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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. I liked it. It's probably my least favourite Mario Kart though.
    Same here.

    My updated list of favourite MK games (since playing Arcade GP 2) from the retro board:


    1/ Super Mario Kart

    2/ Mario Kart DS

    3/ Mario Kart Super Circuit

    4/ Mario Kart 64

    5/ Mario Kart Arcade GP 2

    6/ Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

    You kidding? That game glorified the entire Kart series.
    What makes you say that?


    I actually think it took the series a step back by messing with the mechanics too much, removing the jump was a big mistake. :shakehead


    Was a joke, hence the ":heh:"

    Yeah I know, hence the ":wink:"


    This all confuses me though, what is honestly going to be left of Nintendo's release schedule after these 4 are out? They've already used all their ace cards within a year of release :o.
    Me thinks they have plenty of ace cards left, let's just hope we get to see some of them at this years E3 ey?

  3. Well. It doesn't seem like an RPG. Or a massively multiplayer game.


    Just an online underwater explorer..

    Good enough for me! :smile:


    From the screens it looks like it'll just be based around discovering and collecting data on all the various sea life to fill up a chart (a la Animal Crossing), although it does seem to hint towards some kind of virtual pet aspect too on those screens with the floating hand. :hmm:


    Either way it's likely to be one of the most relaxing games ever. icon14.gif

  4. no its the code button beside the html button
    If you use the code button it just shows up as the image:




    With the HTML one you get the code:



    Works the same with the PHP button too:


  5. You can start Pro mode with special costumes?
    As long as you've beaten the game at least once yeah.


    Do you get to start with all your weapons and stuff as well?
    Nah, weapons and items only get carried over to a new game for the same difficulty level. It would ruin pro mode really if you got to keep all your stuff from easy or normal.

  6. I've started pro mode now, with special costume 2. It's a shame Leon reverts to the standard costume in the cut scenes though.


    Also picked up the Chicago Typewriter on Separate Ways, love that gun.

    Actually I noticed something on the credits for SW that I didn't spot the first time round...


    ...After Ada goes off on the chopper and most of the staff names have gone by, you can see Leon and Ashley ride into the distance on the Jet Ski!...

    ...thought that was a very nice touch. icon14.gif

    Cool music too, although not as cool as the jazzy tune on the Assignment Ada credits. :awesome:

  7. Love both franchises, but I definitely prefer Mario Kart to Smash Bros.


    So yeah I'd be very happy if we do get MK this year. Hopefully Nintendo have made it more like the original / DS and less like Double Dash.

    Guess we'll know in a few days! :yay:


    They should really hurry up and get the SNES version on the VC too.

  8. But...but we love pwning n00bs wirth our IMG tagging knowledaging and skillzxors!
    Yeah it seems quite a lot of people get confused by it.

    I think the easiest way is to use the HTML button:




    That way you end up with the exact code:



    and the other person can just copy and paste it straight into their sig, without having to modify it.


    : peace:

  9. Seperate Ways was cool, but a bit weak compared to the main game.
    Yeah I finished it earlier today, final time was 03:11:57. The last chapter was longer than I expected, pretty tough at times too. icon14.gif


    I was surprised when...


    ...Krauser showed up! Was cool to have to fight him again, (bowgun helped out a lot with that one :wink: ). The battle with Saddler was also good fun...

    ...So overall, short but sweet. I can definitely see myself playing through it a few more times though, want to see if it's possible to shoot Leon for a start. :heh:


    Oh, and I've unlocked every character on The Mercenaries. I won't bother with 5 starring every level with every character, I had enough trouble 4 starring the levels, and the Handcannon just doesn't seem worth it.
    I did it on the GCN version, but I remember it taking me ages and the crazy double chainsaw dude being incredibly annoying! It's definitely easier with the Wii Remote though, so I'll probably try to get it on this version too.

  10. Finished this a couple of days ago, been playing all the extra stuff since. Separate Ways is really cool, not much to it though which is a shame, I'm up to the last chapter and only around 01:30 on the clock. Still it's great to see how it all ties in with the main story and seeing Leon running about while you're playing as Ada is pretty funny, but not as funny as...


