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Posts posted by Rummy

  1. I saw in the other thread about uniqueness that some people(well, I only saw Letty and Supergrunch) have synesthesia, and I wanted to hear more about it from them! I came across it quite recently in a lecture(Psychology Undergrad) but as far as I'm aware I have yet to actually encounter someone who has it, despite the lecturer telling me it's fairly common. Anyhoo, I just wanted to hear more about it from people who have it, such as how it manifests itself in your case etc...


    (I dunno if Synesthesic is acutally a word, I made it up)


    EDIT:It is apparently synaesthetic, so anyone feel free to fix my title for me *looks at Shorty*

  2. woolies, pay rates crap, but staff discounts is great


    the console and the cable are both 10% off of each


    and the games where preorded during a special employee discount day to which entertainment goods where discounted @ 20%, sadly moronic manager didn't put my name down for a wii on that day (but he did on the games) otherwise i would have got £36 off the wii, BUT i have been assured they will do this special day again just before the PS3 launch so i should get £85 off the ps3 60gb vr bargain!


    Oh, they looked like bigger discounts than that to me, you get better in GAME :p, unless they changed it in the past year. They give 10% off consoles, 30% off games, 25% off accessories, it's at times like this I wish I still worked there :(

    Speaking of work, I'm off!

  3. the great thing about working at a retail store that sells games/consoles is that apart from the discounts (:yay::bouncy: ), i will be able to save one of the said games/console for my self without any preorders :bowdown:


    Where do you work and what are the discount rates? Those look like some pretty decent prices to me!

  4. That was a most excellent post, and I agreed with it, we are indeed arguing over nothing that needs to be argued over. I apologise, I get a bit caught up in things sometimes, but never take me too seriously, I'm not much of a serious guy :p

  5. Maybe I'm willing to take that chance, I don't know if that was supposed to be a dig at me, but I don't appreciate it either way, I don't need to do it to prove or assert anything. I know why I'm posting this, alot better than you do, so don't start making such assumptions, cos that's the sort of shit that really pisses me off.

    If you are posting now so that you can say 'I told you so' at a later point then it says a lot about your character.

    I'm not, I didn't start the topic with anything like that in mind, and I have already stated that I don't want to see it happen. It was just where the thread ended up.

    However, it doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy doing it though :P If it's such a non issue for you, why are you even bringing it up, why are you even considering it a possiblity of occurring? Why are you even bothered about what I'm posting or why, looks to me like you've got quite a passion for the issue too. What was annoying me is how everyone seems to be dismissing it so quickly, however, Flaight has made me feel better because I know now that at least one person understands where I'm coming from.

    I'm actually glad because Nintendo have taken notice by changing the instructions on their site too, rather than ignoring it. They could do with making better straps though, or at least putting the updated safety instructions in every wii(which they may do, we'll know in a week!).

  6. I went into ASDA today, realising it was the 1st of december already and I didn't have an advent calender, looks like ASDA don't have any either :(. I just wanted to eat it normally until the 8th, then I was going to devour the 9th-24th in celebration before eating my wii.

  7. Seems like alot of people have 1 keys near their 2s. Oh wait...well, you know what I mean! Given the current value of the dollar, it works out after a straight exchange of price to £50 cheaper! That's crazy, CRAZY I TELLS YA.

    As for the original poster, is the price the same in all the shops around? If it isn't, and it's cheaper elsewhere, try ranting at your store saying you were told that it was going to be cheaper than that and if it's going to be more expensive, then you'd rather have all your money refunded because it's cheaper elsewhere, and worth the wait. Sure, you may not mean it, but the shop might think they don't wanna lose the custom, and might knock the extra 10 off the price, it's a bit slim, but might be worth a shot. You do risk looking silly if you threaten it, and then they call you on it though.

  8. The Wii will turn your TV into a wormhole that will allow you to step into the game world and actually be IN THE GAME.

    (think the great cartoon that was, Captain N: The Games Master, only with a Wii instead of a NES)


    Pfft, the PS7 will be able to turn your TV into a wormhole that will allow you to stop into TIME ITSELF AND BE IN THE TIMESPACE CONTINUUM WITH BILL AND TED. Wii sucks.


