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Everything posted by Minihobbsch

  1. Post your random pointless fact here

    I suppose so. But if you are from below that year you can mention that my fact is false if you want to. No one knows the origins of their metal coat hangers. also It is impossible to describe the smell of a wet cat.
  2. Difficult question...

    Thank you. Sorry if I didn't mention this in my previous post, but I meant to say that a possible job as humans on Earth, would be "Stewards" to the Earth. So we would have to protect it for future generations, I got this theory from my Philosophy and Ethics class some time ago (listening does have it'a advantages).
  3. Low memory...

    I will remember what I need to get, as I have no money . I have to wait until I got back to school in september to get it.
  4. Post your random pointless fact here

    RSPCA ftw! Everyone who grew up in the 80's has entered the digits 55378008 in to a calculator - then turned the figures upside down.
  5. Official Neighbours Topic

    I occasionally watch the odd episode of Neighbours, I rather enjoy it.
  6. Low memory...

    I have to admit I do most things about a PC, but the stuff on the inside is just too technical for me. So, how would I know what RAM goes with my PC? P.S. Thank you all those that have helped me so far.
  7. I am also a photoshop owner/user, and I know that it is hard to create objects with detail. So well done Mizuti, you have the congrats from me. I have had photoshop for a long time (about a couple of months), and I decided to create some wallpapers. This is just one of my many wallpapers...
  8. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    Looks a little retro to be fair, but it's all good. 7/10
  9. Low memory...

    Could you suggest anywhere?
  10. Coke Zero

    That would kind of be the same for me, except I throw up when I drink fizzy.
  11. Coke Zero

    I think that they just take away a couple of spoonfuls of sugar for the Coke Zero. Plus, I do not drink fizzy drinks.
  12. Post your random pointless fact here

    It requires 63 feet of wire to make a Slinky toy.
  13. Post your random pointless fact here

    In 1845, inventor Thomas Adams started the world's first chewing gum factory.
  14. Post your random pointless fact here

    The first couple in bed on tv were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
  15. Low memory...

    I did that. That's how I can tell.
  16. Post your random pointless fact here

    This one is deep...think about the cultural impact this could have: NO WAR HAS BEEN FOUGHT WHERE BOTH COUNTRIES HAD A McDonalds.
  17. Super Smash Bros Melee

    I can remember playing this when I had my old Gamecube, ah...the good old days.
  18. Post your random pointless fact here

    The letters in the abbreviation e.g. stand for exempli gratia - a Latin term meaning "for example."
  19. Post your random pointless fact here

    203 million dollars is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.
  20. What are YOU getting at launch?

    I might be looking at these games:- Zelda Red Steel Wii Sports Super Monkey Ball (if it's out)
  21. My Vlogs (25/Aug/06 - A Vlog Trilogy)

    That video is so funny, the headstand was classic.
  22. Tutorials and Help

    You can look here here, or try this useful website. Would this help you?
  23. Post your desktop (56k time to Panic!)

    I didn't know what wallpaper I wanted, so I just stuck a Naruto one on. http://img86.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktoprs2.gif
  24. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    I like it Retro-Lover, it shows of the style and theme of your username. 8/10
  25. Wii WindowBlinds Skins

    That looks proper sweet, especially the blackness.