    ...the Ganado that wears Leon’s jacket...

    ...I cracked up when I saw that guy! :laughing:


    Only other problem with SW is that the cut scenes are overly compressed and as a result don’t look anywhere near as good as the actual game. It’s the same for the movie browser, I really don’t get why that doesn’t use the in-game stuff. ::shrug:


    Started a second run of the main game today too, sold most of my weapons for the infinite rocket launcher, forgot how easy it makes things. :heh:

  11. Theres no doubt that Resi 4 : Wii Edition is awesome but, one thing still puzzles me, isn't it meant to fill the whole screen on a widescreen TV? currently even with 16:9 mode selected I get half inch black borders on the left and right? yet didn't Zelda have 16:9 too and that fills the screen on the same TV?
    Yeah it's the same for me:




    Capcom skimped out on true widescreen unfortunately.


    Just past the part where you have to stall for time in true R Evil fashion while the elevator arrives.
    I love that bit! :awesome:


    I'm up to the part where you escape down the waste disposal, got two bastard Iron Maiden Regenerators down there and no infrared scope, gonna be fun. :heh:


    Seriously loving the controls, there's just no going back to analog once you get used to Wii Remote aiming. One part that really made that stand out (apart from the shooting range) was in the garden maze, had four of those crazy wolf things in front of me all randomly jumping in quick succession and I was able to flick the cursor between them as they attacked and hit every time with the pistol, The speed and precision is amazing, there's just no way I'd have been able to do that with the traditional control scheme.


    Here's hoping we see more third person games with a similar set-up in the future. icon14.gif

  12. Check your TV settings, I find most widescreen issues are down to TV settings.
    I don't think it has anything to do with the settings, my TV is set to 16:9 and I never change it.

    Check out these shots for comparison:




    The settings remained the same throughout, both normal TV and the Wii menu display in full 16:9, but RE4 has a visible border around the image.

    It's still an improvement on the GCN version anyway so I'm not too bothered.


    Forgot to mention earlier, but I've also noticed that the load times are much quicker now, Capcom have removed the "loading..." screen too. icon14.gif

  13. Just got up to El Gigante, I'm actually really enjoying playing this again. :smile:


    Controls are really simple, had the turning / aiming thing down after a few minutes, (although I've managed to get in a muddle a couple of times when I was surrounded :heh: ) I like how the knife now kind of auto-aims to boxes and stuff, very handy. You can still manually aim it by the way.


    Using the Wii Remote in the action scenes is also really cool, reckon people that are completely new to the game will definitely get an extra kick out of it.


    The game looks great in 480p, but here comes the bad news... The 16:9 isn't quite as "true" as they've been making it out to be. Yep, I was pretty disappointed to discover that it doesn't fill the entire screen (there's about an inch either side, like Excite Truck) still it's better than the 16:9 within a 4:3 frame of the GCN game as you don't have to use the TV's zoom feature which means it looks a lot sharper.


    Playing on Normal mode right now but it seems to be a little bit harder than I remember on the GCN version, or maybe it's just I'm out of practice.


    Anyway, can't wait to unlock Separate Ways! :awesome:

  14. Wow, CJ's Elephant Antics. I was convinced I was the only one in the world who had played that game! I loved it also. There was a sequel 'CJ in the USA' which was even better.


    Ah, Codemasters could do no wrong in those days... :smile:

    I was starting to think the same thing!


    Nice to hear from another fan though, and yeah I had 'CJ in the USA' too. :hehe:

  15. I really like Hori as a manufacturer (not only this controller in particular) but I've always felt they are the only ones to match (or come close) to the quality of the official nintendo acessories.
    Absolutely, they make really high quality stuff.


    I got my black Hori digital pad from Play-Asia (also out of stock now) it's an awesome pad. Reckon the Classic controller is still better for SNES VC games though purely because of the button layout.
