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Posts posted by Shyguy

  1. First impression from me is: AMAZING, i dont know how all of you can whine at the gfx, it looks beautiful. im sick of all these tacky looking games where they use screen glow to cover up the mess


    neways less on the gfx part cause thats not what makes this game amazing :D


    the controls are amazing, yea i was a little confused with A being shoot as well, will change asap so i can get used to the B shoot :D


    as for the targeting, i dont really use it myself, apart from on the berserker thing so i can strafe ^_^


    if you havent yet got this game, i suggest you go buy it

  2. Well you cant expect (after 2 generations of defending nintendo) people now bragging at how well Nintendo are now doing, give us a break man, all those saying the GC was shit and only had kiddy games, now its time for us to fight back.


    What can u expect from Nintendo, we already have a shitloads of classic games out for the Wii and more to come, the console is still new, heck look at PS3 im pretty sure they havent had as many big games come out for it yet and they have been out for around the same time.


    You scream about Xbox having alot more classics than Wii, because it has been out for a year longer

  3. The Wii is at the same point the 360 was when they launched Gears, so I'm pretty sure its doing very well for itself at the moment. As for being magic, i don't think i have ever felt as immersed into a game in all my life, sure Wii Sports has some flaws, but none of them can even come close to what the game has done for the industry, like Nintendo said, they want to being in new gamers, and thats just what they've done

  4. thanks for the help it wasnt that my disk was scratched, there must be something wrong with with my main CD drive since it installed perfectly on my other CD drive, shame the guy didint tell me that it would work ok in the other drive


    thanks anyway :)


    now to download wow for 2 days lol

  5. I recently got my computer upgraded, and when i went to formatt it it gets stuck during the setup, saying stuff like "Setup cannot load this file" during formatting, its really irritating me since i had to pay a guy to install it for me last time (when it was his fault in the first place since he is the one that caused it with the upgrade) and now my computer failed (think i got a virus, im unsure but none of my programs would load)


    so im stuck with no PC atm (luckily im at my dads)


    please can some1 help me with this problem before i have to spend more money trying to get it fixed

  6. I really think both Ninty and MS have prepared very well this christmas, both have had an excellent release list all year, with a top game coming just a few weeks after another so you cant really complain about the lack of good games this year, and as Halo 3 has been released, along with Bioshock and for Wii we have Metroid and Mario Sunshine due out soon with paper mario being amazing for me at the moment (although i did encounter that bug)


    for me this christmas is going to be risky, because its either all these fantastic games, or an even better PC (since mines managed to fuck up again)

  7. looks perfectly fine by my standards, who gives a shit about all these fancy graphics. seriously if your all so hyped up on graphics you, sould go and buy a PUSS 3 (phonejacker ftw)


    just being able to mimic sword slashes on the Wii is enough to tickle my fancy, and its a good cheer up after hearing project hammer was cancelled

  8. my 6600 keeps restaring my computer recently and i only play WoW Windowed :<


    hopefully these gfx drivers sort it out so i dont have to upgrade :P


    well at least with an upgrade ill be able to go PCI from AGP (new motherboards are cheap) :D

  9. Wahoo i have finally got my Wii and i love it and im typing this message on it now if i get any money for my birthday off other relatives i'll definetly buy DBZ as fighting game or a shit cash in, just looking at the gameplay video was enough for me too make a decision

  10. ahhh cheers flameboy :) now i can scream at my mum instead of just having ago at her :D


    dam i went into GAME and saw a woman buying 1 and i was so upset cause i couldnt get 1 :< man im feeling so down atm cause they said they prolly wont get any more untill after easter now

  11. My Local GAME store say they are getting some in at 12pm \o/


    but they dont allow pay with credit cards over the phone so i wont be able to buy 1. how come everything has to fuck up for me :< sam mum said it would be ok paying over the phone, ill jsut beg them i guess.


    im so pissed off at my mum though
