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Posts posted by Shyguy

  1. where im happy knowing the fact some people play the stuff i work hard for, for free pisses me off


    i really hate companies that make so much proffit in games and then whine about piraters


    im pretty sure most games now have their own little advertising bits in them (like the guy said about the cinema)


    im playing NFSU2 again atm and always notice the advertisements in it, as they are what they used the most polygons on (apart from the car ur driving)


    games like that are what upset me, where the company making alittle more money from advertising in their game than instead improve the quality

  2. Having played quite alot of Tenkaichi 2 i can't wait for this to come out, i loved TKCHI2 and then having hered of online play and the removal of the pointer on the screen this game can only get better, will be good to see how u can defend and reflect shots now though

  3. Preordering mine today. and then getting this friday ^_^


    really cant wait, decided to go check our IGN's review just to see how the game looked, i havent really looked at any video footage of it appart from the trailer and i am really hyped about this now :D
