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About leofusion

  • Birthday 08/01/1990


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. ohhh i see thank you lol
  2. why dont the fish bite the rod! lol
  3. thank you oh and by the way it clearer says possible spoilers anyway but thanks for ur helps people i shall give it a try now
  4. ello everyone bought zelda today and havent been playin it that much i understand that i need to get a fish for the cat however its next to impossible to get a bloody fish on the hook do i need some sort of bait or is it just trial and error thanks in advance people.
  5. well as soon as my mum has finished bowling i'll report back with my findings thanks people
  6. would resyncing it work? coz i dont really wanna play the game wid out that sounds a rumble in the remote
  7. when i set up the wii it choose 60 hz
  8. i would say around two metres away? its on the top of the tv as well it didnt work as good on the bottom
  9. yah i got mine today! lol very proud!
  10. well finally got my wii today but i have notice when walkin around in red steel the white pointer things seems very laggy does anyone else get this problem and if so is there a way to fix this? thanks in advance people!
  11. does anyone know if gamestation in margate will have a midnight launch?
  12. i hope they bring one out in time for the european lauch lol oh well in the mean time i guess i'll have to make do with my orginal gamecube memory card lol thanks for the reply emasher
  13. hiya guys first time on the forums today also first time sending a message so here goes ive read somewhere that you can store you game saves and so on through ur sd stick however i was wondering in theory can you just use a usb flash disk such as an mp3 player thanks in advance people!
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