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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. I'm looking for ,the green square and yellow triangle in the Fairy Garden to revive the springs.

    It can be quite tricky to find all the various items in the Fairy Garden, the ones where you dig at the weird shrine things on the map are easy, as are the ones you get from battling enemies, but there are a few obscure ones too that involve digging in not so obvious places.


    So yeah, if you're still stuck it's most probably one of the buried ones, just keep digging. :smile:


    Damn, only missing one Rupee Item...


    I am missing Item 28. I think it's probably related to the guy in the swamp who needs the star stickers. I got one sticker, but I don't remember how or where I got it. How do you get these stickers anyway and where can I find the rest?

    The only way to get the 3 stickers...


    ...is to collect all of the empty bottles, 22 in total I think it is. :hmm:

    I had to backtrack to earlier sections of the game to find the last few bottles, at which point I received the final sticker.

    So I have just made it into Lon Lon Meadow and was randomly digging with my new shovel and a blue chest popped out of the ground. I tried opening it with Tingle but he couldnt, do I need a certain bodyguard to help me out here?
    You'll find out how to open them later on in the game, but if you want to know in advance...


    ...your ocarina will get upgraded by the pirates, at which point you can use it to open those treasure chests. It can also be used to help locate any remaining buried ones, which is pretty handy. :awesome:


  2. I reckon the girl in the background of that photo would make a better Samus than the one that does Lara:




    Not like it's that important though, even Nintendo can't decide on her image, she looks different in every bloody game! :heh:


    So be honest, you wouldnt see her face to the end of the movie if theydid it right so it matters not what she looks like.
    You can guarantee that if there is ever a Metroid movie they will completely mess that aspect of it up, a la Judge Dread. Especially if it was done with a famous actress.


    Bob Hopkins, to me he still is the one and only Mario!
    Surely not, what about...





  3. Can't say I'm that bothered by it really, only got 2 of them though.


    On the one hand it is a bit of a waste, but on the other (like / nando / already mentioned) you do get a spare case for a replacement or whatever.


    It'd be interesting to know how the majority of people top up, points card or online purchase. :hmm:


    I might try getting some via the channel next time, can you get however many points you want that way, or is it set amounts?

  4. Is there a way to not make chuckles suck so much. As a bodyguard he doesn't really do anything. Medium body guards are supposed to be good with their hands but chuckles just shrugs 24/6
    Yeah, the clown bodyguard has purposely bad AI. Makes them really annoying to use, you're better off with the female warrior (will basically attack anything that moves :heh: ) or one of the suit wearing guys (will only attack when you command, but will always obey) for a medium bodyguard.


    well all I can say is hope you guys were right! I picked this up today not played a lot at all...literally a couple of mins walked to the pool and back...
    Cool, hope you enjoy it.


    I collected the remaining Rupee Goods yesterday and got the extra ending, incredibly amusing it was. :o

    Definitely worth collecting all the items for.

  5. Forever Blue sounds like a porno to you....?? :wtf:
    You know blue, as in blue movie... Yeah err... Never mind. :laughing:


    I think it is the same unexplainable appeal that comes with Animal Crossing, try and explain it to someone and it just makes no sense...
    That's the one. :smile:

    To be honest I can totally understand why some people are like "what the hell?" especially among seasoned gamers. But I'm really looking forward to this, have been since it was first announced.


    I get the feeling this is going to do really well in Europe actually. Most of the touch generations titles have gone down great, think it'll be the same story with this.

  6. NoE have re-confirmed the release date for Europe. 9th November.
    And that it will be called Endless Ocean, I'm guessing they decided on that over Forever Blue as it sounds less like a porno that way. :heh:


    Not bothered about the name though, just glad we're definitely getting it this year, and that the SD card feature is intact. :smile:

  7. Just completed it!* :yay:


    The final boss was phenomenal!...


    ...Never in a million years was I expecting it to be an old school shoot-’em-up style battle in outer space, but it was, and what's more it was awesome!


    Such a great idea for you to get all the rupees that went into the tower back to be used as ammo against Uncle Rupee. Pretty challenging fight too, until you get the hang of his patterns (especially for the last part) I loved his second form though, the way you had to fire at the beam he shoots and push it back to him, classic!


