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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. Is anyone apart from me not really hyped at all for this? Especially with Brawl just around the corner. Looking at screenshots just reminds me of how much I disliked Double Dash. Even the online aspect isn't really exciting me - Mario Kart DS online was enough for me, and I know Nintendo won't exactly be pushing the boat out with this online.


    Unless they make it as feature-rich as Brawl, I really can't see myself getting that excited about it.

    Worryingly, I’m not that hyped for this either, purely because I don’t really like the direction Nintendo are taking it in. :shakehead My idea of Mario Kart Wii heaven would be… the gameplay fundamentals of the SNES version, (obviously plus certain newer features) extra number of players / online aspect. Perhaps some customization elements too, like the emblem editor from the DS game.


    Basically I’d want an online, hi-res version of SMK. :grin:


    It’s not that I’m against the idea of bikes / stunts / new characters ect… more that I don’t really want that stuff in MK, if Nintendo were to do all of that in a new game though, well great! But I just wish MK Wii would retain more of a classic feel.


    Don’t reckon the extras we’ve seen so far will help make the game more accessible for novice gamers either. I mean, controlling bikes with a steering wheel, doesn’t seem very intuitive does it? :heh: And stunts will merely be an extra complication for new players too.

    Makes me think that a more traditional form of the franchise would have been better regarding the whole casual audience thing as well. ::shrug:

  2. I have spent alot of time in the Olympic General Knowledge section as some of the mini games in there are quite good. I love the whack-a-mole mini game and its great playing along to these games when you unlock the classic Mario and Sonic tunes. Star Light Zone music FTW!
    I didn't like any of those mini-games really (they reminded me too much of flash games from the net :heh:) but I still went through them all just to unlock the music.


    Shame they put 2 of the newer tracks on Sonic's selection though, hate that stuff. Especially compared to the quality music from the Mega Drive games. Would have been cool if it was possible to play the extra music outside of the gallery section too. Oh well. ::shrug:


    Eh...that makes no sense. Screen resolution shouldn't affect saves...
    No not resolution, it's to do with the speed. Can't remember for sure now, but I think it mentions in the manual about how the game creates different save files depending on the refresh rate you're using.

  3. Played a marathon multi-player session on this last night, my arms are killing me today!

    Man I'm unfit. :laughing:

    This game is dangerously fun when played with others, its right up there with Wii Sports. I really love Table Tennis now too, it's so cool when you get a rally of power shots going.


    And, suprisingly, rowing...Because WITHOUT nunchuks it is A LOT better as the button presses are easier...And sitting down using only the 'mote like a paddle is much more fun ;)
    Interesting, didn't play that event in multi-player (after my experience of it in single-player mode), will definitely try it out with just the Wii Remote now though, cheers. : peace:


    GAME emailed me stating that my t-shirt (Mario and Sonic Order) will be arriving in the next 7 days! :yay:
    Got that e-mail too! I continue to be surprised by GAME online, very good service. icon14.gif

  4. Triple jump is a no-no. But don't let that put you off. Consider it a miniscule pimple on Sonics butt cheek.
    There's another pimple too I think, in the form of rowing.

    Should have been so much better, I just don't understand why they put button combinations on it. Surely the motion control would have been enough? ::shrug:


    You're spot on about archery though, it's completely awesome! :yay: Best use of the Wii controls along with Wii Sports and Eledees, it just works so incredibly well.


    I'm also using my Mii a lot now, it's really quite amusing seeing yourself amongst the Nintendo and Sega crowd and it's also nice as you don't have to listen to the insanely repetitive phrases of the main characters. :heh:


    Freaking Royal Mail have lost my copy. Just been on the phone to them and they said that it got shipped to Darlington and then its been held up. Im really getting sick of being screwed over either by the online company or royal mail. I it wasnt for the fact that the games are £10 cheaper on the net I would just got instore and buy them.
    Unlucky mate. :sad:


    That’s the only reason I get games online too, but yeah it’s irritating when the post lets you down.

  5. You tried archery yet? Thats supposed to be one of the very best events in the entire game...


    Oh and the most important question of all, does your proper Mii name display in the game when you start and finish events?


    Screenshots released indicated that you could only have names of players within the character roster...

    Not tried archery yet, but when you use Mii's it does display the name. Luckily it doesn't apply the censorship to those. That would’ve been the last straw otherwise. :heh:

  6. So with Nintendo being a Japanese company and the Japanese people changing what they want from a game do you think Nintendos attitude towards their key franchises will change even more?
    No, I think they'll just eventually reduce the amount of traditional games produced for Japan. Shouldn't have any effect on the western market though, as those types of games still have very good sales.


    But it is rather strange how things are going in Japan at the moment. :hmm:

  7. Got mine today, no t-shirt either. Did anyone get one? They must have only had like 5 or something. :heh:


    Anyway, first impressions of this were not good. Again another game lacking true widescreen support (completely unacceptable for a game of this magnitude) and then I had a shock when I discovered I couldn't even enter my name!


    I was like "huh?" then I eventually realized it's because Manolito contains the word ano (anus in Spanish and Italian :indeed:), so I thought I'd put RedShell instead. Nope, can't use that either! Why? Because it contains the word hell. Could the censorship on this be any more excessive!? I'd understand if it was a case of disallowing proper swear words, but they really have taken it way too far. I hope Dick Van Dyke doesn't buy this game because he'll have real trouble! :laughing:

    In the end I managed to enter my name by replacing the O with a 0, so up yours stupidly OTT name censor! :awesome:


    Finally I got to the actual game, things got much better from that point on. Did a few 100m races which were good fun, frantically shaking the Wii Remote and Nunchuck works really well for that event. Table tennis is pretty good, but it seemed a bit slow. Might just be from going in to it right after a race though.

    I completely failed at the long and triple jump, couldn’t seem to find the correct strength for the jump meter. I either don't get enough power or way too much. Hopefully just a case of practicing more.


    But yeah, despite the initial complaints I actually think it's pretty good. Will definitely be great in multi-player, and it’s totally surreal seeing Mario and Sonic together in a game. :hehe:

  8. Another move I recently found is a second butt stomp. If you shake the wiimote whilst in the air then butt stomp, it's a larger, different animation.
    It also automatically targets any nearby enemies / crates! Pretty cool, and very handy on some of the trickier stages. :wink:


    I've got 54 stars now on my second play through...


    ...Luigi absolutely rocks! Once you get used to controlling him it's possible to take the piss on some levels with his extra speed and jumping height.


    Cosmic Luigi is a lot more challenging to make up for it though, took me completely by surprise the first time I raced him. :o

    The boost start is pretty much essential in order to win.

    I noticed something odd a minute ago with the star pointer. For some reason it won’t go completely in to the top left hand corner of the screen, it's fine on all the other corners though. :hmm: At first I thought maybe my sensor bar was playing up, but the cursor moves fine in the top left corner when on the Wii menu and I've not noticed the problem on any other games.


    Anyone else had this problem on Galaxy?

  9. My copy from Gameplay didnt arrive today despite getting next day delivery with it. Just kicked off on Gameplay ( all I seem to do these days ) and they have refunded my postage costs.
    I didn't get mine either, (but from GAME) hopefully it'll show up tomorrow. Not that I'm overly bothered mind you, as it means more uninterrupted Galaxy playtime! :yay:


    Just got my package from Game, i'm not allowed to open it but i'm 100% sure theres no t-shirt inside. Does that come later?


    Perhaps i preordered too late?

    When did you order?

    Anyway, maybe it is inside the package but just folded up so it's really small. You should have a peek. :laughing:

  10. I haven't spent a single star since the Gamecube was released (that would be May 3rd 2002, man it's been a long 5 years)
    Man, you must have a shit load of stars! :woops:


    I’ve got about 10k or so, but I’ve bought quite a few things from the catalogue before, including crappy screensavers and stuff before we knew real life items would go on it. :indeed:


    Come to think of it, there must be so many people with an insane amount of stars. I reckon Nintendo will put some goodies up at the same time as the stars to Wii points thing happens to try and reduce the amount of converted points.

