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About DaveTheCow

  • Birthday 07/23/1984

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  1. Well , I spent 4hours on the moon (with a brief visit from Drift!) and collected exactly 0 keys. I have one in reserve for PoE 32, I'll come along for a trip Dan!
  2. Wow, good job Guardians! 105 million engrams decoded on 19th May! Completed story and PoE (28) and got a set of sweet guns (Her Mercy - HC, Her Benevolence - Sniper and Wolves' Bane - MachGun) using all 3 of my keys! Need to do Nightfall and would like to run the harder PoE if anyone feels like joining in! Thursday from 19.30 anyone?
  3. Sounds like a plan
  4. I need 2x night falls this week, when were you thinking?
  5. Greetings all, I have been hiding for a while but feel the need to prepare for HoW. If anyone fancies running VoG or Crota to help me get stuff, that would be awesome. I have only done VoG once so would need substantial babysitting! Hopefully I can get Fatebringer, word of Crota or Mytho before HoW drops. I currently run 2 lv32 Hunters
  6. I need to run Weekly & Nightfall with both my Hunters, also happy to do any raid with Lv 31. Available from 3pm today(Thurs) or any time Friday.
  7. Done now.nothing special acquired
  8. Anyone up for the Nightfall/weekly combo? I need to run my alt, snow means I'm around all day!
  9. I'll be on til about 6
  10. Never done VoG but will join if ok with you guys.
  11. Anyone fancy doing a raid today before the reset? I am in need of all shards and energies ant have 2 lvl31 hunters to raid with!
  12. Greetings Guardians! After running the weekly heroic with Daft and Dan_Dare (and on Dan's suggestion) I have signed up here with the hope of some Raid/Nightfall participation in the future. I did run Crota, filling a gap, with some of you guys a while back which brings my Raid total to......... 1! Keen to try VoG for fun. Anything really!
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