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Everything posted by Mr_Aonuma

  1. i havn't even preorderd this game anywhere at all, i hope i get it. i hope my GAME shop has plenty.
  2. my friend wants to trade TP for galaxy... if he dose, galaxy will only cost him £14:99 do you think its worth it? i think so.
  3. tesco.... i think it is £29.97.imnot really sure. hmv... £35.99 i think lol Gamae....£39.99 I got mine just an hour ago in Game. so far its pretty good.
  4. yeah its pretty cool i guess. Wouldnt want zelda to look like that though.
  5. I think if you go back and look at some OOT or MM beta vids you might find some surprises. There are things in those vids that have only made it more recently to zelda games. That might be some kinda indication as to what we might expect in a future Zelda game. The grass weed thing in TP, well that was in OOT first it seems,and then they must have cut it.
  6. yeah i agree. Zelda isnt really about story telling. they pick a theme or gameplay mechanic and them build a story around it. Thats how they have always done it.
  7. i dont really mind. we never really heard or seen anything about it. i dont know how ambitious it might have been. oh well
  8. oh i see. so more of a story driven adventure? I think Tps story was ok. i mean ok its no MGS in terms of story telling but its still quite good. you see, i think we both wanted that kinda war thing. But how dose that fair to gameplay? I mean then it would be a war theme, and there is no real theme to war. ya know? its just war. Or not maybe you justed wanted that as part of the story? well yeah ok. I liked the theme of Wind and sea. i loved WW. and i loved Time travel in OOT and MM. Tp theme...? well there is a bunch of stuff in there.( the wolf mechanic is not the overall theme bty.) thats how they do it i think. they pick a theme and a gameplay mechanic to match it and build the storyline around it.
  9. Well again thats a story based concept. THere was nothing wrong with Tps story. It was very mature and well thought of. Only... its pacing i felt, was off. The second wact was too short and the first was too long. But yea, from the early trailers, i also thought it was gona be this huge war and link had been chucked right into the middle of it. But anyways this is about a zelda Reboot.Revamping the series. what Would you like to see in a future Zelda game? Do you think the Zelda formula is still working? Do you want a change...Dramatic or not?
  10. i havnt played oblivion.. but dosnt that game feature a systen like that? land and water?
  11. thats the thing though, i never got browned off at the Wind mechanic. It seems alot of people did. hmmm. I didnt tire of Tp in terms of traveling. I just felt Riding across fields didnt have the same emotional impact as to sailing an open ocean. I would stop the boat and just watch the sea or watch people in on islands doing their everyday thing. In Tp, you stop the horse..and thats it. Ofcource these arnt gameplay features its just something i enjoyed doing from a more personal prespective. I cant compare that to Tp. its not fair. But i love little suttle moments like that. ima sucker for em.
  12. yeah it is a love/hate thing. I just enjoyed WW more. Its really whatever your into. i prefer the sailing and the whole wind mechanic over the twilight realm and wolf stuff. and i prefer WW' graphics also. much more expressive. The world looks like a cartoon but its very much alive and full of expression. The presentaion of WW just got me. i loved it from the start.
  13. yeah. but i liek a well rounded game. everything is just running right and it all feel s appart of the whole setting. maybe it was the twilight realm i didnt like or the wolf mechanic. it just didnt feel WHOLE to me. and paced right. yeah i did enjoy riding across hyrule though. The world wasnt believeible enough for me.I had a hard time believing that this was an actual place and time.
  14. I really dont know what it is to be honnest. I just feel as though its too epic. or too much like OOT. and the pacing is well off man in terms of storying telling. but tahts a whole other box of frogs. its a really great game. but for me. and i stand by this, its not a great zelda game.
  15. oh yeah i wont agrue that one! yeah Tp fight system was much much better, and yeah the level design was great. but i still cant help but feel thats its still not ZELDA-ISH enough.
  16. that makes no sence man lol.
  17. well yeah thats your opinion. Still not enough for me though to agree. Going from point A-B in zelda has always been a very free roam feauture. its your time. in Tp.. its very dull. and the pacing is just totally off. you can Go from point A-B in TP in no time, which yes, ok thats great! But i was never in a hurry to beat a zelda game. i always found things to do on the way from Point a-b. but not in Tp. there was nothing there. Ok sure the great sea, there wasnt much either... the odd rubby or two along the way but the overall feeling of adventure to get from point a-b was so much better in WW. I actualy felt INVOLVED. But felt almost rejected in Tp. It was constrained.
  18. oh yeah yeah i know! everyone is like entitled to his/ her own opinion. like i said the game is good. i just dont understand what this game has that WW or OOT didnt. which IMO are much better games.
  19. naw it wasnt that bad lol. sure it has the same old zelda formula. but its not shite. but its not great either.
  20. when you look at all of the innovations that have had and impact on the gameplay thats been possible with zelda, its all because of the interface. From the N64 to DS we have see alota coll stuff. I dont wana mention Wii yet... i mean TP isnt the Wii Zelda. Even though it can utilise the Wiimote. It could be anyones guess as to what they will do with it for Wii.
  21. dont get me wrong Tp is a good game. Its a fun game n all. its just not a good zelda game. yeah exactly, over the last 6 months everyone has been talking about it. what we do/dont like about tp. i have my own reasons also. For me...its just not zelda. I think its prehaps TOO epic. In a sence thats its TOO epic for zelda. Its Touch 'N' Go through the whole game to be honnest. You cant catch your breath. One moment its too slow and the next your off on your horse getting to the next temple or whatever. There is no pause. And in terms of story... its as though they skiped the 2nd act...and everyone knows the second act is always slower than the first act of a story. But in this game thats not the case. The start of the game was the slowest in terms of story telling and the end was much too fast. The pacing is off. To be honnest, its as thougth this time round it was ''story first and game play second''. we know thats never the case with zelda but it very much feels that way.
  22. oh yeah haha. oops. i think i meant... '' naw im pretty sure....''
  23. The series needs something new. I dont have any complaints about any of the zedas really. its just Tp wasnt all that great. and if even the big guy himself says its needs changing, then i guess it dose. I for one, didnt feel any connection at all with TP. I felt obligated to complete the adventure.
  24. the series needs a change. I am not complaining or anything. But i think its getting kinda dull now. ok sure TP was nice but not amazing. I totally disagree with anyone who says its the best in the series. I would love to know why they say this. Yeah the story was very nice, something i didnt expect from a zelda game.It felt like a matured setting. but the overall game felt very bleak to me.
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