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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. Just a quick question, how do you get a better grade or showing people around when diving? This guy wanted to see a fish and I took him to it straight away yet I only got a C, any help?
    You just need to spend a bit more time on the tour, once you get the message that the client is absolutely thrilled then you're pretty much guaranteed an A ranking.


    Just something! It's wierd, you cant really play hide and seek because there is a map, you can't really draw something (I put "yo" and when I turned around it said "oy" backwards lol..Apologies :p) for others to follow neither.
    Yeah I saw it the right way though. :grin:

    The pen tool runs out a bit too quick really.


    Anyway, I "completed" this last night, very similar playtime to c0Zm1c too.

    Still got around half of the ocean left to explore though, and lots of creatures to find.


    Considering it's a budget title I think the playtime to hit the credits is more than adequate really. Plus it's the kind of game I'll definitely want to play again in the future just to chill out, it's like a digital stress ball. :heh:

  2. I've added everyone that's posted their code so far, so please add me too! :smile:


    Visited tapedeck's boat earlier on, the limited communication is slightly annoying but also quite amusing. :hehe:

    It would've been better though if the Wi-Fi mode included some kind of objectives like the single player game, to give a bit more incentive to play it. Or if you were able to trade items or something, but it's still pretty cool as it is. And it's good that you can activate the online mode and then just carry on with the single player game while you wait for someone to visit.

  3. Glad to hear you guys liked reading my impressions. :smile:

    Here are some screenshots that highlight the visual difference between the on deck / underwater sections (really not that much of an issue though seeing as 99% of the time you’re diving) and some screens of photos I’ve taken in the game:




    eo1gn4.th.jpg eo2ax8.th.jpg eo3ff2.th.jpg


    This one shows how you can mess with the camera for different depth of field:




    Unfortunately there’s a slight drawback to the photography aspect, in that when you save images to the album they get compressed, so some photos can suffer from colour banding, very visible on the last of the thumbnail images above.

    Still a great addition to the game though.




    Anyway, had a serious “WOW!” :o moment playing this last night…


    …I discovered an abyss but couldn’t go deep enough to explore it at first, afterwards you get new gear which enables you to dive deeper, so I went back and dived all the way down to the very bottom. It gets pitch black and you can only see what’s right in front of your face! There’s an eerie rumbling sound too that really makes you feel isolated and so far from the surface. And at the very bottom you find the graveyard, here’s a pic:




    Loads of cool looking creatures down there too, like weird neon fish. Also found some fossils and spotted a Coelacanth! Seems a bit easier to find than it was in Animal Crossing. :heh:

    It was an incredible experience for me, and worth getting the game just for that part.

    I actually felt relieved once I’d returned to the surface it was so damn freaky! :awesome:

  4. Played it for a few hours now, it’s certainly living up to my expectations.

    the jaggies on the characters are a disgrace. Its alright when you are under water but when you arrive back on your boat it looks like a 1st generation PS2 game.
    Yeah there’s a huge difference in quality between the on deck and underwater sections, the animation of the characters is hilariously bad at times, really robotic movement and they appear to skate across the boat. :heh: (being on the boat kind of reminds me a bit of Another Code, mainly due to the point and click nature of the controls, but it has a similar vibe too). Underwater the visuals are much better though, and at times have an almost photorealistic quality to them! It generates a very convincing atmosphere, put it that way.


    Anyway, for those that want to know how the game works, basically you receive objectives (e-mails in the game) that you’re then free to carryout whenever you want. So far they’ve consisted of things like guiding various people on tours in search of a specific type of fish, and taking photos. You gradually get to explore different areas of the ocean and receive new gear to customize your diver. At the end of the day, it all comes down to just exploring and discovering as many different types of sea life as you can, it’s seriously chilled out. :smile:


    The photography element has been a really nice surprise for me, there’s actually quite a bit of depth involved and you can use advanced controls that allow you to manually choose the focal point of a shot (otherwise it’s just locked to the centre) and adjust the aperture to vary the depth of field. You then have to return to the boat to check the images which you can store in an album (up to 40), I’ve had loads of fun just experimenting with this aspect of the game as it can be quite tricky to take good photos due to the way most the fish constantly move around.


