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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. I always took The3rdChildren's name as irony, or something of the like. My own name's are just strings of random things surrounding me. I made this name just after eating beans on toast, and since my name is Tyson, it seemed to make sense to call myself TysOnToast. I think it's memorable.

  2. I would have thought it was more feasable that the start-up disc would hold all the first firmware pieces, such as the shop channel, photo channel and such and such. The development console that Matt at IGN got had no channels except the disc channel, so it would make alot of sense. It would save them development cost aswell.

  3. See, this is what's great about Smash Bros, it can be played just for laughs or seriously and still be pretty fun either way.


    But the lazy people will just have to accept that they will get whooped online.

    No, the lazy people will woop online because they have no life, the busy people will play and get wooped and not care.

  4. Revolution is the mag I read, never got into multiformat magazines, I just don't care for them. I really despise ONM, though. I think they are a bland, boring, arrogant bunch of idiots. Get rid of them now.


    I got the first one of that. It seemed a bit early to release a Wii magazine.

  5. My guesses would be:

    1. That Nintendo have taken over Tesco and you will now be able to buy your shopping from connect24.

    2. That the whole Wii console is a hoax to cover up a console that is five times more powerful then God himself and contains an entire universe.

    Or 3. That the Wii has an inbuilt juicer.

    Finally, someone says something we can all relate to.
