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Bullet Babba

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Posts posted by Bullet Babba

  1. Yes, i have been doing it through Windows - not Nero. But it won't let me do a full erase EITHER. So i can't even start again.


    Wait, no... i take that back. It's just let me do a full erase. Phew. But still, that's pretty crappy that Windows doesn't let you just add stuff.

  2. I keep having this same problem with cd-rw disks that i buy. I burn some songs or other data onto them (not even close to using up all the space) and then next time i try to either add files to the disk, or remove previously burned files i'm told the cd is not blank or cannot be written over. So basically i've just paid more for cd-rw disks because i prefer to be able to alter what i save onto them but they are doing the same job as cd-rs and i'm just stuck with what i put on there. I've just burned 4 songs onto this new Philip's cd-rw i got today and it's not letting me do anything else. So i'm stuck with a brand new cd-rw disk with 4 songs on it forevermore.


    BUT, to further complicate things... sometimes it does let me re-write over files and sometimes it doesn't. It can't be the disks themselves because i've had the same problem with both Asda ones and Philips.


    Can anyone help?

  3. Don't understand everybody's love of MM. I found it to be a more tedious version of OOT. It's a good game, but it doesn't feel like a full Zelda game like OOT, and WW do.


    I didn't think WW felt like a full Zelda game either. OOT is the only Zelda game i've played that's felt like a full one. But that's ok because i don't think a game like that could or should come out too often. They can't be making massive epic Zeldas every 2 years. Games like MM do for a Zelda fix!

  4. I know i'm not up to date that's why i'm asking this, but i just checked for Twilight Princess (GC) on play.com and they have it listed for release on 8th December. I take it this is the US release and the UK is still set for 15th?


    Ugh, i was getting excited too. I was going to try and get the 8th off work. That's why i need to get it right! I have to time my skiving right.
