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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. Ooo, great idea. *looks around room for inspiration*


    iPod mode item, where the background is some bright colour and everyone does a dance to a randomly selected song from your SD card. Or you become a silhouette silhouette dancer and become invulnurable. Watch out for those hot moves.


    I really want that now.


    1st Image: look at the back of the character legs, right... polygons, and the floor texture is blury... Now Square is the queen of FMV's they wouldn't let this pass their quality standards, specially because of the polygons since in a 3D workstation they could just apply NURBS. (rounded polygons)



    I have big squared leg muscles as well.

  3. Whether the puzzle is hard or not, and regardless of how beautiful it is or isn't, as soon as the puzzle clicks and all the pieces begin to come together, you get a small high. Once you get this high, you keep coming back for more, but you can't get it from the same game over and over, you already know the puzzles by the second run. This is why we come back and continue to buy the sequels.


    It's like when you buy Coca Cola or sweets, you like the taste, so you buy more, even when you know it's bad for you. It's like a drug.

  4. I don't see why they would, as they'd lose customers to other ISP's who don't block it. Downloading is a major thing for a lot of people, and if they knew they were being restricted most wouldn't hesitate to switch. I have no idea what it could be though.

  5. Personally, I love the subconcious feeling of gratification you get from finishing a difficult puzzle. The ones the make you want to turn the arm cannon out of the screen and power beam yourself in the eye. Then there's the huge completion orgasm.

  6. Crystal Chronicles, if they get the story right, will be amazing, but last time it just seemed like a gameplay experiment.


    Anyway, there's no need to all shove your cocks in his mouth and rape the shit out of the guy. He has an ass you know.


    Oh, and he's entitled to an opinion. That too.

  7. Ooooo scary.


    If you were intelligent, you'd just ignore me.


    Back on topic, I agree Ellmeister.


    Where's the Motion2000 dildo sword when you need it?


    Back on topic, that sword would work great in the Goron area, where it seems to be a 24 hour man party. I wonder what a female Goron would look like.

  8. Finished... Now I can finally revise, unless I just end up getting Echoes out.


    I seriously had no idea Metroid Prime would look like that. At first it looked like Starfox Adventures' Andross until it's legs poppep out. I thought it'd just be a huge normal metroid (which would be delicious.) The ending was a bit dissapointing though. Fifteen hours for that? Oh well.
