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Posts posted by Julius

  1. An E3 reveal where they're competing with the other two console makers for mindshare, and all the other games announced? In my opinion, far better to have their own day and get everybody talking about it and nothing else (and a few people talking about Red Dead). I think it was a very smart thing to do. Non core gaming consumers could easily have forgotten about it after a nine month wait, the shorter reveal > release means the buzz is amplified.


    Iirc the Treehouse event at E3 was the final major event to take place, so it competing for mindshare wouldn't be too much of an issue when you're the last flavour being tasted before a restaurant closes for the night.


    Though I agree, they've played the long game thus far and it's worked, I'm just hoping they know how to ramp it into high gear when the time comes. For example, they spent $5 million on a Super Bowl ad for Pokémon last year; it wasn't even for a game, just to say it was the 20th Anniversary. Actually, Super Bowl could be a prime candidate for some ads this time around too.

  2. It looks even better on the Switch! All of the focus on Zelda this past week has convinced me that the game has to be a launch title on the Switch, it just wouldn't make sense for them to devote so much attention to it and then for it to not be available until June.


    I agree. If this isn't somehow a launch title it would be a massive mistake, but actually using it as opposed to say, Mario, which is reportedly a launch title, in the event that Zelda isn't a launch title would be barmy.


    Luckily, only a little over a month to go until its release date should be revealed.


    I'm loving everything we've seen so far, definitely going to be getting a Switch at launch if Zelda is a launch title, might sit on it a while if not.

  3. I'll admit, I'm not the biggest Zelda fan in the world (Pokémon has been the only consistent Nintendo thing in my life if I'm totally honest), but this game has me extremely intrigued and excited. The visuals look amazing - graphically there seem to be hiccups but I assume they're cleaning them up before the Switch presentation in Jan - and this is the first game in a long time I've seen advertising for being solely from the game, as opposed to cinematic trailers rendered in glorious fashion, and if anything that makes me even more excited. My only problem will be if the rumours are true about it being "delayed" again until next summer - specifically June - as this will likely delay my purchase of the Switch altogether, and would seem a poor move on Nintendo's part for obvious reasons. Then again, the prospect of Mario at launch, Zelda a quarter later and then the first console version of a main series Pokémon game certainly spaces out tent pole releases in a similar fashion to, say, a certain successful comic book movie universe, and having 2 of the 3 aforementioned games at launch would likely sell consoles but not games.


    Alas, I do find myself with a question towards you Zelda fans, who seem to have a much more solid grounding in the lore of the franchise than I. I'm thinking of purchasing some Zelda games and history in January, specifically Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Hyrule Historia, to prepare myself for the Zelda launch and have a much stronger footing in the lore. I'm without a Wii U, but do have a 3DS and Wii: are there any games other than those I mentioned that you would propose I play (in the aforementioned consoles), and would OoT and MM put me in good stead for having a greater understanding of the franchise as a whole?


    Cheers in advance :P

  4. When you register it in the Pokédex, it has the same Green border as all sub-legends (including Ultra Beasts), and I think Rotom refers to it as a Legend


    iirc Rotom Dex wasn't quite sure how to classify it; I'll do a quick search and see what I find


    EDIT: the exact quote

    Zzzrt?! This Pokémon... I don't even know how to describe it... But my circuits are tingling!


  5. Man oh man did I LOVE these games. What a fitting way to round off what has been an awesome 20th Anniversary!


    I played these games at a snail pace in comparison to my other playthroughs, and was pleasantly surprised by my enjoyment of just slowing down, battling everyone and everything, catching as many Pokémon as I could and just having the most fun I think I've had playing a game in a long time!


    Very happy to see the sales results, but a bit gutted we don't yet have definitive figures and that Sun and Moon were counted separately, seeing as I don't see anyone doing the same for FIFA and CoD special editions :/ but alas, awesome figures nonetheless, and this game is so very deserving. As a lifelong fan who was seriously thinking of jumping off the franchise for good (if it was great my argument was to go out on a high; if it wasn't I think it's pretty self explanatory), this game did more than just drag me back in, it reminded my why I play video games, and, more importantly, why this is my favourite video game franchise.


