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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Good game Madpool your time will come! Can't believe I won this season well chuffed Congrats to Mcoy and Co-op as well.
  2. When Haden opened the floodgates to the Alliances he did it because he needed us to make the league entertaining and fun. But some of us wanted a piece of the action. Those other alliances they did dirty tricks but that was their way. But some of us didn't want to fall into line we wanted to stay individual and preserve what made us Xperts, Offensive action, superior tactics, talented play makers. Week 13 Legacy: Haden 9, Inter 9, Co-op 10, 28 ...: Silverdale 8, Leeds 7, All Stars 9, 24 Trio: Mad 10, Peeps 3, Rez 6, 19 The Hurricanes: Elites 7, Emo 4, Bubbles 5, 16 Final Three: Odwin 5, Eights 6, Cube 1, 12 ...: Rising Phoenix 3 64s 2, DuD 7, 12 Week 16 Legacy: Haden 10, Inter 6, Co-op 10, 26 ...: Silverdale 8, Leeds 7, All Stars 8, 23 Trio: Mad 9, Peeps 5, Rez 4, 18 The Hurricanes: Elites 7, Emo 4, Bubbles 6, 16 ...: Rising Phoenix 2 64s 3, DuD 7, 12 Final Three: Odwin 4, Eights 6, Cube 1, 11 Will these alliances stand the test of time or will the cup tear them apart? Xpert 11 Season 21 rolls on.
  3. Tomorrow is going to be Durov vs Trainer!
  4. I thought it would be more fun to have it really random and have giants vs giants and giants vs little leaguers in the first round. But I will leave it to majority opinion.
  5. Good question. I was thinking about that, what do people think? I thought if there wasn't you could get some sick matches right at the start if there was it would lead to a more epic feel at the end. Any preferences?
  6. Cup update! Teams that have entered! Bayern Bru Peeps Cube Madpool Silverdale Leeds Winston Rising Phoenix Mcoy Elites Inter Co-op Seahawks Recall Teams that aren't inactive or involved in the Rovers Dyson epic match that have not entered Gaggle Odwin Eights Happenstance Emo All Stars DuD Bubbles Dragooo Fedex Zell Guys join it will be great! :P Will pester these people with a PM when I am back at home on my computer. So we are all set to go for the draw! I will leave the entry till Sunday night for these last few people to come in. Jimbob could the draw start at 8.30 on Monday? I might be rather late home and do not want to miss it under any circumstances hehe.
  7. Sounds good man :p
  8. No chance I am handing my team over to the best in the world :p
  9. Sweet the cup will be fun! Can't wait for 55min of Jimbobs entertainment lol!
  10. My only purpose is to make Madpool the worthy champion I know he is. I have faith he will beat me, I hope he does.
  11. Sounds awesome! Apparently Charlie wants to do a draw too! Nothing stopping us having a second show once the first round is over. I will give you names at a later date just so everyone has a fair chance to see the posts.
  12. Great, I am going away will be back Friday night and I will compile a list of people who have joined the cup by then I need to contact a few people to get them on board. Should be great! Btw you up for the cup?
  13. Youth acquire DV much quicker than the oldies. My oldest players have played every game and are mostly at 10 for the veterans sometimes it is just good if they don't go down! lol Offensive and losing the midfield battle is a killer. Even if I overpowered another team I would think long and hard before going offensive away from home. End of the day you were taking on a side that is middle league caliber so there is no need to feel too bad. Concentrate on your youth try and get a veteran maybe in the off season when you can save money. Oh and don't play a forward in a midfield position Chin up though you will kick ass next season I am sure. Na man I reckon you have it. You have taken me out the last few games we have had and I have some really nasty fixtures on the way, I don't care how bad Odwin is doing him away = not a win. But what I do hope for is that our game might decide the most important thing this season, who wins the most points battle between Durov and Trainer. :p
  14. Your teamwork values were awful sadly, you played a very young midfield and he dominated in that area. The midfield battle is one you have to win if you are away and want to stand any chance. Did you play offensively? He has some proper quality players. I wouldn't worry to much he will be out of your hair next season. Just checking your midfield I see it is literally impossible for you to field an average age midfield of 25 plus. The game penalizes you if you go to far under 25 so enlisting a veteran midfielder may be an idea. Buy a cheap 30 year old 7 skill or something along those lines to give your midfield some balance.