    So funny how you actually have to buy the staff credits too, nothing's free in this game! :laughing:

    This really has been one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences, absolutely adored it from start to finish. Great story, incredibly funny throughout, cute and colourful whilst occasionally dark and twisted, fantastic gameplay, and one of the most original games I've played in a long time.


    Such a shame that so many will miss out due to the game not releasing in the US, especially when the reasoning behind that is so stupid. Never thought I'd have something this positive to say about NoE, but I'm eternally grateful to them for having the balls to bring this to Europe. I just really hope it won't be the last time we see a move like that.


    *I say completed, but that's not taking into consideration the fact there's still loads of side quests to finish, items to find ect... And the fact that I'll blatantly play through this from the start again, at least once. :wink:

  8. Cheers for the impressions DiemetriX. icon14.gif

    That cardboard cut-out is pretty damn cool, wonder if anyone tried to nick it? :heh:


    I am not sure if this has been posted ... but AWESOME trailer, has a lot of potential.



    Yeah I've watched that trailer a few times now, great stuff! I love the variations of the theme music at 0:35, 1:02 and 1:29, hope the rest of the soundtrack is as good.

  9. isn't that really just an excuse for a system that perhaps makes the game artificially harder/longer/complicated than it actually is? I mean the bartering for information off characters seems more complicated than it needs to be and also potentially wasteful...
    I don’t think it is no, it’s a necessary element in order to create the experience. And as Ike mentioned, sometimes you have a clue as to how much is needed.


    There are actually many situations where there is very little risk involved in the negotiations, like hiring bodyguards for example, you pay a small amount of rupees before making an offer and then if it’s not enough you only lose the initial rupees. Also, when you’re being offered a reward (after completing certain tasks), you actually get several chances to name / adjust your price before the character you’re dealing with gets fed up and leaves you with only 1 rupee. :heh:


    To me it seems like reviewers that slate the game mechanics simply had problems making / holding on to rupees, and therefore decided to label it as flawed rather than accept the fact they just weren’t very good at the game or understanding how it works.

  10. it just seems like too much of a grind the way some reviews complain about how everything costs money even trying to get info off people..
    I reckon a lot of reviewers have truly misinterpreted the game though, I mean it's supposed to be tough to know when and how much to spend, the whole point is that you're experiencing Tingle's struggle to make money, if it was easy it would be completely unsatisfying. I think it's great that the game is so direct and brutal in that regard, makes for a really unique experience.


    Obviously it's not going to be to everyone’s taste, but some reviews claim the game's rupee system is flawed, and it clearly isn't.


    Would majorly ruin the game using that.

    Be cool for a second play through though, see just how much you can make. :wink:

  11. Bah, still don't have this game. Emailed a store to ask if they'll get the game, but they haven't replied yet after three days. =(


    I might have to go look around on ebay or something if the store isn't going to have the game. D:

    Can't you just order it from Play.com? It's in stock and I'm pretty sure they ship to Belgium.


    Need some help:


    There's a guy in Steamy marsh that wants me too cook something, but I don't know how. Anyone know how to cook it?


    Also where do you get those chips from?


    You've just reminded me actually, I haven't done that one yet either. I remember that I was missing one of the ingredients so I decided to leave it for later, but I must have what's needed now as I'm on the 3rd continent.

    Hmm... will check it out next time I play.


    Do you mean the Triangle Chips? If so you need to dig them up after getting hold of the shovel, they occasionally get left behind after battles with certain enemies too.


  12. Can someone give me a hand with this game? I have just got to the 2nd island ( not continent ) and I just seem to be walking around in circles. Also I have very little cash and was wondering who I can sell Fireworks to as thats all I can make at the moment :)


    Do you need to find the recipies before you can cook the dish? If not anyone care to throw some my way so I can get some moola together.

    You can discover recipes for yourself, but it's not an easy thing to do. Plus most of the good stuff requires ingredients from later stages in the game, so knowing the recipe beforehand doesn't help as you won't be able to make them.


    It definitely gets easier to make money the further you get, but in the early stages you need to be careful how you spend and keep an eye out for anything you can sell.

    On the 2nd island (if it's the one I'm thinking of) you should be able to find pearls that can be sold to the jeweller in town, they reappear after a while too so there is an infinite amount.

    Each area also has this weird ball thing with flashing eyes that you can tap on repeatedly to get some rupees, again after a while you can repeat the process.