    Granted, there were some issues, but I think they did great to evolve from Gen VI with the same system at their disposal, it's a microcosm of Nintendo and Gamefreak through the years in all honesty (getting the most out of their platforms that is). But where from here? Seeing as the datamines left us with the knowledge of placeholder event text up until 2021, which would be the 25th Anniversary, I think people could soon realise that the Gen VII isn't just a one-off celebration with just Sun and Moon, but rather a string of games which could bring the games to a great steady point, with the events in XYORAS hinting at something larger and SM perhaps even more so!


    And to think, they've left themselves in such a smart position with the timing of the Switch! Kanto games (praying for sequels set after the events of GS/HGSS) seem like an ideal target for a 25th Anniversary game or earlier on the Switch, whilst the events of SM hint at potential for both Kanto and Sinnoh visits, as well as the usual wish for many to return to Alola, which could well happen next year with Stars; fingers crossed it's more like BW2 than Platinum in terms of being a sequel with new features as opposed to a third version. Though, I do think it's a weird position for fans and Nintendo/GF alike: where do they go with the 3DS and Pokémon from here? Is that it now?

  6. Just seen on Gaf that a game breaking glitch can occur if you save in a Pokemon Center. The character model fails to appear when the game loads up. Best bet would be to avoid saving in the Centers and just do it elsewhere until this has been patched.


    Also seen this; we had the same problem in a certain part of Lumiose in XY iirc. Also started seeing some posts citing the Battle Tree as another area with the same problem, so I'd advise avoiding saving in either of these locations until a patch is inevitably released.

  7. I know the recent rumour is Pokémon Stars, but alas:


    So, I've been looking through the unobtainable Pokémon in SM so that I know who I should be looking out for in my playthrough of both Y and AS in a few months time to complete my entire National Living Dex, and found a few intriguing things when tabling Pokémon unobtainable from each region. Obviously, going into this, I expected both Hoenn and Kalos introduced Pokémon to be largely missing from the games due to their ominous inclusion in Gen VI(what being the region of exploration and all). Anyway,these are my findings:


    Region Missing/Total (including event-only Pokémon) Missing/Total (excluding event-only Pokémon)* % of total (excluding event-only)


    Kanto** | 54/151 | 53/150 | 35.3%

    Johto | 54/100 | 53/99 | 53.5%

    Hoenn | 94/135 | 93/134* | 69.4%

    Sinnoh | 67/107 | 62/102 | 60.8%

    Unova | 89/156 | 86/153 | 56.2%

    Kalos | 56/72 | 53/69 | 76.8%


    *Deoxys no longer counted as event-only due to its inclusion in the Delta Episode of ORAS

    **Alola Form Pokémon used as proxies for their alternate forms


    What should be taken away from this?

    Well, I mean, nothing really. As expected, Hoenn and Kalos introduced Pokémon have the largest portions of those introduced in that region missing. Kanto has a very, very low amount of Pokémon missing from its respective Dex, and Johto, Unova and Sinnoh are all almost equally apart. So, yes, of anything, I think that this could easily be misconstrued for use in an argument as to the possibility of Sinnoh remakes, especially when taken into account that out of the last three pairs of games, the Sinnoh starters took the longest to acquire, with Johto, Unova and Alola (obviously) starters being in SM - making the former two very unlikely for remakes - and Kanto, Hoenn and Kalos starters all being available very early into the Gen VI games.

  8. Why would they ever release Stars on the Switch and then a DP remake on the 3DS?! That would make no sense whatsoever.


    By the time a Diamond and Pearl remake would be released (2018 at the earliest) a HUGE number of people would have moved onto Switch and many (I imagine as it's what I would do) would have traded in their 3DS. To then release those remakes on an old console would be absolutely crazy!


    I agree wholeheartedly, but I'm going to tip-toe carefully with what Joe was saying: they're not going to just Switch mid-generation. I mean, by all accounts, new Pokémon, and transfer only via Bank, amongst other things, are what define the classical reference of a Pokémon generation! Are we then going to argue that Stars is Gen VIII? Man, this is going to be a weird one over on Serebii...SM caused enough of a stir with the whole Gen 6.5 nonsense.


    But alas, I concede. Not quite sure I was thinking with my bold statement; rather, I should have said, if the Switch is a flat-out failure then I wouldn't be surprised if they returned with DP remakes.