    I think Iwata will probably send out a note to everyone's Wii note board saying thank you personally. That's the kinda guy he is.

    I won't believe it until he comes to my front door and thanks me personally! Don't tell me its impossible to do that for everyone in one night, Santa manages!

  9. My original plan was to wake up real early, wash myself, get ready for uni, go down to the shop asap and possibly dragging my mum or dad(they get points for using their credit cards, I use a debit card though) to the store with me to buy it(with TP + extra full wiimote), then go home, calmly laying the box down in my room, then going to uni at 10. Spend all day thinking about wii, wobbling my leg, walking at increased pace due to excitement, potentially running everywhere that day. I had a class that day which I cannot skip.


    My new plan, seeing as I am going to the class tomorrow instead, is to wake up real early, wash myself, get ready for wii, go down to the shop asap and possibly dragging my mum or dad(they get points for using their credit cards, I use a debit card though) to the store with me to buy it(with TP + extra full wiimote), then go home, rip the bag off it, plonk the box on the floor in my big sitting room, opening it as hastily as I can whilst not damaging it, and proceeding to cream my pants, then set it up with the TV, reading the instruction manual no matter how much I don't want to. I'm skipping the lectures of uni for that day, screw uni! I'd possibly run home from the shop in each instance, but I feel it'd be real immature and mean of a 19 year old to run away from his parents in order to get home and play his shiny new game. Once I have it all set up, I am going to call my mum or dad over, whoever is available, hand them the wiimote(well, strap it on securely actually), and get them to share the christening of my Wii. I'd rather it be my dad, for trying to play our SNES when I was 8, but not quite comprehending jumping, and dying at the most basic part of SMB2(i.e the first shyguy), its a distinct memory that sticks with me, and I really appreciate now for some weird reason.


    I dont know. I'm in a sticky situation. As Nintendo like to screw me over, i thought this time was ok, but no, up pops a mock Maths exam on the 8th!

    Ninty screwed you over?! Blame the SYSTEM maaan! Them and their edumacations, those killjoys.

    In all seriousness, my advice would actually be to not skip the day, even if it is just a mock, what level of maths is it at?


    you might have to camp out for hours , and maybe outside (dont forget a blanket)so .. call up stores WAY ahead of time and ask them if a line has formed yet... if so get there now...

    usually the new consoles come out at 12:01 midnight (the first minutes of launch day there all gone) which mean camp out and line waiting take place the day before ....


    just makin sure everyone knows this , cus i almost missed my chance ....

    every where here , if you werent waiting in line since the previous day (for about 8 hours ) then you were to late....


    I don't think things are quite as extreme as that over here in the UK(although there was a hefty line at the midnight launch of Harry Potter when it came out! I went along because I'd just been at work then to the pub, and had to pass on my way home, honest.) I also thinks theres alot more supply for the demand we have(theres less people over here, and more consoles per person)

  10. Wasn't it an ERP over here though, and not a RRP? That might have something to do with an unexpected price rise, which I was hoping wouldn't happen.

    However, the explanation of your post confused me, and it may possibly be a mistake on the stores part, definitely check it and ask them whats going on.

  11. I don't know why, but I feel like it is going to keep happening, but I like I said, I'm just gonna wait and see. I don't want it to happen, but I think it will, if it doesn't, then I'm not bothered, if it does, I'm gonna be right there saying 'I told you so'. The site is pretty funny;


    2. Hold the Wii Remote firmly and do not let go. Even while wearing the wrist strap, make sure you don't let go of the Wii Remote during game play and do not use excessive motion. For example, in Wii Sports bowling, the proper way to let go of the ball while bowling is to release the "B" button on the Wii Remote—DO NOT LET GO OF THE Wii REMOTE ITSELF. If you are having so much fun that you start perspiring, take a moment to dry your hands. If you use excessive motion and let go of the Wii Remote, the wrist strap may break and you could lose control of the Wii Remote. This could injure people nearby or cause damage to other objects.

