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Posts posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Christina Aguilera's new single "Keeps Gettin' Better" is out tomorrow on itunes YAYAYAYAYAYAYA


    Can't fucking wait.


    I have only heard it twice, first time when it premièred at MTV's Video Music Awards, then again on the radio.


    Since then I have been avoiding listening to it and stopped myself "acquiring" it until it officially comes out here in the UK....


    So excited :D

  2. Whoah, didn't expect so many (long) posts.


    I can see a lot of people feel very strongly on this, and has different opinions.


    As most people have said, it must be something terrible happening inside of your head to put your family/friends through this, I mean, imagine the family member who finds you, or the friend....their lives would be scarred..


    I have thought about it before when I was going through a very bad period in my life (2-3 years ago) but never had the courage to even harm myself.


    I did a lot of crying though...A LOT. Sometimes I would wear myself out from all the crying :/ It was horrible.


    I just can't imagine, people being so young, throwing their life away, when so many great times are ahead of them....such a waste of a life.

  3. Meh, I usually don't like songs the first time I hear them anyway.


    I suppose It just sounded a bit out of place to me?


    I will give it a few more listens, never really took an interest in Bjork.


    Although, I listen to "It's oh so quiet" now and again ^_^

  4. 200px-01_-_Dirrty.jpg















    Came to £18 XD



    Now my collection of Christina's singles is nearly complete, just need to get "Slow down baby" (somehow, it was only released as a single in certain countries not including UK) and need the singles of her first album.


    Then I will be ready for her greatest hits in November ^_^


    Then I will have her singles 3 times!!! (Single, Album, Greatest hits)



  5. On Friday, this guy I knew committed suicide (hung himself).


    He was stunning, was immensely popular, and would be the person you would have least suspected to do something like this.


    I didn't know him that well, but I have been talking to his best friends, and they say they don't know why and they never expected it.


    I cried for ages reading comments people had left him on Myspace, and have been thinking, what makes someone do this? Taking their one and only chance at life from themselves, and putting their family and friends through all this pain.


    Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is something was hurting him terribly.


    He was only 17, it's horrible to think that he had his whole life ahead of him, he could have achieved so much :/


    I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have thoughts like this :S


    Anyone had anyone close that have committed suicide? What are you views on it?
