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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. The game isn't even finished yet, is it? There's plenty of 'polishing' time left. It's probably already one of the best looking Wii games though.


    I know it's all a matter of opinion, but when so many people disagree with you and start showing resentment, you've got to consider that may actually be a teensy bit in the wrong.

  2. Because the 1up show has ultimate judgment over everything related to games. If you didn't want games of "a decent Gamecube game" then you wouldn't want a Wii, as in many cases, the graphics are worse than the Gamecube (in my opinion at least).

  3. You guys entertain me as well.


    Right we know capcom produced the gun survior series or whatever that crap was. We know it sold very poorly. We know that on the GC RE4 sold the most. So why the fuck did capcom do it its like a suicide note in the making.


    Maybe they were thinking right we don't really want to be making a new re game. Hey wait we have the gun survior code from that project we produced, a few improvements there - oh and we reuse the re4 gc engine. Yes new games cranked out at the speed of light.


    I know its a business decision behind this but the wiimote has to be pointed at the screen to play it thus means me standing. Why the fuck should I stand to play a videogame. Not just capcoms fault but nearly everyones who is developing fo it.


    Hahaha.... Ohhh mercy.


    ZeldaFreak wears the pants here. If you don't accept his opinion, he's got plenty more words to feed.

  4. You'd have to be a pretty crazy Metal Gear fan to buy a Wii just to play as Snake in Brawl. If you're that crazy you'd definitely spend double that to play a proper Metal Gear game.

    Anyway, if the number of PS3 owners was THAT low Namco would soon port Metal Gear Solid 4 across to other platforms


    Snake being in Smash Bros is to try and grow the Metal Gear brand, nothing more


    And on that note, if Sonic is currently as unpopular as you make out then surely having him in Smash Bros would be a good idea?

    Well, what I meant is that it's extra incentive to buy a Wii, or atleast a copy of Brawl. I actually know someone buying Brawl just for Snake. And I didn't say Sonic was unpopular.

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