  15. Do you have the ability? I am literally up for anyone doing it as would have to buy a webcam. It will be Monday evening
  16. Maybe he can join in off season.
  17. Besaid has got sacked because he has been absent for a few months. In that case I don't think I can unsack?
  18. Ok well we can see if Oddy or anyone else knows in the mean time answers would be good! Please read Cup info! As we reach the end of the season we move onto what is next and that is the Off Season Cup! This will be like the FA Cup (but better!) so if you want to enter and I hope basically everyone will then before Feb 20th you have to let me know via a comment here, a pm or a post on the board. (If you have friends who are not in contact with the forums but play in this league let me know if they want to play). On Feb 20th the final day before the end of the seasaon I will be hosting a live draw. Now about that if anyone wants to host it instead of me they can because tbh I don't even have a webcam and was hoping for an actual live draw. Oh and one final thing did I mention the winner of the cup will get a very special prize! So sign up today to take part in NE X11 CUP! Basically if you want to join the cup post here or comment on PR before Feb 20th. Live draw takes place Feb 20th (Time to be decided) If anyone wants to host or make suggestions let me know!
  19. I refused his application so he could try again it is so long since I signed up a team that I have forgotten does anyone more recent (Fierce Link?) remember how to do it? Good win for me today but Madpool got a vital victory so I am very much on the back foot. Need Rovers to prove he is the best in the world while I face the Elites who are still a dark horse in the title race. Nightmare! On the plus side Durov has no caught up with Trainer on points and will take him over very soon. Everyone mark Trainer!
  20. Hey man he is signed up but he joined Besaid Auchors. Does he want to make his own team? He may think that is all you can do.
  21. If I was doing it I would want bowtie and suit pictures of everyone that entered to pull out of the hat lol
  22. So we want it but anyone up for hosting it? I may extend this to a PR as well, I would be up for up but would need to buy a webcam. I have a tux and bowtie ready :p
  23. Week 11 Legacy: Haden 9, Inter 9, Co-op 10, 28 Trio: Mad 10, Peeps 3, Rez 9, 22 ...: Silverdale 8, Leeds 5, All Stars 8, 21 The Hurricanes: Elites 7, Emo 4, Bubbles 7, 18 Final Three: Odwin 5, Eights 6, Cube 1, 12 ...: Rising Phoenix 3 64s 1, DuD 5, 9 All the stories that have been told of Alliances and days of old But there's no Rovers now All the games that were won and lost somehow don't seem to matter very much anymore. All the PRs we read all the dirty tricks we saw the teams running round their stadiums burnt. I see change reports but our teams are the same as they ever were. Living on a thin line. Week 13 Legacy: Haden 9, Inter 9, Co-op 10, 28 ...: Silverdale 8, Leeds 7, All Stars 9, 24 Trio: Mad 10, Peeps 3, Rez 6, 19 The Hurricanes: Elites 7, Emo 4, Bubbles 5, 16 Final Three: Odwin 5, Eights 6, Cube 1, 12 ...: Rising Phoenix 3 64s 2, DuD 7, 12 The present: The Elite League sees a battle that is headed by a team that are trying to secure their turf and make space for a new champion. Two veterans are working to stop him and a dark horse approaches to add some spice to the final few games. Madpool Haden Elites Silverdale In the Middle League a fierce battle rages outside the realms of one all seeing influence. Mcoy The promotion battle In the Lower League the battle rages still between the good the bad and the inactives The future!: Just a quick reminder but keep asking away for new teams as I will start putting them in soon a couple more should be good Peeps did you recruit your friend? The Cup and the Draw. So a live cup and draw? I think it would be an amazing idea but we need to start sorting it quite quickly as the end season is approaching. What we need to do is pool all teams who want to do the cup. And then work out how to make it fair with one round games (eg one team will be at home) The other issue is for VIP etc and Cup draw this year someone came up with the superb idea of doing a live draw with tuxedos etc. I would be more than willing to do this if no-one else wants to. But is there someone who wants to host and is good with livestream stuff etc? As I am no expert. Get back to me guys as it would be epic to get this done
  24. That is what I am talking about! You don't mean Zell though?
  25. Going to make a big update post tonight about a few things like the cup etc for the off season. One thing to ask now though is how is progress going getting new recruits? We really need at least one other person. I have found two but we need one, it doesn't matter if they are outside the forums or not. Please have an ask around and try and get some new blood into the lower league. Thank you
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