    Control wise this game couldn’t be any easier, you simply point where you want to move and then hold down the B button to swim (you can also press the – button once to enable auto swim). There are a few extra features too, like flicking the remote to make your diver spin to turn around quicker, and an option to use advanced controls, which removes the angle limitation, meaning you have complete freedom of movement and can swim upside-down ect… I’ve stuck with the advanced setting since discovering it.


    My main gripe at the moment is that you can only choose a single Mp3 track while on the boat, it can’t be changed once you’re underwater and will just loop over and over. So to change track you need to return to the boat, would’ve be nice if you could create a play list or something. :hmm: But yeah, that’s a pretty minor complaint, and I’m finding that most of the time I prefer to play it with no music anyway.


    I’m really enjoying it though, and would definitely recommend it (if any of the above sounds like your cup of tea that is). It’s a great game for non-gamers too, literally anyone could play this. I reckon/hope it’ll do quite well.


    Will try to check out the online later, here’s my code:



    : peace:

  5. Completed this yesterday, great game!


    Then I started a new game on Hypermode... At first I was like "meh, ain't so bad", then when the first boss kicked my ass I was more like "hmm, oh dear". :laughing:

    Seems like everything requires a load more shots, and Samus can only take a couple of direct hits before dying! Kind of cool though as it means you need to move around and dodge stuff pretty much perfectly.


    Anyway, can’t wait to discover what Retro Studios next project will be. :smile:

  6. RedShell: Go to the Chozo Observatory in Skytown and download the maps with hints for every item for every planet. Alternatively, you can mark maps with items you can't get with green colour on the map screen and come back later.
    Cheers for the tips. : peace:


    I had downloaded info for a few of the planets in SkyTown, but there were some that required the spider ball so I should definitely re-visit now. I wasn't aware of the map marking thing though, sounds very handy indeed.

  7. So it was a budget title after all then.


    Anyway, I'm still very much looking forward to it.

    Should have MP3 completed by next week, and then I think this will be the perfect title to distract me until Galaxy. :smile:


    Just need to put together some chilled out tracks for my SD card. :hehe:

  8. That vid is so embarrassing. :woops:


    It boggles the mind how any modern development team can make such a bad looking game on such powerful hardware. :shakehead


    After playing MP3 and now seeing this, it's even more ridiculous! Nintendo shouldn't allow them to release it looking like that.


    I wonder where all the gameplay-mechanic optimism went? :p
    Same place the artistic talent of the Cruis'n developers went… Down the crapper! :laughing:

  9. Just got the spider ball at last, after seeing tracks for it for ages and not being able to use them. Time for some backtracking! :)
    I got that today, plus a suit and beam upgrade too!


    Think I might be missing quite a few missile / energy tanks though, so I should probably do some backtracking as well. Problem is remembering where all those damn spider tracks are. :heh:

  10. Flameboy, Shadow, Darksnowman and Redshell have you got the Friedn Vouchers I sent you guys?
    Nope, your name is still displayed in gray too. I think there’s quite a bit of delay with sending/receiving these things though. :hmm:


    I'm up to third area now...




    Absolutely gorgeous environment, my jaw has hit the floor many a time playing through this area. :heh: Love moving on those grapple rail things and having to shoot the doors/enemies at the same time, so cool.


    Just got hold of the Plasma Beam, great how you use it as a soldering iron to fix those broken panels. Melting the robot guys with it is pretty damn funny too.

    I just can't get enough of this game at the moment. :yay:

  11. I wish I’d discovered the option to switch over the A and B buttons sooner, it's so much better using B to shoot and A to jump (don’t get why that wasn’t the default setting) but now I’m getting a bit confused at times as I got so used to the first layout! 25815406af2.gif

    Definitely going to stick with the new way though, loads quicker to shoot with B.


