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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GB, GBC, N64, Cube, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    Megadrive, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Elite, OOT, Chronotrigger
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  1. Does the Pal version have the Target Mountain, or is that a US only special?
  2. Woolies have put the price back up to about £32.99. However... (from moneysavingxpert.com) "20% off Woolworths - Click 'n' print an online voucher You can get up to 20% off in store at Woolworths just by clicking and printing this Woolies voucher (we have express permission from Woolworths to share this voucher you). It will entitle you to 10% off music, DVD's games hardware (including consoles!) and software, mobile and accessories, electricals, electronic instruments and sat navs and 20% off everything else in store including books. Just print out your voucher and use it in store before Sunday 30 November. Woolworths is in trouble financially, and in talks for the whole chain to be sold for £1. Yet this isn’t a worry if you’re in store, buying and immediately taking things away. The only possible negative is if the good has a fault, in the event Woolworths isn’t rescued and were to go kaput, you wouldn’t be able to take it back. Yet for things like CDs, books, games etc its not usually an issue. For bigger purchases (e.g. games consoles) use free Section 75 Consumer Protection." I'd include the url, but haven't posted enough. Anyway, makes the game about £26.50
  3. Just under £30 in Woolies. Seems like a lot of fun so far. I hope the unjustified hate campaign won't kill it. Play it with an open mind, and remember it is totally different to GH/RB. And from anything else I have ever played, for that matter. As someone pointed out elsewhere, for those you don't have to have the sound turned on to play the game (but it helps!), but for Wii Music you don't need the screen on. It really is a "music" game, not Simon with plastic instruments. PS I have GH3 as well, and it's not really grabbed me yet.First Boss battle on easy, and I got trashed even after scoring 85%+ on the three songs in the set list.
  4. Brighter infra red LEDs and a wider separation, perhaps. I don't know how it works, but I will look out for reviews of it and similar ones. I wondered about having a pair of sucker attached ones to stick onto the side of the TV. The chairs are about 15 feet from the TV, and the only solution now is to put the sensor on a table half-way across the room, and set the position to being below the screen. A bit of a pain, and a tripping hazard, as my wife can attest! Cheers Mike
  5. No, I do not work for them! I work at IBM (and have no access to processor specs), and think this is very interesting as a solution to a problem I and many others may have, and am pleased to note it can be done, as it has been my only real niggle with the Wii so far. I'm sure there will be more than one alternative sensor bar, and those may be more aesthetically pleasing - hadn't seen the pictures - thanks for the heads up that it is ugly. The wireless function is irrelevant to me. I would rather take the power from the Wii, and save on batteries Cheers Mike
  6. For the ultimate in convenience and performance, Nyko’s Wireless Sensor Bar provides a neat, obstacle-free gaming environment. With the Wireless Sensor Bar, Wii gamers can play up to 25 feet away from their television with no wires or cords. The Wireless Sensor Bar can be placed anywhere the consumer wishes, making it ideal for wall-mounted televisions and projectors. The product features up to 30 hours of battery life on four AA batteries (included), and also includes an optional built-in battery saving function which emits an audible alarm when the Wireless Sensor Bar has been left idle for a user-determined amount of time. The Wireless Sensor Bar for the Nintendo Wii will has a suggested retail price of $19.99. Great for me, as the default sensor bar is just too weak for the signal to reach across our lounge to the sofa. Cheers Mike
  7. Ask if they have any plans for a conversion, please? Thanks Mike
  8. Since I seem to have accrued close to 7000 of the things and am yet to find anything worth using them on! Cheers Mike
  9. Taking the Wii Wii are the world Wii shall fight them on the beaches The posibilities for marketing slogans are scary! Mike
  10. I still have my N64 and all the games, and would gladly pay £30-40 to be able to play them through the Revolutions's virtual console, rather than buy them again. There was a survey asking about such a device run by Nintendo in the US (Gamecube related, then) last year , so I wonder if such a device is in the works? Maybe that is what was behind the cover that wasn't opened at E3? Cheers Mike PS, and I suppose, it could also be a reader for NES, SNES, Megadrive...
  11. Aprat from the names and the specs, this reads like it could have been written today. http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/fac/peabody/game-book/Chapter7.html Cheers Mike
  12. Nintendo could link the revolution controllers to a few Xbox's in the workshop, then set up a small clan/team to take the online world by storm, proving the worth of the controller by trashing all comers every time. Film and run as an advert. And smile. Cheers Mike
  13. But do we need new FPS's to prove the value of the new controller, when there will be so much more to get out of the existing 'cube ones, running on the "Revolution". Coming from a PC gaming background I still find the controller a pain for Timesplitters et al., but I think it would be like playing new games running them with the new controller. And of course the same should be true for Waverace/Rogue Squadron/Pilotwings... And once the developer's see how much fun we are having with the "old" games, the opportunity will be obvious and they will follow. Cheers Mike
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