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Posts posted by Julius

  1. I'm telling you. This is literally How I Met Your Mother all over again!


    That's life. You have your Blue French Horns and your Yellow Umbrella.


    Your Blue French Horn is the love of your life for like ten years until you stumble upon a Yellow Umbrella (FINALLY), who is killed off five minutes later, and you end up with Blue French Horn anyway.


    The lesson here is SCREW YOU HIMYM ENDING.

  2. I really enjoyed the film but it feels like it was made to be three hours long and near the end someone asked for half an hour to be cut.



    Lex talking to Steppenwolf. Explains why Lex actually goes a bit nuts. You can hear Steppenwolf say 'Lex Luthor' about five seconds in.


    I agree, that's exactly what happened. The story team and Zack went ahead making a three hour long film, but no chance in hell were WB going to release such a long and complex film.

  3. Yeah, as someone who loves the films but never read up on anything else - I always just assumed they were great friends, not that there was a life debt in place.


    And also, Leia was never that nice to Chewbacca in the films. Not saying they couldn't have formed a bond in the interim of course.


    Just because she didn't give him a medal on Yavin it does not mean they didn't have a good relationship!


    Chewie constantly teases Han about Leia in the OT, and even hugs Leia in TFA, there's certainly a bond. But tell me, if your former husband just died, would the first person you really want to see be his best friend?


    Absolutely not. Some of the content of the scene was cut (read TFA novel, it adds A LOT of nice small details), and I think it was more of a fruitless effort to show that Rey felt even more alone than Leia when they returned.

  4. Damn. Critics clearly didn't get word around enough to stop the opening weekend from being MASSIVE.


    $424.1 million worldwide, the biggest superhero opening weekend and the fourth biggest opening weekend of all time.


    Deleted scene released by WB, titled "Communion".


    is that a New God? Seems to be taken from after Doomsday left to fight the Trinity, showing Lex's arrest and him bowing before...well...what could be Darkseid's General?


  5. I've just been watching Man of Steel in preparation for this film. I remember when that came out, a lot of people panned it, too. Maybe this particular style isn't for everyone? I've got a good friend who I work with who absolutely loathes Man of Steel, but he is TeamMarvel.


    I'll go in with an open mind and expect something similar to what we got with Man of Steel. What's this about 30 minutes extra footage in the blu ray release? What's all that about?


    The film was going to be three hours long, with extra plots, violence and nudity which would give it an R rating.


    As for saying it's not for everyone, that seems to be a running theme with much of Zack Snyder's work...

  6. Pros

    - I really liked Batman.

    - I really liked Wonder Woman.

    - A lot of the action is really good.

    - I really liked Lex.

    - I really liked the entire cast.




    - All over the fucking place.

    - Dialogue.


    Justice League stuff was not only absurdly out of place, but looks guff. Flash looks alright. Aquaman acted really fucking stupidly. Cyborg looks beyond ridiculous - Cyborg was Batman & Robin quality.


    You might want to spoiler tag your final con.


    Anyway, here's what I think was good and bad, and how (after one viewing) I think they could probably have made it a lot better.


    • the score. Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL killed it with this score! The Lex theme (The Red Capes Are Coming) was spot on, and some of the JL pieces reminded me very much of The Batman animated TV series.

    • Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Gave his all to the role, and by far and away the best Bruce Wayne/Batman we've seen in live action.

    • speaking of which, the brutality and grittiness of Batman. Pulled straight from The Dark Knight Returns.

    • the rest of the cast, for the most part, were excellent. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Cavill as Supes, Holly Hunter as Senator Finch. However, Jeremy Irons' Alfred Pennyworth was excellent in my opinion.

    • the BvS fight.



    • Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. He was sinister and plotting, which was Lex all over. However, a lot is wrong with the character, I feel, and it isn't Jesse's fault - it's down to the cast director. In the comics, Lex is very similar to Bruce Wayne: extremely intelligent and at his physical peak, which is one of the reasons he loathes Superman, who's born "better" than him.

    • the dream sequences. No real way of knowing they've started other than if you expected them, and though I know Flash was a nod towards Crisis on Infinite Earths and possibly too Injustice: Gods Among Us, it was out of place and wasn't necessary in the dream (why would he be in Bruce's dream in the first place?), and we were even shown him later anyways.

    • the Easter eggs for future world building, as in the JL and Darkseid stuff. Lex created logos for them and knows all of their identities right off the bat? Great. They felt shoehorned in, and Darkseid nods could have stopped either when he talked about turning the painting upside down or when we see a Parademon attack Batman in the Knightmare sequence. We had a few moments at the end where they literally threw everything at you.



    • Lex's reason for hating Supes is completely skimmed over.

    • Superman having two "deaths", neither of which are permanent, and his revival won't make sense from his current position.

