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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. I was speaking with my bud, playing a bit of Smash when we brought up the prospect of missing out the awesome games that never quite made it into collections because of underhypage or because they just slipped our minds. Sadly, everytime we have this kind of conversion it slips my mind completely and I forget what I actually don't have. Pikmin 2 was one such game that slipped under my radar during the glory days of the Cube, and after playing this gem, I'm left wondering what little gems I'm missing. A better example of what kind of thing I'm looking for would be Wave Race Blue Storm, which I just bought recently. I'm looking for the kind of game you don't hear much about, weather you've personally played it or not. Any suggestions.
  2. Wii Fit

    That's the spirit!
  3. Sleeping tips

    If you could see me now I'd be smiling and nodding. Or requesting a high five.
  4. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    No, it's not from SOAD, it's from a band called something Rabbit or something.
  5. Split UK Gamers from Europe petition

    I'm pretty sure it's against EU law to do this.
  6. The new Pokemon games are shit boring. They just drag on and on and on. They should have left it at 150 and been done with it.
  7. They probably aren't being tight-lipped, they just really have no idea when they're releasing it. Seriously, they need to sort their lives out. Boy-o.
  8. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    I think they were both shite. The official ones were better.
  9. I couldn't be assed to read that. Yeah, that's pretty much all I've got.
  10. Another idea taken right out of Kirby's Air Ride. Seriously guys, you don't know what you're missing without that game, it's the bees knees.
  11. got bored, drew this

    That's AMAZING! That's made my, still very young, day.
  12. Next Week 4 Games In 1 Day.

    No offense Ashley, but you've got issues, I've never seen someone complain so much about such a straightforward job
  13. Next Week 4 Games In 1 Day.

    I'm definitely getting Nights, I don't think I'll get Zack and Wicky just to spite IGN for giving Nights a bad score because of Wii's 8-way controller flaws. The other two don't really interest me.
  14. Cautionary Measures

    Ohhh, Geoffrey night. Those were the days. I remember I joined in but spelled Geoffrey wrong and ran away from the forums. What are the chances of a Geoffrey-union anniversary thread?
  15. I don't really see the difference between reading or watching TV. I read when I'm out or on the bus and I watch TV when I'm at home. They're both essentially just a way to waste time anyway. Just because Oompa Loompa's think technology is bad doesn't mean it is.
  16. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

    This game really enters a league of it's own once you reach hard mode. I was having trouble with it first, but then it just clicked and I'm flying through it. I think after finishing Through the Fire and the Flames on medium with four attempts under my belt everything just started coming together. It feels really good to do all the hammer ons and pull offs as well, even if it is totally unnecessary.
  17. You're a wonderful man.
  18. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

    Does anyone else get the illusion of everything around you getting bigger after a playing a song staring into the screen? Like when you look into a hypno disc kind of thing and then look away? It feels really horrible.
  19. Wii, I hardly knew you!

    Funnily enough, my brother said not to leave my Wii near the window just the other day and joked that it'd be stolen. Tee hee hee.
  20. Optical Illusions

    Look at the dot in the middle for the 15 seconds then keep looking when it turns black and white and you'll see in full colour.
  21. Could you keep a secret?

    I can keep a secret, but only when I'm specifically told it's a secret. If someone tells me something as a secret in a casual way, depending on what it is I would likely tell someone.
  22. Christmas thread

    I don't know what to get people, so I'm just making a deal with everyone. I don't get them anything and they don't get me anything, just a brief hug. Apart from family of course.
  23. Since when is Pheonix Wright a Square Enix character?
  24. Sadness

    Funny to see the FOG Studio's site has made like a tree and split too.