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Everything posted by Mr_Aonuma

  1. dante ur a saint!! thnx the green arears, is that the completed field? or just a section? wow the overworld is big!.
  2. hey, can anyone put up links to the overworld map of TP? im dieing to now how big it is compared to OOT. dante do you have a few? thnx
  3. oh i thought that vid was old. i seen that hours ago i think.
  4. oh i see. i dont know anything about video display lol. ive been using my portable tv in my room since GCN lol. its all i need, i dont need anything more. but id love too see what Wii would look like on a higher rez screen like a pc monitor or something. im curious.
  5. naw, dont go out and buy a HDTV just for zelda. Wii isnt HD remember. it would be a waste of money. well u have a X360 i gues its ok then. hey um, i was wondering about something... my 32 inch tv is beat right, and i cant play Wii on it, and i dont wana play Wii on my 15 inc in my room... i do have a spare pc monitor. How do i hook it up to my Wii? can it be done?
  6. Dante, dude,, if ur looking at these (just as i have done) and i wish u wudnt man, ur ruining this game for urself. just as i am. thats it. i swear no more spoliers for me.
  7. oh damn u lucky S.O.B lol. yeah just 10 days for you. oh well. i hate waiting but i know it will be worth it tho. anyways, i have this really crap tv in my bedroom, and i dont wana play TP on it cuz ill get like a latter box format. and the old 32 inc down stairs is... beat. the images are being streched across the boundries of the frame, i dont know why. when i played my gcn on it, game HUB's were completey gone. Mp was almost impossible to play. and WW. guess im screwed.
  8. oh wow looks great. i jus hate the fact that we have to wait another 4 weeks.
  9. my Wii was £180. no more. im hoping that in GAME tp will be £40 thast £220 for the lot, not bad.
  10. 3 new vids of battling on horse back with wiimote. they look new to me anyway.
  11. 3 new zelda vids (wii expierence) on wii.com. http://us.wii.com/soft_loz_tp.jsp
  12. £49:99 for TP in HMV? (thought hey told me on the phone it would be £32:99) wow thats a bit much. only £39:99 in GAME i think. i got my Wii in HMV.. but i think ill pop down stairs to GAME to get zelda.
  13. lol yea. i also sold all my 64 games, only one i kept was OOt. i cant seel that. i know now its just a piece of plastic, with the 64 its not much use, but i really loved that game so i had to hold onto it. i cudnt let that go lol.
  14. i sold my gc,64,ds to make up for all the money i needed for the wii and the games, i dont regert tho.
  15. ohh damn so i did, lol sorry:weep: well 3 new screens tho.
  16. 3 new Tp screens. http://gonintendo.com/?p=8144#comments spoilers.. i guess for some.
  17. im hyped also, but im not curently playing and zelda, any games for that matter. im too busy >< wish i had more time. just 4 more weeks now... it wont be long.
  18. im not saying there wont be a birds eye view point. but uve missunderstood me. we have always had a 3rd person view point ( 3d zelda) in temples and such. Nintendo had made a choice, too scarp 3rd person view poit, and stick only with birds eye view. if it came to opening a door or doing swords fights the camera would swoop down and centre in 3rd person form. this has all come from nintend's mouth, not mine. im sorry that i cant provide a link, ive been trying all day to get it. but anywho.. it looks as tho they have left that idea now.
  19. hmm no i don think it was a romr(excuse my spelling>< ) it was stated by nintendo, im having a hard time trying to find a source. IGN should have it tho. If im not mistaken, it was either Aonuma or miyamoto in a roundtable discussion at E3 04 that stated it. They were going for a more mature theme, so they decided to switch the camera style. (actualy you can even see this gameplay element in very early screens of TP)
  20. well it looks as tho they dumped that element. everyting ive seen (temple related) there hasnt once been a birds-eye view point. Also, i gues it wouldnt really work now that we have this new type of control with the Wii remote. it im guesing trying to play it on Wii with a birds-eye view point would be very difficult. actualy, now when i think about it, all the footage ive seen for the GCN version dosnt seem to have the birds eye-view point either...
  21. hey im just remembering something right now... um correct me if im wrong but, didnt nintendo say that in Tp ( zelda e3 04) that they were switching from 3rd person view-point in temples to a birds-eye view? i dunno, but thats what ive been just reading in my old issue of ONM from way back in 2004.
  22. wait a moment... download different types of content for Tp? i must have missed this. i dont really care for any of it anyways. maybe you guys will though. For me, playing Tp as it should be played is fine, sure new contect lik larger levels or new weapons would be fun but i guess its just not for me.
  23. well yea ok cold i guess thats also correct. i should have made my question more clear tho sorry >< but not the answer im looking for. i gues i should have said, what is the type or tech-term of the wii remote's wireless technology. sorry.
  24. ill has a quick question myself if you dont mind. im bored... what is the type or tech-term of the wii remote's motion sencor technology?
  25. i dont really mind what kind box colour i get. gold would be really great, but it dosnt matter either way. ( dose anyone know how long it takes to cross OOt field on horse?)
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