    • I don't know about you, but when Supes first "died", I expected his return immediately - we saw him after that in the trailers.

    • I've only seen it once at this point, but I feel it could have jumped from Bruce being in Metropolis to Supes being in the Capitol.

    • The actual reveals of the other JL members. Over email?!

    • Not even a suggestion for non-comic fans as to why Bruce is so pissed off in general during this film.

    • I know, they wanted this Batman to be like that in The Dark Knight Returns, but throwing out both his NO KILLING and NO GUNS rule without justification?

    • the length of the actual fight between Batman and Superman. It was far too short to be the title!

    • Again, another Dark Knight Returns reference, but it annoyed me a lot considering there just isn't any explanation. Bruce Wayne being an extreme alcoholic.

    • The length of the Doomsday fight and the fact that the stakes not only never felt that high, but it wasn't made out to be such a challenge to fight until it's two climaxes.

    • Doomsday beginning to look comic book accurate but then not becoming fully comic book accurate. What?!

    • it felt like at least four films rolled into one (a Batman solo film, a Man of Steel sequel, a Batman vs Superman film and a Justice League film)



    • a very easy jump from the opening scenes with Bruce in Metropolis to Supes in the Capitol

    • have Supes take Doomsday into the Sun to kill him, as in the comics. The final shot could have been a look at the Sun and a heartbeat synonymous with the track, which they kind of did. Also leaves Doomsday open to future appearances in the DCEU.

    • Superman didn't want to kill Batman, or even fight him in the first place. Up the ante a bit and make it so they both have a reason to fight!

    • Make the BvS fight longer. This should have at least been a good fifteen minutes long or so, and I'd imagine a lot of the Extended Cut is based around this.

    • Make the Doomsday fight longer. Far too short in my opinion.

    • Easter Eggs we actually have to keep an eye out for, not things being thrown in our face! Such as having Emmet Vale shown at LexCorp (the guy who created Metallo) or otherwise.

    • It's great that Martha Wayne and Kent were both respected in this film. But, even in the nightmare at his parents' tomb, you can't make out 'Thomas Wayne' on the adjacent crypt.

    • Luthor losing his hair. I thought initially that it had fallen out, and I was excited. Have it fall out due to the radiation from the Kryptonite! But no. It was just shaved off.



    All in all, a film I can understand that fans love and critics can have a field day with. It felt like it got caught up in world building and comic book references like IM2 and AoU did. If I had to give it a rating, after the first viewing, it'd be a 7/10 (I also have MoS a 7/10 initially). However, MoS is a film that I find grows on you with repeat, spaced out viewings, and is currently on an 8/10 for me, so perhaps this film will have the same effect?

  7. It was Flash. It was Ezra Millers face. It was some kind of weird future outfit. Completely different to the one that's going to be in JL. His message had nothing to do with BvS either, might of worked better at the end of the movie.


    I think it was a bit of a nod to the video game Injustice:Gods Among Us. In the game, Flash from an alternate reality wears a similar Flash costume, and Lois is killed by Superman due to Joker's manipulation (killing their unborn child too). Also felt like a nod to Flashpoint. But I hated the use of it in the film...it didn't make much sense in terms of the movie's direction for him to be in Bruce's dreams at all.



    I'm a MASSIVE DC fan, so more than anyone I wanted this film to be great. I can see why fans loved it, but if I were a critic I could easily have a field day just pulling this thing apart.


    So, I liked it, but I didn't love it, and at this point it's impossible to compare the first DCEU movies to their Marvel Studios counterparts.

  8. Footage due next week. Should please @Julius Caesar


    Huh? Why me specifically?


    It should please everyone!


    i can't believe I actually called that we'd get something on the Sunday Japanese show before the next CoroCoro, seems like everyone forgot that this is what they almost always do!

  9. Wish DC wouldn't have done this whole different flash and green arrow characters for TV and movies.


    It's a mistake of you ask me. TV arrow is bad ass, man should thrown into the justice league. Same with flash.


    No need to use different characters.


    That's what I thought too, at least initially. The skinny, bearded Ezra Miller to play Barry Allen? Not a chance!


    And then I see this




    Bulked and cleaned up. This has me even more excited for JL and seeing BvS tomorrow. Though, it makes me wonder...will he dye his hair? Aquaman is traditionally blond, but is now dirty blond with lighter streaks. Barry Allen is supposed to have pure blond hair.


    Come on DC, please don't let me down with this small detail...

  10. Watched the animated DC films Batman Year One, Under the Red Hood and Justice League War in preparation for tomorrow (my first time seeing BvS).


