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the savage

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About the savage

  • Birthday 10/03/1991


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. splinter cell chaos theory, it has alot of story but not to much...
  2. allright in this thread were having a conversation, but with pictures kind of like a story. heres an example i post a football and in tom's reply he posts a football being kicked alright ill start off
  3. true although it is still ouselling the gc, and its older.
  4. o come on like the ps2 didn't own the gc in the last gen. anyways lets not let this get offtopic
  5. who's exited about this game? i personally think that the "choice" piece of the game will make this a title to never beforgotton. making choices that effect the entire game is in a way revolutionary since it makes a story line that may differ slightly from one person to another. any comments or predictions would be appreciated.
  6. google search engin, i wanted to find a european forum. so i searched for european forum and i scrolled down and this looked intresting. so here i am.
  7. oh the irony, i was trying to find a playstation forum, i just found out that this is totally and utterly nintendo. i've even vowed to never again buy a nintendo system since the gamecube. well i guess ill stick around and post in the chit chat and other consoles sections.
  8. well i do not know why your not allowed to post url's but heres my hypothesis. in the past people came here to advertise for a forum and thats it. to help slow that down the "crew" decided to make it so there could be no more hyperlinks in posts until you have made fifteen posts.
  9. are those screenshots from the wii? the graphics arent astounding, not even ps2 worthy.
  10. Wow thats a bit disturbing i must admit. Yeah, im having trouble getting loose and enjoying myself. by the way i totally agree about the whole to many sections things, also the skin is hidious there.
  11. the site is cheatcc.com, just go to the home page and click on the link to the message board from there. im the savage there
  12. well you asked for it, its a bit dead right now. It usually picks up in activity in november when it get cold. heres the message board wait i cant leave links until i have have fifteen posts, hold on for a few minutes
  13. give me a second while i resize my signature, tea as long as its not sweet tea...(for anyone not in the south of the united states sweet tea is tea thast well super sweet... and sickening)
  14. whats the size limit if you don't mind me asking?
  15. well, would that be due to spamming/flaming or the fact that this kind of thread is frowned upon?
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