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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. If I pre-order from Gameplay with 1st class postage, what day am i likely to get it on? I've never pre-ordered a game from Gameplay before. My local shop will probably have it on the Thursday so I was wondering if it was worth pre-ordering online or not.
    I usually get stuff on the Thursday with 1st class, that seems to be the norm for most people from here too. Although it can slip a day (either way) but that's pretty rare. Mind you, I did get Pokémon Diamond on a Wednesday. :hehe:

  2. Yes! :yay:

    Best update since Smashville, this stage is going to be hilarious.


    mmh new stage Warioware i wonder wat he meant with getting a reward at the end
    I'm guessing that every time you clear a game your character gets a power-up, or perhaps the people that fail lose some energy. Can't wait to find out though. :smile:

  3. I would cross that off your list for this year if I am to believe what the Nintendo rep said to me (and I somewhat do). When I mentioned it he pulled a "neeeeever going to happen" kinda face. This could turn into something Trauma Centre.
    To be honest I wouldn't mind if that was the case, as it's definitely the game I'm least interested in from my list.


    After watching some video reviews it seems the only thing it's got going for it is some nice visuals, but seeing as it's out way after Metroid and Galaxy that doesn't really leave much of an incentive to get it. :hmm:

  4. I did exactly the same. I skimmed read IGN's review and watched about 5 secs of the GT video before turning it off! :D


    I'm much more hyped for it now.

    Hehehe! It's a bit more important for you to avoid spoilers though, seeing as you'll probably be playing it by the end of the week. :grin:

  5. Am I the only person that actually likes the idea of having a deserted environment? Well we don't even know for sure that's how it'll be, but I think it could make for quite an interesting and eerie atmosphere. It's a certainly a nice contrast to the populated environments of games like GTA.


    As for the room in those scans, I love it! Reminds me of the background in the trophy room from Smash Bros. :smile:

  6. I flicked through the IGN and Gametrailer video reviews, (trying to avoid spoilers, didn't really work but I'm sure I'll have forgotten most of it by the time we get the game :heh: ) it looks phenomenal, the controls seem spot-on and it sounds as if there's a lot of playtime / replay value too.


    Looking forward to it.

  7. How is Pilotwings a casual game?
    Yeah I know, (Cube you crazy amigo. :heh: ) I'd love to see a casual gamer rock the helicopter missions and expert mode. :laughing:


    Any creation software would be fine with me - Stage Debut anyone? Yeah music makers.
    Hell yeah! I really wonder what's up with Wii Music, been ages since any new info. :hmm:

  8. Damn, a game a week from 09/11/2007 until 07/12/2007. Endless Ocean (which I'll probably just miss due to the schedule) Galaxy of course, Dewy, RE:UC, Zack and Wiki.
    Yeah, talk about going from a drought to a flood!


    My shopping list looks like this at the moment:

    Including DS stuff, bold titles are definite purchases...


    Super Paper Mario

    Freshly Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland

    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

    Endless Ocean

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Dewy’s Adventure

    Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

    Pokémon Battle Revolution

    Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure


    Shocking I know, no Alan Hansens Sports Challenge or Cheggers' Party Quiz. :laughing:

  9. http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/en/GB/news/article.do?elementId=89jrftS1pVrPRFHXwoueNuR9T4bKCNx_


    NoE confirms Q4 release dates. Pokémon Battle Revolution gets a date fo the first time - 7th December. That'll be on my Christmas list, then! :)

    Yep, I've updated the list. There might be a few mistakes though, (after making so many changes) so if anyone spots something please let me know. :smile:


    I like how Umbrella Chronicles has been pushed back to the 30th, gives a bit more uninterrupted time to enjoy Galaxy. icon14.gif

  10. I'm really pleased that Go K.K. Rider is the Smashville song, too, as it's one of my favourite K.K. songs (even though I'd have preferred K.K. Condor..). Shame it doesn't seem to have as much oomph as it could have had, though.
    Was a bit disappointed by it at first, (thought it was going to be the aircheck version) luckily K.K. kicked in at the end though. :yay:


    Although I think the AC stage could have used a medley really, there are definitely more K.K. songs that would've worked well, DJ K.K, The K. Funk, K.K. Condor... I'd have loved K.K. Samba.


    Actually they should've just had all of them in there and let you choose which ones play in the options.


    Yeah that's asking for a bit too much I know. :heh:

  11. untitled1au1.gif

    Vgchartz.com, the most comprehensive Videogame charts in the world has announced that lifetime sales of Nintendo's Wii have passed Microsoft's Xbox 360 on a worldwide basis as of August 23rd. (*)


    Two years ago, very few analysts would have predicted the Nintendo Wii would be market leader this generation against the established Playstation and Xbox brands. But analysts can be in error: Vgchartz.com data, which is based on sample data from retailers all over the world indicates that the week ending August 23rd Nintendo's Wii (which was released one year after the Xbox 360 in November 2006), currently standing at 10.57 million consoles sold, passed Xbox 360 lifetime sales of 10.51 million units, making Nintendo the new market leader in both the home and handheld videogame console businesses.


    As weekly data from vgchartz.com shows(**), the console outsold Microsoft’s Xbox 360 by a margin of 2.3 : 1 worldwide on average each week since its release, selling at an even faster rate than the most successful console ever created, Sony's Playstation 2, despite still being sold out in most major markets.


    This is the first time that a company has been market leader in the home console and the handheld market since 1994 when Nintendo’s Super NES and Gameboy dominated worldwide.


    Vgchartz.com is proud to be first to announce this major sales cross over as an independent tracker of sales and expect this to be a milestone for the current generation. In just two years, home console sales for the three major manufacturers have effectively reversed. This will have a large impact on third party publishers and will undoubtedly influence the decisions they make in the future.


    One factor that has no doubt helped Nintendo's Wii to gain so quickly is the console's broad appeal across all age groups, demographics and countries. Current sales are pretty evenly split between the three major markets – 3.46 million have been sold in Japan, the American market (including Canada and South America) accounts for 4.24million and Other markets (including Europe and Australia and a few niche markets) for 2.87 million units sold, respectively.


  12. I just hope all these dates are true
    I'm pretty confident that they are (and have added them to the release list thread) we'll probably know for sure in a few days.


    But yeah, they seem to follow the usual bad scheduling process so I reckon they're for real. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted we're getting so many great games this year (especially Galaxy) but the way they've been spaced out is awful. Paper Mario and Tingle on the same day, one week between Phantom Hourglass and Metroid, and one week between Endless Ocean, Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles! Not to mention the rest of the third party stuff that'll no doubt be occupying those same dates. :shakehead


    I'd have been much happier if there was 3 or at the very least 2 weeks between them, would've meant much less drought time overall and made it a lot easier on the wallet too.


    Anyway, as for Endless Ocean, I just hope they've sorted out the bugs that plagued the Japanese version, and that the MP3 option is left intact. After watching some more videos of the game I get the feeling I'll definitely need to use that option. :heh:
