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Everything posted by monkeyDluffy

  1. Opera Wii Interview

    it will probably just us an on screen keyboard, but because of the pointing ability of the wii-mote it should be alot faster and easier to input text, rather than using the old d-pad method.
  2. Elebits!

    from some ingame vid i've seen it looks like you use the nunchuck to move around like a FPS an then grab things with the wii-mote, I might be wrong though.
  3. Elebits!

    its basically the half life 2 engine, so you grab things and throw them around in order to find all the elbits, just upgrade the textures a bit and it will look nice.
  4. The final secret?!?!?!?

    I love the idea of the Wiichannel:) They have to have a microphone built in don't they!?! not sure about the VOIP though.
  5. In my opinion another mistake by Sony

    How is this going to work? if you need to exchange your console for any reason that means that you will have to get new versions of the games you already have the other system, but as though you don't own the disk you, just own the right to play the game doesn't that mean that sony would have to replace disks for free in that situation?
  6. Opera Wii Interview

    from what I saw of the PS3 interface on a vid, it will have internet browsing. Maybe also could opera not form the basis for the Wii's online interface? With WiiConnect24 meaning the internet for Wii is always on, could the online tracking of friends etc not be done using the web browser instead of an xbox live type interface. It would also provide the ability to update users with info about new games, new demo's etc. the new everyday thing ninty were going on about.
  7. One Piece Unlimited Adventure

    http://uk.revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707682p1.html IGN's impressions above, it seems ok, sounds like a huge playing area which is good, I hope you get wind waker sailing from island to island, but with one piece huge monsters etc taking you on, that would be sweet!
  8. Wii boxart?

    looks a bit like the 360 curve on the machines side to me. On the IGN kapplin interview she says they haven't finalised any of that stuff yet.
  9. Wii Hardware Discussion

    from the pics on IGN etc the bar connects via a USB I think.
  10. Wii Sensor bar

    it's not a very thick wire anyway.
  11. Super Mario Galaxy

    IGN have one video of mario in HD and it looks amazing, link: http://uk.media.revolution.ign.com/media/748/748588/vids_1.html the top left vid!
  12. I believe we are still yet to see the final secret

    well with the havok physics engine licenced for Wii now, we should see more realistic stuff soon.
  13. Nintendo royally screw up Wii WiFi Connection

    its a very short interview, I think we need to wait for more details, also didn't nintnedo say a while back that the service would have a main page that would display new updates and news etc.
  14. Microsofts Moore recomends the Wii

    well with the Wii being so different their is lots of room for both microsoft and nintendo in the market place, the only next gen war is sony Vs microsoft. I was going to get PS3 and Wii, but with the PS3 price, 360 seems better, except the power brick which I hate, seems like 360 and Wii for me, when I get the cash:)
  15. Phoenix Wright 2 : Justice For All(DS)

    Does anyone think a Wii version would be good? was thinking about this the other day and maybe it could be downloaded via the virtual console, keep the DS graphics etc to keep it simple. Could have the first main download have 5 or so cases for £5-£10, but then for maybe £1-£2 each, have a monthly release of a new case to keep the game going for longer, I would buy it! Could maybe even turn it into a weekly thing, more like a TV show with the story gradually progressing each week.
  16. One Piece Unlimited Adventure

    I want this now!!! I'm a huge fan of one piece!
  17. Resident Evil Wii

    I hope it using the res4 engine but allow to to slash zombies with knifes!!
  18. Phoenix Wright 2 : Justice For All(DS)

    I want it now!!!!!!!
  19. Trauma Center: Second Opinion

    is their meant to be images in the first post? cause I can't seem them:( EDIT: Can see them now! Looks ssweeeeeettttt!!!!
  20. Nintendo Conference Disscussion

    didn't say anything about the online service really did they?
  21. Tennis game.

    it looks like an early ish demo for the game, their seems to be no crowd etc in the background, might just be like the DS demo's that didn't all get made, some where further developed some weren't.
  22. to me it just shows how commited they are to their "idea of gaming" or should I say "money making"! I agree with lukelee also, the general public doesn't know that nintendo did it first and sony will take advantage of that fact.
  23. Sonic wild fire for wii

    why is everyone trying to use the wii-mote in the normal controller position! I thought the wii-mote was for getting away from using two hands to play, but both tony hawk and sonic use this method, TRY THINKING SEGA!
  24. All Three Press Conferences

    can't get the stream to work and its started:(
  25. All Three Press Conferences

    anybody else having problems watching? my computer never plays videos from gamespot for some reason, anyone know why?