  12. hmmm, Im not sure i like that way, it would require you to be able to work out distance from a IR signal. the time thing is right, but how do you work out time, a pulsed signal (too short time interval between pulse will cause larger angles and further distances to be wrong, too long a time causes lag between motion)(though if i worked it out im sure theres probably a large band of suitable frequencies). from a constant source you cannot work out a distance, unless your measuring the aplitude shift between the two signals (in phase=directly infront of the bar) however that messes up when you in a position that has a full wavelength difference between signals (think 2 slit interference)


    It depends on how good the sensor in the wiimote is, the preferable way is to treat the "sensor" bar as two fixed points, a known separation. knowing the position of the two two points (from the wiimotes reference frame), will allow you to track where you're pointing the wiimote in relation to the bar accurately. the distance apart the two sources are will give you a measure of distance/angle (perspective, further apart=closer or more perpendicular angle). The position of the fixed points, it can also give a value for tilt, if the points are at an angle, then the wiimote must be, as the bar is fixed. however that all requires an a fairly decently sensitive IR camera, which by the look of IR signal from the wiimote (they were posted somewhere, it does).


    Anyway the IR part is used for accurate pointing, rather than guageing distance, so if anyone knows exactly how it works feel free to share it with us.


    The most accurate and useful bar would be a 3 point triangle, with that you could guage pretty much any pointing angle to the bar very accurately, and position relative to the bar (angle and distance).


    Does time actually come into play at all? I thought it might, then I thought it wouldn't. With angles and the synching, is there any real need to bring time into things?

  13. Call it a wiibar, then launch a confectionary product based on it!

    As for the original question, I was thinking that if you sat to one side then one IR beam would be travelling further than the other, even if it was pointed at the sensor and so it'd assume you and the wii mote are pointing further to the side you are on. It depends how good the wiimote is at measuring the angles of light, as there is no time delay on the beams so erm...As I post this, it makes less sense actually and I've forgotten what I was saying...sorry...

  14. All right, clearly I have a low view of my parents and this will never ever occur to any of you at any point at all. Mods, please make sure this thread doesn't get deleted(I doubt old threads get deleted) so I can have it for reference in the event it DOES happen to someone who posted in here, so I can promptly point and laugh, alot. Accidents happen, although apparently not to anybody who posts on here. I don't want to hear an excuses if the time comes either, like 'Yeah, but I didn't know the controller was glossed! I thought it was mat!' or 'Well, it was actually my dad who did it, not me'. I give up, for now, I just wait. I'm clearly the only one here, with the exception possibly of Nintendork, who considers this to be a possibility of occuring in my home.

  15. Yeah, you're confident in YOUR ability to hold a controller, are you confident that someone who isn't a gamer, like your parents(forgive me if they are, and ignore this) would think about this? It's not even something they'll have considered happening, and I think it's more likely to occur with non gamers caught in the moment.

  16. So I did some further reading about the test on Wikipedia, and it said that its been criticised for being subject to the Forer effect(wikipedia that). Basically, its the sort of thing that causes horoscopes to work, it gives a vague general outline that is supposedly specififcally tailored to you and so you believe it's quite accurate. Go ahead and test it, try answering the questionnaire a little, or even completely(less likely to be true in this instance) differently. I got 3 different personality types, and all seemed to be true to me :(

  17. I love how the internet can make people accountable for shit like this.

    Who needs trading standards.. make a website, get a few million hits and get a settlement from Nintendo's lawyers to take down the site.

    By people, do you mean people as in regular people/gamers, or Nintendo?


    In the eyes of statistics, if it occurs at more than 5% or 10% of the time, it's a significant problem, and needs to be addressed. Even so, I expect better of Nintendo that they would address this issue even if it only happened to 10 wiis.

    The problem I have here, with all these 'but u mus be lyk well retarded innit if u cannot 'old onto a wiimote lyk' type posts, is that I feel as if this is aimed towards gamers. You have to understand, alot of non gamers will be playing this system, and I think it's those people who will lose grip of wiimotes. These people are probably going to be overwhelmed with excitement at the wii and how fun it is, and I know that sounds exxaggerated, but I honestly believe it. I can see it happening with my mum or my dad if they played, and I'm sure some of you out there can imagine it happening with your parents too.


    A major flaw?


    Read the words that you are typing!

    Relative to the wii's other faults, in fact, not even relative, it's still quite a big deal if people are losing TVs due to the wii. It's not an isolated incident. Do all of you honestly think this is not a problem?!


    P.S I must agree with FL, tit is a great word.