  9. Well, well, well...can you feel it too? Because it's that time of the year again fellow Force users!


    Teaser trailer April 2016



    First official trailer July 2016



    Second official trailer October 2016




    From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves.


    And, for those not in the know...tickets go on sale tonight in the U.K. at midnight!

  10. The wait is killing me. Gosh darn I hope we don't get a stupid delay once again with Stars...


    But the wait aside, I'm loving what I've heard about or seen of the games in reviews. As for the news on Stars? I don't see it as a big deal, and, in my opinion, it won't be a third version in the traditional sense (i.e. slightly tweaked story, slightly tweaked Dex, round off a few corners and so on), simply because that wouldn't make much sense in my opinion - especially given the reported delay that came along with the news of it in the first place. If this has been in development alongside SM and if it's using fully HD models that have already been designed for SM, why on earth would there be a delay for a few tweaks? It's definitely not a third version in the sense that Platinum, Crystal or Emerald was in my opinion. I'm betting on a sequelistic third version (several years later with Necrozma as the main legendary, like BW2 but in one game).


    As for them jumping ship to the Switch mid generation, I think it's walking onto and then back off the ship. Stars on the Switch, DP remakes on the 3DS and then a potential Kanto sequel/remake for the Switch (and anyone who screams "but we've done that a million times before!" , "meh") before we make the full Switch over.


    EDIT: Put these financial predictions for SM up on Serebii a while back, so figured why not just sit them down here too? :P


    By the end of 2013, roughly
    31.09 million units (1) were sold under the 3DS umbrella (including the 2DS sand 3DS XL); likewise, by the end of 2013, roughly 11.61 million units (2) of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y had been sold, including a 4 million unit launch weekend (3). By using figures 1 and 2 (note that the same figure for end of year system sales has been used here; a smaller install base at launch would mean a greater multiplier, but I'm just going off the statistics I can find), we can estimate that approximately 13% of the install base purchased XY on the launch weekend, and, by using figures 1 and 3, that approximately 37% of the install base had purchased the games by the end of 2013.


    Now, we don't know exact figures, but we do know that Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are the most pre-ordered Nintendo games to date (though I can't use this in my calculations, I can in my personal predictions). The 3DS install base has obviously grown since the launch of XY, and, in fact, it has more likely more than doubled, passing 60 million units worldwide as of June 2016. Yeah, you know, before the unanimous success of GO? Anyhow, let's keep conservative and say they haven't sold a single system since that day and keep that figure at 60 million systems sold to keep it simple. By using the multipliers above, we can estimate that 13% of the 60 million system install base will purchase the game over the launch weekend, giving a total of about 7.7 million units over the weekend. Now, using the 37% multiplier, we can estimate that approximately 22 million units could end up being sold by the end of December 2016 (note here that the games will have been on sale a month less than XY, but considering it is much closer to Christmas I think the same multiplier could remain in effect). This would make it the third highest selling pair of Pokemon games in history, behind GS (23.1 million units sold) and RGB (31.38 million units sold), and that's without taking into account what happens after 2016. XY is currently sitting at 15.64 million units sold at the end of its generation, 3 years on, and we can find this to be a multiplier of roughly 135% of the games sold of XY by the end of 2013; applying that here would give a total of roughly 30.25 million units sold at the approximate end of Gen VII! Of course this doesn't take into account the Switch or other deterring factors, but, likewise, these calculations didn't take into account positive factors such as the effect of GO, a larger install base than used, etc. And please do note that these are just simply calculations; they could be well off, which is why I'm going to include some different views below.




    • multiplier gives roughly: a 7.7 million unit sale launch weekend (note: this would include initial EU sales); roughly 22 million units sold by the end of December 2016; roughly 30 million units sold by the approximate end of this generation.


    Personal predictions:

    pessimistic - 5 million units sold launch weekend; roughly 15 million units sold by end of 2016; roughly 20 million units sold by end of generation (and yes, note that this being pessimistic - it falling essentially off the map after a great start to be halted by Switch and other factors - approach still gives a greater return than any seen since GS, 15 years ago)

    pessimistically realistic - 7 million units sold launch weekend; roughly 20 million by the end of 2016; roughly 25 million units sold by the end of generation (I'm still pretty pessimistic about its future after its initial run here), which would make it the second highest grossing pair of Pokémon games since GS

    optimistically realistic - see above multiplier predictions^^^

    a 7.7 million unit sale launch weekend (note: this would include initial EU sales); roughly 22 million units sold by the end of December 2016; roughly 30 million units sold by the approximate end of this generation.

    optimistic (genwunners turn away now) - 9 million units sold launch weekend; roughly 25 million by the end of 2016; roughly 35 million by the end of generation (making it the highest selling pair of Pokémon games since the original trio of RGB)


    EDIT 2.0 oh yeah...I'm back! :)

  11. "Gumshoos has a tenacious personality, which is why it targets one prey for so long without wavering.


