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Everything posted by Shyguy

  1. Your changes to the Revolution Controller

    you do realise about the A being far from B is a silly thing to say.. there are 2 sets of A and B the 2 at the end of the controller and if you gys would remmeber... the trigger is named "B" so yes both the big A and the trigger "B" can be presses at the same time :P
  2. Is Today The Day?

    WoW ... sorry im addicted to Wolrd of Warcraft :P
  3. LOL @ Revolution

    tamoz . . . . . .15 letters min... pfft
  4. the revolution in europe

    ive seen that documentry, if u read the comments it says a biased opinion, this woman was tlaking more about yamuchi and his family more than any1 else and the president of nitnendo atm is iwata so this becomes irrelevant at the end of the day as long as nintendo keep making great consoles and great games, i will stick by them
  5. Resident Evil 5 may be Rev bound!

    i dont really like the look of PGR3 or Kameo, they might be great games, but graphicly IMO i think they look taccy with to many reflections and lighting effects just spoils them
  6. ATI interested

    They themselves are not as good as they used to be at making games. but i like how they all that cash to help other developers launch their games and just with the EA logo make them sell good DICE - BF1942/2 Criterion - Burnout Free Radical - Timesplitters Lionhead - B&W still they do release the same game 6 times if it is a succes
  7. Future consoles: Big step-up to be 4D?

    Blinx Time sweeper was 4d adn that was able to rewind back in time and slow mo and shit oh and long time no see guys... my life has been dependant on WoW
  8. "Hollywood" Graphics Chip Info!

    but the killzone was pre-rendered like most of sonys game videos
  9. IGN Revo Is Up.

    well I PERSONALLY found this thread usefull thanks and is Kameo as magical as they say? P.S for the last 48 hours ive been on WoW :P
  10. Jim Merrick no more?

    oooOooo LET ME BE HEAD OF NoE !!!!!!!
  11. revolution possiblities

    Ahhhh ur tlaking about that thing the french dude showed some peeps.. back in C-E this vid went down as a feature for Rev as well. where all he had was a little gray thing in his hand it turned into a flower and then from that he could control a car around a virtual course with good physics and the rest
  12. Make tha cool Revolution name!

    well ive been thinking of this 1 for a long time and ive vome up with the name.... Nintendo Revolution good eh?
  13. Smash Brothers Revolution News

    iwata said he will persoanally make sure that Smash Bros is a release title for revo
  14. December 2nd Theories

    i mean yea trisha is funny but she used to do it to often on C-E on everypage just a negative comment followed buy about 10 flamings mostly buy me :P
  15. A Nintendo Christmas Carol

    hail Sprout ^_^ it'll be something good to look forward to this christmas
  16. Better idea: DS or Revolution ?

    I would say Revo because its the most outrageous idea yet, which no1 could guess here
  17. 1. Pokemon Silver (made me spend about £3000+ on this craze) and changed my fave game Genre from racing to RPG 2.Mario Kart DS - havent Had so much Fun in a long time 3.Super Smash bros melee - Multiplayer Mayhem was the heart of sleepovers ^_^ 4. Zelda : OOT - fantastic adventure with so much to do and when finally completed brang a tear of joy ^_^ 5. this is a hard 1 but ill go with ....... ..... ... Diddy kong Racing (i rmemeber when i completed this game while i was at greece as there was seriously fuck all to do (was about 9 at the time) a really good experiance
  18. Nintendo is right, but you're wrong

    Well im a nintendo fanboy and i tbh, liked this article it was a nice read and something different but still hurt my heart down there :P but you seem to have got nice responses. now try do one of these articles in a sony/M$ forum and see where u get Mario For President
  19. What Colour Revo Will You Get?

    white ##################
  20. Take that Xbox360!!

    rmemeber that test with that science woman testing how tough the consoles will be. wonder if there will be a next gen 1
  21. no offence replika but this #3. Revolution is Small, Stylish, and Quiet - i played a 360 in HMV in sheffield and while playing a kameo demo i couldnt hardly hear the console it was quiet and the pad was alot better than the current xbox's. The appearance of the console to which looks better is down to opinion and the 360 isnt THAT big true it isnt as big as i thought but its still big and also it is behind plastic that is as thick as my hand so it no doubt is noisy also the power pack thing on the plug is HUGE
  22. Titles in development for Revolution

    He works for me ^_^ IM REGGIE! nah im j/k but cheers for the info BigTac and NoA Game Tester ^_^
  23. Titles in development for Revolution

    wow game due out for lunch thats only 5 hours away WAHOOOO i think you mean launch :P
  24. Hype for the Revolution

    hype hype Hype HYpe HYPe HYPE w00000w go me
  25. So who's looking forward to December 2nd?

    i get pounded by PS3 and Xbox360 fanboys but somehow i always win the argument.