    For anyone yet to play the game, I recommend you mess with this option straight away, and find out which style you prefer, before getting too comfortable with the default controls.



    I think it's that the resolution is not quite 480 but something like 476, so you either get a very tiny black bar on the top and bottom or your tv stretches it a little. RE4 Wii is also like this. It's still widescreen, it's just not 16:9 in the mathematical proportion way.
    Yep that’s right, exactly the same set up as RE4. You really don’t notice it after a while though, even more so if you’re in a dark room. Which let’s face it, is the only way to play this game.


    He is sort of right with the graphics though, it could of been done on the Cube.
    Not in a million years my friend. Anyone that thinks this game could run on the GCN is delusional, or in good need of a visit to Specsavers. 42944569ec2.gif


    Nah as I have my 360 plugged in. I only have my Wii online when I visit the shopping channel. I will plug it into the net at some point as I wanna get me some Friend Vouchers :)
    Hook it up man! I’ve got some Friend Vouchers with your name on em’. 17hb1.gif

  12. OK, how cool is the…


    …Phazon Enhancment Device!


    Seriously awesome bit of kit, love the visual effect when you enter Hyper Mode. :awesome:

    The graphics in the game are outstanding. Some incredible textures and lighting, cool motion blur effects, huge environments, and it all runs so smoothly. No online media (or that preview channel) can prepare you for just how good it looks in the flesh, especially on a nice TV running in progressive scan.


    Easily the best game so far to back up Iwata’s “you will say wow” comment. :heh:


    The soundtrack has actually bugged me :/ The opening music was great and all, but a few levels in, when I was on Bryyo (I think it was called) there was an 'epic' style deep chorus that seemed to be trying to echo Halo but instead became irritating and repetitive.
    Yeah that tune on Bryyo started to annoy me after a while too, it just seems to loop too quickly.


    I have been spending alot of time in the 1st level just scanning stuff and getting some Friend Vouchers and various coloured credits. Took me a while to get 20 on the mini game on the 1st level but it was worth it :)
    Have you activated Connect 24 mode? You're not showing up as a MP3 owner on my roster. :hmm:

  13. Just did the opening section, talk about cinematic! :o

    They really went all out on this one.


    Loving the controls too, literally picked them up instantaneously. It's a bit weird during the interaction parts though how you use the remote to control Samus's left arm, perhaps they should've done a Twilight Princess and put the arm cannon on her left hand. :heh: Oh - but then it'd be the wrong way around for shooting, er yeah... on second thoughts. :laughing:


    Can't wait to get further in to the game.




    Did anyone else with the latest firmware have to do an update before playing this for the first time?

  14. That's great RedShell :D


    Is it possible to do an avatarwith the eye and a person faded into it?





    : peace:




    I dunno really. You've got a difficult one there. Gotta be something clean and crisp yet edgy.




    Maybe just a clearer font and slightly rotated would be good.


    Also it would look good in B&W with loads of contrast.

    What do you reckon, better?:




    Didn't really dig the rotated text, made it clearer though.


    Anyway, take your pick Triple_C. :heh:

  15. Sure! I was looking at this picture when I requested it:




    and this sort of stuff on deviantart:


    The Bird Watcher

    Alright, here it is:




    Keep in mind that this isn’t a style I'm used to working with, still it's cool to try out new stuff. :)


    Love the Triple_C one RS. Though you could be more creative with the text.
    Cheers, what would you suggest?

  16. OK, had a go at some of the latest requests...














    : peace:


    Hey guys, I was wondring if someone would be so kind as to design a new signature and avatar combination for me?


    Seeing as Ireland were crap at the RWC, I do need a change, although I really appreciate Fresh's work.


    Sig Text: conzer16

    Theme: Numbers/Business

    Size: 375x100px

    Shape: Regular rectangle

    Colour scheme: Dark/Moody

    Fonts: designer's choice/dragonwick

    Style: Abstract


    Many thanks...

    If you could post some images I'll give it a go, really don't know where to begin with that request otherwise. :blank: