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Posts posted by Julius

  1. Tell that to Deadpool ;)



    Aha, I guess. The big worry, though, is that this is coming off the back of BvS - which didn't do great critically or financially - Suicide Squad needed a great record with fans and critics and, of course, the box office.


    Am I right in thinking that this is the first time we'll see The Joker and Batman in a 15 live action film together? Because kids would have been coming to see them if the rating were any lower, and, while the 15 for Deadpool was pretty much required to make it what it was, I wouldn't say Suicide Squad needed it.


    But at least it saves kids from seeing people's heads blow up, that's neat.

  2. Haven't given my opinion yet, so here goes.


    Wonder Woman looks great. A LOT of action, no sense of story, absolutely perfect for the Comic Con crowd. I have no issues with that trailer at all, and I have a feeling that the shot of those bullets ricocheting from her shield is going to make for a cool poster and art in the years to come.


    Now, Justice League. This footage was okay. I mean, YEAH, UNITE THE SEVEN SIX FIVE! But Bruce Wayne seemed...like a sort of gimmick. This footage really reminded me of the Legends of Tomorrow trailer. Ezra Miller looks to be a good Flash, though I hate his and Cyborg's costumes at this point. I'll give them a break considering they aren't anywhere near finishing shooting yet, but when that next trailer comes out, I'll be gritting my teeth hoping for nothing but excellence.


    Smart to let everyone know how much of a beast Aquaman is too.

  3. This probably haven't been posted:



    Another nice trailer! Looking forward to this now!


    I'm definitely excited for this, though kind of worried as to how many clips they're dropping on YouTube every five minutes or so...


    I'm actually genuinely interested in Will Smith's Deadshot after some of the recent stuff, and of course Leto's take on The Joker. Still though, I imagine that 15 rating is going to hurt its box office...

  4. What does everyone think about the possibility that NX will be the final product name for, well, the NX? Or are they just continuing to use that codename across all mediums until they reveal it in September[/s]?


    We see what appears to be an actual Nintendo logo for the NX at the end of the Sonic 2017 trailer, as shown here:



    I've also got to admit, I've grown used to it.

  5. Well, I don't mind this. A step in any direction at this point is good enough for me, and it does leave room for growth in the same world for other movies.


    But I'm gutted they aren't going with that I would have liked a lot more, which is either a Jungle Book CGI style Pokémon live action move or adaptations from the game lore. Because as a fan I know how rich the history of the Pokémon world is (say what you like about the generically near-identical plot of each new game), and it seems a bit of a waste that of the 20 year esteemed history of this franchise, it's one of the newest spinoff games being made.

  6. I've got to say, Iwata might end up saving Nintendo from any doubts that were around before almost singlehandedly if the NX sells well, certainly worked wonders in terms of GO.


    And I think that might be the worrying part for them: where do they go for such ideas in the future?

  7. No idea why he wants to come to us to be honest, but if he does, I certainly won't be complaining. It would probably bring Matic's term at us to a close, though, unless Conte can change his mind. Kante does very much seem the Ladsana Diarra/Claude Makelele type, so he could certainly fit in with us (or any top team in Europe). Personally, I'd have him stay at Leicester. I'm a fan of Chelsea, sure, but I'm also a fan of good football, and he's a major component of what they did last season and how far France got in the Euro's, so it would be a shame to see a player of his quality to leave (especially just for money).


    On another note, forget Middlesbrough trying to stay up; they're building a team for the Europa League (at least!).

  8. Played a lot less today - had Star Wars Celebration to cover as well as sorting out some birthday stuff - but that didn't stop me from setting an incense on the way to the shopping complex (a good 30 minute drive) and finding a Dratini!

  9. Had planned to walk about 3 miles this morning to the local shopping complex as opposed to getting the bus, but seeing as it started raining, the bus seemed like a smarter move. Dropped an incense for the duration of my ride, and found:

    • Dratini

    • Machoke

    • Hypno

    • A Fearow (which got away due to the game freezing...)

    • Wartortle

    • Vulpix

    • Geodude


    And a bunch of others very rare around my area! Now to find more Dratini...

  10. It's amazing that it'll probably be this and not the five years of lobbying by smartphone enthusiasts which results in an increase in battery life...


    On another note, everyone heard about T-Mobile (in America at least)? Starting next Tuesday there will be no data deducted from your tariff for an entire year just for GO (I mean, it uses like 0.01GB per hour as is, but still!)

