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Status Updates posted by Eddage

  1. Thanks nightwolf!


    To be honest I'm basically over her anyway (haven't seen her for over a month - that helped), I just reaaaaallly hate it when people lie to me, makes me fucking mad!

  2. Yeah right, everyone has been saying i've bleached my hair again, cause apparently the sun has turned it nearly blonde, and i've barely been out in it! Looking forward to those pics then, and you still owe me emo myspace shots!

  3. So your hair has gone green and yellow? Haha, I think pictures are definitely needed of that!

  4. Aye, it would be awesome, but then I can make anything look good (haha, maybe not...)

  5. Oooo, dreads are cool, short hair is definitely better though!


    I'm gonna grow my hair a bit more then get 2 or 3 blue streaks put in, I'll look just like my Rock Band character (Rock Band is actually what gave me the idea for the streaks)!

  6. Nooooo, your short hair is awesome, you're not allowed to change it!


    I can nearly do the emo hair over one eye thing now, perhaps I should hold off on any myspace stylee until it grows a bit more (but then its been growing for over 6 months and has only just reached my eyes, seriously, snails pace is like F1 in comparison)!

  7. Definitely, black and white or heavy on the flash are of course essentials!


    So much cooler than that cheap imitation, Facebook!

  8. Well there's nothing cooler than myspace*, so we must be super cool!


    *may not be true

  9. Wooo, wall virginity!


