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Everything posted by Spect8re

  1. Yeah, but even if we do get a release date its more likely than not to be a crappy US one. Looking forward to new news though WOOT!!
  2. according to jeux-france, the conference isn't due to start for another few hours, so i'm off later
  3. do you think they've got the entire nintendo team there to introduce....
  4. all i want is at least one, just one new screen from twilight princess, sod all the rest.
  5. i'm starting to weigh up some options, Wii news/sleep deprevation hmmm dificult one
  6. gah, it's 2.37am here and ive got to be up for work at 7.00.am please god make it happe now.
  7. god, some wars have happened quicker than this
  8. can't anyone just let tell us if anything is announced?
  9. lets hope we get to see some new footage from new games
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