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Everything posted by Mr_Odwin

  1. Adventure Time

    My kids watch it all the time. It's their favourite show by far. It is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
  2. What Have You Bought?

    Thank you for letting me know about this. Purchased also.
  3. Weight Loss & Fitness 2012

    This BMR Calculator tells you the amount of calories you'd burn if you just stayed in bed all day. So it's kinda like @Raining_again's minus the exercise. Last night I went out running with a guy that I thought was going to be rubbish. He was amazing and didn't even know it. We basically started out at a sprint (for me), and then at the end of 3.1 miles (tracked it on my phone) he said "Oh I thought that was just about 2 miles, I've done that in 17 minutes before." I was so annoyed.
  4. Eggs

    Er guys, you're doing eggy bread wrong. Lashings of ketchup is where it is at.
  5. Eggs

  6. Eggs

    They're just icky. I know eating dead animal flesh should be worse, maybe. But eggs are goopy stuff that are part of a chicken sex butt process thing. I like eggs but only when I can manage to not think about what I'm eating.
  7. Scams

    The last time I dealt with a scam call (a virus is on your computer blah blah) I told them that what they were doing was morally reprehensible and that they were trying to steal from me. I felt a little guilty though as she had a thick Indian accent and my situation in life is likely to be much nicer.
  8. I went to a lot of weddings around that age. I'm 33 and am now all my friends are announcing the birth of their 3rd or 4th child.
  9. Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?

    I don't really know about it.
  10. Better than not good now and never will be (that's you!). :p
  11. The youngest team (as in average age) in the premiership is stale? We have some awesome seasons ahead of us. We've just this season rebuilt. The future is bright, the future is Odwinica.
  12. Letterbox

    Just too many letters actually. I felt like I had to read them all. And it would really annoy me when I'd do a sync/download/whatever and it wouldn't download all the letters in a thread. Multiple sync things to get all the letters was annoying. And it trivialised the notification flash (I know I can turn it off) - it was flashing like ALL THE TIME.
  13. Semi-decent budget android?

    Similar to Shorty, more expensive but ... I was looking at this for my Dad's birthday present. http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007N1JTEM/ref=asc_df_B007N1JTEM8681965?smid=A2NQMYP32Q5S5Y&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22218&creativeASIN=B007N1JTEM&fb_source=message
  14. Letterbox

    Sorry dude, I removed letterbox from my 3ds.
  15. Tennis Thread

    I agree that it is unfair, but for people some that I know that's how they think about Murray. A bad first impression that's lasted.
  16. Tennis Thread

    When Murray says stuff like I'll be supporting anyone but England. (Murray sarcastically responding to columnist Des Kelly who teased Murray about Scotland's absence from the 2006 World Cup. (06/06/06)) We Scots have a fierce pride in the things we do that others can never appreciate. I am the British No. 1, but I would prefer to be the British No. 1 from Scotland every time. (Speaking with The Times. (16/03/06)) it might irritate English people. It's the above stuff that meant most of my family was rooting for Federer on Sunday. (Yeah the comments are from a long time ago but it's when public opinion on him was being generated.)
  17. bad stuff thread.

    My tax code is 810L too. It's the right code for a normal person. You get £8100 tax free per year.
  18. Weight Loss & Fitness 2012

    I think this is the workout you need.
  19. bad stuff thread.

    Gutted for you. :-(
  20. Weight Loss & Fitness 2012

    Just got a new 5k PB (23:53)! *Fist pump* *Butt shake* *Points at everyone* *Dances out of the thread*
  21. It's raining pretty heavy where I live.

    My nephew posted this image from Iceland (the shop) in Alnwick. My FB feed last night was going mental as I have a lot of friends/family in the North-East.
  22. Dexter

    I think it's good. Anything over five seasons is usually drivel for most shows. Better to leave great memories than to fade into cack.
  23. When bronies go too far

    Stay away if you are innocent in any way. 4chan can only corrupt.