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  1. Yeah, replace Resolve and Last Song with World and FFL and you've got a great album. Still not as good as their first three, though.
  2. Yeah, what annoys me most about their latest album is the b-sides they've left out are far better than the album tracks. Some really heavy stuff was left out. Love the acoustic though.
  3. Frances the Mute - Mars Volta Lullabies to Paralyze - Queens of the Stone Age Blinking Lights & Other Revelations - Eels In Your Honour - Foo Fighters How Strange, Innocence - Explosions in the Sky Probably others I've forgotten, too. Edit: Ah yeah, With Teeth - NiN too.
  4. 1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 2. Donkey Kong Country 3 3. Actraiser 4. Resident Evil 4 5. Metroid Prime
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