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Everything posted by Belease

  1. Belease


    That game looks really promising. I'll be after more information on this when it gets released!
  2. Explain to me how 'wii' = 'we' and not 'wee'. You can't really. We and wee are pronounced THE SAME WAY, except that 'we' is never used as a noun and 'wee' is. Gah, will people stop being in denial about the fact that 'wii' is more similar to 'wee' than it is to 'we' - in the way it looks, is pronounced, and used as a word.
  3. I dunno, I think a lot of people are moaning because even professional games writers think it's stupid. Even if you think it's the best name evar, accept most people, upon hearing 'Wii' will think 'that's stupid'. Just accept it. There's no reason to be shocked, surprised, hurt and morally outraged about people's reactions, it's not like they're beating your mother.
  4. I'm getting one, but the chances of me ever calling it a Wii is slim to none. There's also zero possibility I'll ever hear anyone say Wii without thinking of wee. Written down it's not so bad. But say it and BAM - I think of wee.
  5. Waaa waaaah, IGN agreed with people who dislike 'Wii' as a name. Guess what - it's a stupid name. Everyone knows it. Nintendo fanboys can rationalise it all they want, but Wii is retarded for a console's name and IGN are saying what they really think. Boo bloody hoo. Okay, if you like Wii, good for you. But stop moaning about other people having an opinion on it being a dumb name. You can't stop people from making obvious associations and listing the reasons why that name is stupid. Yeah, we probably will get used to it, more's the pity. But right now, 'WTF' is pretty much justified from everyone. Nintendo probably love this anyway - so there's no need to get your knickers in a twist about the shocking immaturity of the games media (like that should have been surprising.)
  6. Agreed! Anyone who spouts off about immaturity is living in denial. You're really missing the point. We can handle non-English words. It's non-English words that SOUND EXACTLY LIKE RUDE ENGLISH words that we don't like. Nintendo Ghey? Nintendo Dic? Nintendo But? Any of those sound great?
  7. Except that American message boards seem to think it's pretty stupid too, and that's without the connotations of 'urine' to go along with it.
  8. It's good to touch. It's better to feel. It's best to Wii.
  9. You can find depth in anything though. In fact, apart from being deep on so many levels, the name is also wrong on so many levels. You can't escape the fact that calling your console after something that is a slang term for urine is a bad move. You can say it's immature all you want - slang terms generally are immature, that's the point. Nobody is going to hear 'wii' as a noun and not think of 'wee' - c'mon. We don't use 'we' as a noun, but we do use 'wee' as one. Hence why everyone in the UK will automatically think 'wee' when they see 'wii'. (Plus, if you see it written down with two 'i's, you will automatically substitute them for 'e's when you get told how it's pronounced.) They would have been better off calling it 'wi' really, no matter what it stands for. You don't have to like the fact that's how people's brains work, but you do have to accept that's what they will think. There's no point moaning about people making automatic associations - that's the whole point of good brand names. They make unconscious links to other things - hence 'wii' is probably the WORST NAME EVAR.
  10. Sorry matey, you were SO beaten on that, someone already posted an image with that on page 5! I want to know if the controller will be called a Wii-stick.
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