    Now we just need to see it be a physical wall in the meta, eh? :grin:


    I'm still not over how accurate some of these leaks have been. I mean, I'm just jumping up and down at the idea of seeing a fully 3D Cynthia or Blue, AND THE POSSIBILITY THAT WE GET TO GO IN THE SS ANNE



  12. Has anyone ordered the games from Nintendo UK because my Expected shipping is 31st December


    If you're living in the UK, I would suggest looking at some other options of ordering is your only option - and especially if you're looking to order from the official Nintendo store. They have some great deals up there, I'll admit (fan edition of Sun/Moon, limited edition Solgaleo & Lunala 3DS, a free charger and a free Sun/Moon carry case all for ~£225), which I've looked at myself, but the big problem I have is that it doesn't seem to have a release day delivery, instead giving a 2-3 standard delivery deadline.


    So, if you don't mind not playing on release day, ordering from the official store might be a great idea considering how many deals they've got going on; however, if you do want it delivery day and want to possibly shave some pounds from the final price, I'd personally suggest ordering from Amazon. As for the 31st December date, that may mean you ordered whilst the placeholder was still up? It should probably update...

  13. I wonder if the fact its display is rumoured to be 540p means that the processor can run more efficiently when playing on the go, allowing the system to run cooler and for longer, but the processor can then kick up and use its full power when docked and connected to TV and running games at higher resolutions.


    I'm not sure how much processing power is freed up when rendering games at almost half the resolution but I'm sure it would be a substantial amount and maybe enough to give the console a reasonable battery life and efficiency.


    In before the "dock" is revealed to be just be a bladeless Dyson fan! :D



  14. I'm sticking to my guns. The NX is a hot tub time machine.


    The NX is a:

    • dedicated handheld

    • dedicated home console

    • handheld/home console hybrid as the "patents" and "leaks" have depicted; this console I imagine would do tremendously well in lesser economically developed states


    The catch obviously being the cartridges and them working in tandem. And Nintendo finally making a great dedicated home console with fewer gimmicks than it has directions on the D-Pad

  15. It would need to boost the resolution regardless of Tegra 2.


    540p on a TV would look horrible.


    Meh, just make it a fairly small TV and you'd be fine :P

    By fairly small I absolutely mean that you'd be better off playing on the handheld

    But seriously, this Pascal/X2/Days of Future Past talk has me all pretty excited. If Nvidia does indeed show off its tech at some point in August, and they are indeed working with Nintendo on the NX, then surely a September reveal for the NX is locked in at this point?

  16. Not sure Nintendo as it stands can grow with just a handheld business. Remember this market is shrinking.


    Funny that you should mention that, because I've been thinking about what it could mean for a number of the almost exclusively portable Nintendo franchises, at least when it comes to the main series of the franchise, such as Pokémon, and the general idea of a console which can be taken on the go and upscaled to the TV is...pretty amazing. I mean, if they were to go ahead and change the landscape, I think there's a few ways in which they could do it, being:


    1) Pokémon release a predominantly handheld game which can be upscaled to the TV (basically Colosseum/Battle Revolution)


    2) They release a predominantly home console game, and when out and about with the handheld you can battle others and perhaps catch location exclusive Pokémon too (much like GO)


    3) They release more of a hybrid game. Not sure how you could make a game 50% handheld and 50% home console, but it could definitely work.


    I think recent revelations, and older ones, on what the NX could be can only be a good thing for the portable side of things.

  17. I'm really starting to think that this was a fully controlled Nintendo leak to give us a peek behind the curtain before the big show come - hopefully - September. I mean, didn't Emily Rogers also recently say something the lines of us hearing about it from a very official source very soon?


    I'm sticking to my guns on this one now, the NX is:

    • a dedicated handheld to replace the 3DS.