    And when you battle, try to move the smoke cloud into as many enemies as possible, the more you take on at once the more chance you have of earning rupees.


    That’s about all I can think of really, make sure you do the side quests involving the people from town too, those are a good way of making moola.


    I just tried the last boss: a perfect example of how drugs can cause an very enjoyable boss. I'll get my revenge now that I know how to avoid his attacks (among the weirdest and funniest I've ever seen in a game).
    Can't wait to see it. I just did the boss on the mountain stage, and I've got well over 200,000 rupees now! Time to visit the tower. :smile:

    Speaking of which, I love the little scenes with Uncle Rupee every time you raise the tower...


    ...The one where the cat scratches him across the face was hilarious, and the one with the hot chicks in the swimming pool! Great stuff.



  13. I actually haven’t played this for days now! :shakehead


    The RPG / Platform thing just really doesn’t appeal to me.


    When Eenuh was debating which game to get, I thought that was a tough decision to make, but now having played both games there really is no doubt for me whatsoever that Rupeeland would be the one to get.


    Here's hoping Metroid will be more enjoyable, otherwise I might have a similar situation to now when Phantom Hourglass comes out, and all of my gaming time will be on the DS again.


    Yeah, I know, it'd happened a few times before I got SPM, it's just it's happened about 50% of the time since getting the game, that's all.
    I wonder if it's something to do with having the firmware update on the disc? :hmm:

  14. Finished the fifth dungeon. The boss is amazing and use the touch screen in a nice way. Remind me some old school games.
    Sounds cool, don't think I'm too far from that now.


    Woo, my 'sources' at Nintendo got me a free copy of the game! :) Just done the Hero's Shrine, and I'm really enjoying it so far, except, like many reviews have said, the bartering system can be a nuisance.

    Wish I had 'sources' at Nintendo for freebies. :blank:


    Anyway, glad to hear you're enjoying it. : peace:

  15. The 4th dungeon was horrible and I have to come back to explore it completely.:shakehead
    Yeah it took me by surprise a bit...


    ...the way you have to navigate those dark areas with just a small circle of visibility around Tingle, and there are floor spikes and weird creatures that reset your position if you get caught! Didn't want to spend many rupees on that firefly either so I did pretty much all of it without the extra light!


    It was a little disappointing that the boss was a repeat of the first one, but at least there was a twist to it and it was certainly more challenging. I get the feeling perhaps the other bosses might be re-used too, but as long as they see similar changes it won’t be that bad.

    Anyway, I'm on the 3rd continent now. Not really exploring it that much yet though as I've still got mapping and some side quests left over from the last two areas of the 2nd continent. That and I keep spending ages digging for Triangle Chips to play the scratch card game! :grin: Noticed something quite funny with that actually...


    ...if you scratch the remaining panels after playing a game you can hear Tingle making a weird sighing noise as he desperately searches for more Triforce pieces! :laughing:


  16. I've not played that much of this game (thanks to Rupeeland!) Got to say though, I'm really not enjoying this as much as I was expecting to. :blank:


    The gameplay is great but I'm finding the story to be a bit, meh...

    As a result I sometimes find myself just trying to skip past the dialogue which is a shame because its very funny at times, but it really breaks up the action in an unwanted way for me.


    I think I'd have enjoyed this more if it was just a platform game.


    So at the moment I'd say I prefer The Thousand-Year Door, but hopefully that'll change, maybe I just need to get into this a bit more. :hmm:

  17. I dont like it how you dont have any idea how many Rupees you are supposed to give to people
    I found it a bit daunting at first, but I really like that aspect of it now. Adds to the tension when making deals, plus you start to get a better idea of how much to offer after a while.


    This game is... quite difficult.
    I've found it alright so far (mind you I'm kind of pacing myself as I want it to last), what part are you up to?


    I'm at the beginning of the Second Continent right now, did the final dungeon of the First Continent the other day...


    ...the one inside the Great Deku Tree! Fantastic boss battle at the end of that one, they seem to be getting better and better with every new dungeon. Absolutely incredible artwork on the Deku Tree too.



    I've also been doing quite a bit of backtracking and checking out some of the different bodyguards (it's cool there are so many different ones). I went back to the Pirate Dungeon with one of the small bodyguards (the one with a runny nose :heh: ) to check out those small holes that appeared in the walls that Tingle couldn’t fit inside, and found a couple of Rupee Goods!