  11. Now, Super Mario Galaxy.... that's an entirely different kettle of fish. Of course, the pace of a Mario game is not the same as the pace of a Metroid game, but in only 2 sessions of playing Mario Galaxy and 5 hours in total, I already collected 20 stars. I'm a bit amazed at it myself and a bit fearful of rushing the game, but Galaxy is so damned irresistible and addictive!!
    Yeah, I usually take my time playing games, but that was just impossible with Galaxy. It was too damn good! :smile:


    After getting a star I'd find myself jumping right back in to a level and getting the next one, then another, and another... Got the 120th star today, and have already started a new game!


    Addictive doesn’t even begin to describe it. :heh:

  12. About bloody time they updated the site, here's hoping they don't just copy the US one though. :shakehead


    Anyway, makes sense that the Stars to Wii points thing should happen at the same time, but to be honest I'd much prefer a decent club Nintendo like the Japanese one. With cool and unique gifts like custom Mii battery covers, game soundtracks and Wii compatible SNES controllers ect… :hehe:

  13. Completed this yesterday and got 120 stars today, absolutely loved it from start to finish. :hehe:

    Now I’m playing through it again…


    …with Luigi.



    So funny hearing him say “Super Luigi Galaxy!” :laughing:

    I love how he moves differently to Mario too, bit faster, higher jumping but really slippery, definitely makes the game more difficult which is great.

    …I could play this game forever. :love:

  14. I’ve got 78 stars now, not gone for the final boss yet but no doubt will by tonight as it’s getting too difficult to postpone it now.


    Played some co-op on Saturday and found it to be surprisingly awesome. My mate started a new file and I “helped out :heh:” as P2. There’s just the right balance of interaction for the Wii Remote only player to keep it interesting, really cool how you can grab enemies and interact with various other objects (like those weird rubbery tree things) and it’s very satisfying when you both hit the A button at the same time for Mario’s special jump.


    Definitely makes the game easier, or harder depending on your approach. :wink: I found it incredibly amusing to mess up my friend’s game by holding on to rocks only to release them at just the right time to knock Mario down, and making him jump in to holes ect… :laughing:

    Hours of fun right there.

  15. Waaa?


    I've played 2 hours and got 6 stars. I haven't died yet either.


    I sure do like exploring but still.:woops:

    Yeah I was quite surprised by how many stars I'd managed to get already! Not rushing it at all either, but I've been replaying earlier areas and collecting extra stars that way.


    Won't play anymore till tomorrow now though!
    Same here, but it's so damn difficult to stop! :shakehead

  16. Good job it’s cold at the moment and there aren’t any bugs around, reckon I’d have eaten quite a few otherwise as I couldn’t seem to keep my mouth closed during the opening stages of this game, still finding it difficult now! :laughing:


    This is jaw dropping stuff indeed. Haven’t felt like this while playing a game in a long, long time, truly magical. :love:

  17. RedShell, you need to change Zack and Wiki to January. Was it the 18th?
    Whoops, chucked it back into TBD. Cheers. icon14.gif


    Think I'm going to lose the TBD section soon though and just keep this as "Released", "Recently Released" and "Coming Soon" (within 30 days).

    Not much point to TBD I reckon, as the dates just yo-yo all over the place and it's not really all that vital to have a list of games that are still in some cases many months away.

  18. Gameplay say they've sent mine now, too. Hope it comes tomorrow! :)
    Typical. I (and many others by the sounds of things) go and boycott Gameplay right when they get back on form. :laughing:

    Anyway, enjoy it mate! :smile:


    *checks GAME order*… still packing. Grrrr!!!! :heh:

  19. Well, its artistally pretty i'll give it that. But technically? Probably not.


    Still a nice looking game though.

    I'd take artistic pretty over technical pretty any day :)
    Yeah, there are a few instances when the technical aspect slips up, other than the lack of anti-aliasing on the ship.

    I've noticed some pretty bad collision detection occasionally, especially with the larger creatures. Managed to swim right through a whale the other day, and when I grabbed on to it, I noticed several fish / penguins doing exactly the same thing! :heh:

    To be expected though really in a game like this with so many different creatures all moving around each other.


    Anyway, I made a nice discovery yesterday...


    ...a sunken ship and aircraft! Really cool rusty environment, and lots of treasure to be found around the wreckage too. The coordinates were H-6 I think, well worth a look.

    It's great to still have things like that to find even after completing the game. icon14.gif