  11. Well, I'll put it this way: this is the most I've heard the word "Pokémon" in a day for at least the past five years, possibly more.


    Bravo Niantic, Pokémon, Nintendo and Google. You didn't just dramatically raise interest to an all-time high level for an extremely well known franchise, you also did it whilst getting people to move about and socialise, an epitome of what the games are truly about. That and our Lord and Saviour, Helix


    Kudos to them, no matter how well it did/n't test in the beta, it takes guts to release an app like this. It's one of those "lightning in a bottle" moments.

  12. Something interesting that popped up on Nintendo Minute



    Interestingly how they refer to the things you need to become the Champion being "Island Trials" rather than "battling gyms". Could lend weight to the rumours behind no gyms this time around and having "island trials" instread, or they could just be something alongside it. Worth considering.


    Huh, strange. I noticed during the official livestream playthrough of Sun and Moon that the female interviewer kept asking prying questions which everyone obviously said HELL NO DO NOT ASK THAT to, such as Tapu Koko, and so on and so forth.


    Seems the PR people over at Nintendo are going to have a tougher job not spoiling Sun and Moon for fellow fans as opposed to it being through developers and such!

  13. So we pretty much have official confirmation that your starter will have a Synchro Move. If that's the case, is this going to be unique for them?


    If the 4chan leaker and Chinese leaker is to be believed you could potentially change your Synchro Move on the team by swapping out certain stones. Are the starters going to retain those particular Synchro Moves into evolution or, if they really are based on what the Chinese leak claims them to be will those signature moves tie into those themes?


    Like for example, "Robingroot" would have a Synchro Move that lets him fire an arrow at the opponnent. Either that or the starters will all have signature moves with "Robingroot"'s being "Leaf Arrow" or something. That is of course if "Robingroot" is real.



    Every reveal from hereonout is only going to give these rumours more credibility or debunk them.


    When were those leaks first mentioned? Because the first I caught wind of it, the concept of Synchro Evolution/Special Attacks were age-old on the Forums over at Serebii; heck, if people took the educated guesses over there and published them in a "leak", 60% to 80% would be right.

  14. So we pretty much have official confirmation that your starter will have a Synchro Move. If that's the case, is this going to be unique for them?


    If the 4chan leaker and Chinese leaker is to be believed you could potentially change your Synchro Move on the team by swapping out certain stones. Are the starters going to retain those particular Synchro Moves into evolution or, if they really are based on what the Chinese leak claims them to be will those signature moves tie into those themes?


    Like for example, "Robingroot" would have a Synchro Move that lets him fire an arrow at the opponnent. Either that or the starters will all have signature moves with "Robingroot"'s being "Leaf Arrow" or something. That is of course if "Robingroot" is real.



    Every reveal from hereonout is only going to give these rumours more credibility or debunk them.


    When were those leaks first mentioned? Because the first I caught wind of it, the concept of Synchro Evolution/Special Attacks were age-old on the Forums over at Serebii; heck, if people took the educated guesses over there and published them in a "leak", 60% to 80% would be right.

  15. New (Japanese) trailer



    A lot of cool stuff in there, such as riding Tauros, Lapras, Sharpedo and Stoutland (as seen previously but for the former); Solgaleo being seen in a location which isn't the place we'll probably battle against it (as well as in Unown statue in the background?); Porygon is our cursor in Amie; Final Smash Synchro Moves confirmed (though not exactly many details on them), amongst other things!

  16. New (Japanese) trailer



    A lot of cool stuff in there, such as riding Tauros, Lapras, Sharpedo and Stoutland (as seen previously but for the former); Solgaleo being seen in a location which isn't the place we'll probably battle against it (as well as in Unown statue in the background?); Porygon is our cursor in Amie; Final Smash Synchro Moves confirmed (though not exactly many details on them), amongst other things!

  17. Has Apple updated their signing in method for the App Store or is it just mine playing up?


    Following every technique available but no joy; the "none" payment option is not accepted and the damn thing DEMANDS payment. And I mean, I've already faked an address, not quite sure I'm up for straight up stealing someone's bank details.


    All this after I told myself that I could wait until the official release over here. Pffft, right.

  18. Has Apple updated their signing in method for the App Store or is it just mine playing up?


    Following every technique available but no joy; the "none" payment option is not accepted and the damn thing DEMANDS payment. And I mean, I've already faked an address, not quite sure I'm up for straight up stealing someone's bank details.


    All this after I told myself that I could wait until the official release over here. Pffft, right.
