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Posts posted by mario114

  1. The Pope quoted someone from the 13th century


    Muslims are rioting now




    I blame the news for taking the qoute out of context and showing to the whole world. What next someone qoutes stalin/hitler in a history lesson and gets called a Nazi/communist.

  2. So for a wii+second controller+zedla (the bare minimum a person could have), it was probaly come to something like £270. When shells are added, it could be around £330. Then you have to think about memory making it about £360.


    So basicaly it's going to cost me £360....better start saves up fast.

  3. I agree about the price, I mean £150 was what I was hopping for, it's not that much cheaper than a 360. If it had 2 pads and the shells, the it would ahve been a good deal, but I agree it's a bit late and a bit pricy.


    Of course I'll get one, but it will be for christmas.