    It's nice that exploring with different bodyguards means you discover new stuff, makes for great variety in the game.



    LOL...That N-Europe banner makes it look like transsexuals feature in this game.
    Hey! I made that banner, how dare you LOL at it? :laughing:

  18. That's cool more people are picking this up, it really is a great game.

    I haven't been able to put it down, and have hardly played SPM! :eek:


    The second dungeon was quality, and so funny. The way Barkle comes in to the game is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time, absolute comedy gold! :grin: (Such a cute character too, I think they should give him a spin-off game now!) The boss battle was also excellent...


    ...featured a nice Punch-Out reference. I'm thinking that might be a theme actually as the first boss battle had a Balloon Fight feel to it. Would be awesome if they were all based on old Nintendo games in some way.

    Now you've made me feel even worse that I probably won't be able to afford to play it until next year! :cry:
    Sorry mate. :heh:

    But hey, at least you know you've got a great game to look forward to.

  19. Loving it! :yay:


    Had a feeling I was going to love this game and it wasn't wrong. Only played it for an hour or so, but I can already tell this is going to be one of my favourite DS games. The story and dialogue are hilarious. The music (although a bit sparse) is awesome as are the gibberish voices and various sound effects. It looks absolutely stunning, lovely 2D artwork (and the occasional 3D element) plus the animation is top notch. It plays fantastically well too.


    Some pretty interesting gameplay mechanics actually, your life is rupees, and seeing as the game revolves around buying / selling stuff it makes things pretty tricky in order to keep the right balance between health and money.


    The combat system is unusual as well because Tingle is crap at fighting :heh: so you can hire bodyguards to help you out in battle. You fight enemies by just walking in to them (some of them will run towards you) which starts a cartoon style smoke ball that you need to repeatedly tap on with the stylus, you can move the ball around though and the idea is to move it towards other enemies to fight more than 1 at a time, earning you more items / rupees.


    The things you collect from battle can then be used to make items by mixing the ingredients together in a pot, you can follow recipes for guaranteed success, or "cook freely" which I tried out once but didn't end up with an item, it's cool though as it allows plenty of room to experiment. You need an empty bottle to store whatever you make, nice little Zelda element there. :wink:


    But it was in the first dungeon was were the Zelda vibe really hit, the way Tingle moves on the curved staircases, the treasure chests and pots, and of course the classic puzzle chime, which by the way is delivered in a very funny way, but I won't spoil that.


    So yeah, really enjoying it. Much more than SPM at the moment too.


    I hope people won't be put off this game by the wacky content, because it really is a gem. If you're a fan of RPG's and unusual humour it's a must, and if you're a Zelda fan then it's simply a no-brainer, you need it.

    Spread the word people, this game rules!!


    Cool box too:


    The golden parts are shiny, although you can't really tell from that pic.

  20. Almost forgot that this game is out tomorrow. But so is Tingle's game... and I think I only have the money for one game at the moment and now I don't know which one to get.


    I prefer playing DS games (haven't touched my Wii console in months or something), but I've been waiting for SPM for agesss. >.>;

    Noooo! You must get Tingle, everyone must!


    Seriously though, that's a tough one. I really don't know how I'd choose in that situation. Hmm, I reckon I'd go with Tingle though, purely because it's so amazing that it even got a Euro release I'd just have to support that. And it looks like such an original game. But then again, SPM is clearly awesome...

    ...Ow, my head hurts. Well, good luck with that choice. :heh:


    See NoE? This is why it's really dumb to release 2 games on the same day! icon13.gif

  21. I preordered Tingle is March Redshell.
    That's crazy because I only ordered it recently (like a couple of weeks ago), they must ship stuff out in reverse then!?


    I'm now debating cancelling all my preorders with Gameplay and going with GAME.

    It's weird though, you'd think GAME and Gameplay would offer a similar service seeing as they're essentially the same company these days. :hmm:

  22. I'm looking forward to hearing some of your impressions on this. NOE don't seem to be that great at giving out review copies, so there haven't been any reviews of the PAL version, have there? Unfortunately, I don't have the time or the money to get it now. :(
    My copy should arrive tomorrow hopefully.


    That's weird about the lack of reviews. :hmm:
