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Everything posted by Kustud

  1. No you didnt.. Monkey Ball DS (the sub title escapes me..) made you sit through the credits everytime. Which was very boring.
  2. Apologies for language.. but seriously... F*** Parcel Force. I preorder 3 months ago via Gameplay to secure my Wii on launch day. Get e-mails confirming it has been despatched and even a tracking number for my parcel force 24h delivery - for it to arrive today. Checked the number at midday - out for delivery at 8:50am.... .. its 9:30pm now and no Wii. 30 minutes on hold on the phone and no news from PF on where it is. This is unbelievable. Just my luck eh. Hopefully they'll show up 2moro with some bloody good excuses. Thanks a bunch Parcel Force.
  3. I'll be pleased for you ..... once mine turns up
  4. Anyone else nearly gauged out their eyes because of the frustration of waiting for the Parcelforce van to turn up? I have to go out!!! Please deliver soon!!!
  5. 12:15 and still no Wii... ... hurry up Parcel Force. I'm going crazy sat by the window watching daytime TV
  6. YAY, Mine too. Just checked now. Cant wait for my day off work 2moro
  7. It's ok.. im sure other people with Gameplay have already seen it for themselves But thanks for the welcome.
  8. Just thought I'd finally register (after months of following this thread and forum) to say that my Gameplay order says Picked and Despatched! Of course, it wont be here till Friday - but at least its getting closer to then. And I have the day booked off work to really enjoy it... (Did have a screengrab of my order page just to show but this forum wont let me link to images until I've made 15 posts.. pff, great stuff )
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