want to be able to lead the armies of Hyrule into a final war against Ganondorf. THe battle should have an epicness on the level of the Battle of Pelennor Fields, substitute the collision of the two armies when Rohan arrive with the arrival of a grand race like the bird-people from Wind Waker.


    Didja get THe in capitals from my username?

    Also, leave Shino alone, I'm surprised you have not got banned for racism, motion. He is WELL safe. He lives in Portugal, and while us English are freezing cold here in winter, the Portugese are enjoying their sunny country, are sitting on a beach littered with palm trees or are sunbathing. Still, global warming will affect them most of all, so I'd rather stay in England.

    Also, just got to city in the sky, and I must say it doesn't look like the invitation for fun but we'll see...

  8. Apologies, 8 years, not 11.


    Stop getting your facts wrong. You exaggerate and I agree with Jordan- Ninty weren't lazy, they just couldn't. See, most people have my opinion, and when you start sying things like ''I prefer a 14 hour adventure with sea everywhere, no very much to explore and boring items (grapple hook), with the people oblivious to the 'danger' (Wind Waker) to the biggest adventure game in the world, where the people do understand the danger like the peace club in the bar'' then is the time to panic.

  9. I like to belive that that tingly shoot that you sometimes get when your on the toilet having a poo or something lives on and floats around.


    You're a stupid, stupid idiot. We're talking about something serious and you have to go and ruin it. I agree, Shorty, everything exists for a reason. Sure, the big bang may be true, but it happened for a reason. Maybe that reason was God. There is no evidence God doesn't exist, and explosions happen because something- someone triggers them.

  10. How is the cave of ordeals next to the 1st dungeon??


    And for the record the ganondorf, I don't use guides and I don't cry for help when the going gets easy...


    You seem to have ignored numerous attempts to tell you that you don't actually need to fix the Bridge of Eldin... you can just go AROUND Hyrule by going to the very northern part of the field, then heading west.


    But I want to, IMO