    • a handheld/home console hybrid to ease in newcomers into the gaming landscape; also, I'd imagine this thing would do extremely well in lesser economically developed countries, too.

    • a dedicated home console to replace the Wii U.


    Sure, there will be quirks which will make these stand out - such as the cartridges presumably being used across all of these platforms - as well as some great linking up to work coherently as a unified system.

  18. Just watched the E3 trailer again, for what must at least be the fiftieth time at this point.


    Having watched a bunch of Miyazaki's films since my first time watching this, I've got to say, those Ghibli vibes are strong!


    Can't wait to see how this transfers over to the NX, even considering the latest rumours. I mean, surely it's going to do away with some of the problems evident in what we've seen so far? Oh, and is everyone else expecting the official release date for this thing during the Nintendo Direct NX reveal? I mean, we already know it pretty much has to be a launch title...

  19. This article from NintendoLife has really sold me on the concept. Especially the detachable controllers:




    That's a great read! Definitely made me rethink my stance on the detachable controllers...


    In my mind, though, the X2 has to be in this thing if these rumours are to be believed at all. As much as I understand Nintendo wanting to drive the price down, the X2 has many benefits which the X1 seems to lack.


    As for pricing, I want to say this doesn't go past £250, or anywhere near, and being around £40 a game?

  20. Got to look at what Sam did at Sunderland last season. Took a team with no confidence and ability to perform under pressure (England lol) and made them almost unbeatable. I think he's the exact personality they need to reignite the passion for playing for the country.


    Look, Sunderland did some good things last season, don't get me wrong. But they only won 29% of their games under Allardyce, and lost 42%!

  21. Well, yes, that's all great and good, but one question remains: Was he the master, or the apprentice? is this "replacing" the 3DS line as a handheld, the Wii U as a home console, or both?


    Because either way, if it is in some way replacing the handheld for Nintendo, there's one massive property which is first party that HAS to be affected by such a change to one screen: Pokémon. Yeah, you can see why @Serebii is doubting this from this alone, in my opinion.


    The series has thrived on one screen for ~10 years, and has thrived on two for around the same length of time. I mean, recent changes, especially to the layout of the main series games, could make this viable, such as the attacks on the bottom screen in a battle coming from the right hand side, which could easily be used in an instance where there is only one screen. But then, what happens to a massive franchise such as this when we move to one screen which can be upscaled to the TV? Are we getting a handheld Pokémon colosseum game, for example, if this is the case?


    Just using Pokémon as an example, of course, but it will have effects on the entire Nintendo catalogue, considering that it's the only major player to do anything with two screens - handheld or TV.


    that being said I sort of now want a Pokémon Colosseum game for the NX with controls on the pad and the game presented on the TV...GOSH DARN WHY WAS THIS NOT ON THE NX?!

  22. [tweet]758207806642253825[/tweet]


    Great mockup (even if it does just look like a fusion of the Wii U game pad and the bottom half of the New 3DS). See, I still have a weird problem with the left gaming pad; wouldn't the D-Pad/circle pad setup feel unnatural as opposed to the ABXY buttons and D-Pad? I mean, I know it's just a mockup, but that's something I've seen in pretty much every mockup.


    Nintendo just reveal this thing so that you can then shut up for 6 months and take my money!

  23. Let's not gloss over the fact it was called that by most people because of their extreme market share and they were synonymous with the gaming industry which isn't the case any more (they are still part of that synonymity* but so are others now) and I think trying a linguistic determinism approach isn't going to do them any favours.


    Plus I just don't want to have to write stuff like "Nintendo is releasing the Nintendo..." and "Nintendo says the Nintendo will..." or even "Nintendo's Nintendo" :heh:




    *made up word


    Or Nintendo the Nintendo. It's Ferrari the Ferrari LaFerrari all over again!

  24. there is the possibility of having a 3ds setup at home and having a form factor that enables dual screen gaming on the go as well.


    Yeah, it just...sounds weird at this point.


    As hyped as I am for this, I don't think this is the only part of NX. I mean, Nintendo has been pushing a family of brother systems for a while now, so I think it's totally possible that we could see a handheld-only system, a handheld/home console hybrid and a dedicated home console. Would definitely make it easier to sell two consoles as one to parents of kids, by any rate.