    Watching War, I'm realising that the perfect casting for Shazam would probably be Chris Pratt (who's over at Marvel, so that's probably a no-go) or Channing Tatum (would be a WAY better fit for this than he is Gambit). Ideas Elba would be my first choice for Jon Stewart, but I'm clueless as to who should be Martian Manhunter, Hal Jordan and so on.


    Can't wait for tomorrow!

  11. If that were to be the controller, even if there were clip-on grips available, it could prove problematic. Especially if this is going to be a hybrid.


    Because that would mean Nintendo have forgotten one of their biggest lessons to do with ergonomics of gaming pads: there are big and small hands. Not only does this design not look comfortable for either, but smaller hands (thinking like five year olds here) might not be able to reach the triggers, and big hands? I think that's self-explanatory.

  12. So I've seen the movie now, and I quite liked it! On a "film critic wants movies to be art"-level, it perhaps sucked a bit but as entertainment, it certainly delivered. Ben Affleck did a good job and the setup for the actual BvS was quite believable. Wonder Woman was good as well.


    Some points, though:

    - Lex Luthor was too mad and I cannot see the WHY in his plan. What did he have to gain from the chaos? Why did he want Superman to be taken down from his piedestal? What does he have to gain from the one he called at the end?


    - Lois Lane, I think I said this about MoS as well, but she is just too much. She knows too much, she's always there on the spot, she acts too knowingly, and she's never in any real danger. Too much!


    - The ending was terrible. We all know that Superman is not dead. We know it. Why the tease? And Batman putting together JL? No way!


    - Batman was killing people. Both directly and indirectly through exploding cars. That's just not right.


    - So... Bruce's mother's name was Martha, Clark's mother's name is Martha. Yeah, let's be bff! Riiiight. That was a bit too cheap.




    Some of those negatives are nitpicking from my side, though. I'll probably be seeing it again, hope that it holds up to a second viewing.


    Accidentally read the last spoiler, and well...other than what it results in in the movie, I wouldn't say it's a spoiler, considering.

  13. I remember you speculating about genetic variations at the time actually, it would have been an interesting addition to the series and help make non-legendary/shiny Pokémon more unique and worthwhile catching. I still think it'd make an interesting addition now... I suppose it's possible, how many variations are possible for Vivillion and Spinda?


    According to the Pokedex, it's less likely than 1 in 4 billion that you'll catch a Spinda with the same pattern. According to Bulbapedia (sorry Joe), are 4,294,967,296 variants. Double that if we count shiny Pokémon (though this would obviously dramatically decrease the likelihood even more).


    As for Vivillion, I believe we're currently on twenty variants.

  14. Huh. Someone think Sun and Moon will be about Human-Pokemon fusion like that manga because the crystal in the logo is similar to Heart Burst. That might explain why Ash-Greninja is a thing.


    ...this theory is almost a month old.


    It might be a spin on it, but I don't think we'll get direct fusions between humans and Pokémon. Yet. 20 years time? Perhaps.


    Could probably be an evolution form brought on by closeness with a Pokémon in Amie or something similar to that. Perhaps maxed out Super Training and Amie so that the player and Pokémon are "one"?


    Just spitballing. Definitely don't take this seriously.

  15. These reviews are all over the place, just like the ones for The Force Awakens (which, by the way, I LOVED).


    But the fact that it ranges from "meh" to "best movie of all time" at least says to me it's somewhere between 6 and 9 in a rating out of 10, which is pretty good. It has a lot to set up, so I wouldn't be surprised if it got bogged down in trying to set up the world. Looks at AoU. It happens.



  16. They could do all that in their post-E3 Treehouse segments, which IMO would be brilliant. Usually we get a massive reveal for a new console, then nothing but waiting to see or know more - but they could really use the post-expo days to overload us with new info.


    I'm for an all out E3 reveal.




    As in, a Direct a few days before E3? Maybe.


    In percent, how likely do you guys think Final Fantasy 15 or Final Fantasy 7 Remake hit the NX? Quiet a few rumours coming up around Cloud's appearance in Smash.


    Hitting it this year? Not so likely in my opinion, like 30/35%. Next year? Probably much more probable, at least in my books.


    As for E3, I can see there being a Direct which reveals the controller a few weeks in advance to start the hype before console and game reveals at E3.

  17. I cannot wait for this film!


    The world-building will be what gets me going. The little nods and winks to future possible villains and heroes (such as the question mark in the trailer or Robin's costume hinting at a Red Hood storyline and the Death in the Family arc).


    Keeping an eye out for Metallo's creator, Emmett Vale, especially. We know we have Doomsday already, and with Zod already being incapacitated and used as something else in the movie we assume, I have to believe that Metallo is next in line to take on the Man of Steel.


    Perhaps a Death in the Family beating of Robin in the Knightmare sequence? We already have Darkseid basically confirmed at this point.


    I'm slurring my text just thinking that this is only a few days away.
