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Posts posted by Wesley

  1. Usually when I do an amazing FB status it gets swamped with "likes" within minutes. Just done a fucking amazing one and no likes yet. Its been 5 minutes. Fuck this shit.


    To be fair, I used to like every single thing you did on Facebook.


    I would have liked that shit yo.

  2. Had my first day of work today. I'm bloody exhausted. Having seen what I'm going to have to do I'm not surprised the pay is so good.


    Are you going to tell us where it even is yet?


    I'm just going to assume it's some kind of prostitution until you do.

  3. I don't really think she sounds that spoilt, honestly.


    What has she really done, exaggerated what her responsibilities are and blown off some steam?


    That's what all teenagers do; it's just that now Facebook is the forum for that.


    Pretty cool that he shot the laptop though.

  4. Felt a little off to me.


    Just some really weird throw-away moments and at times terrible camera work.


    Odd thing to notice.


    The car-crash was dumb.


    That girl's state hadn't really changed and all of sudden that nagging wife is all, "Oh noes I need to go".


    Didn't even have the impression that she was gone for long.


    Also... the long glance at the gun.


    So I take it next episode she'll be looking for the gun in a hurry as a walker approaches her but oooh noes it's been chucked about in the car.


    Kinda lame.


    I want her and her baby to die.


  5. Since leaving Facebook I realised that most friends are indeed shit.


    You'd think a friendship would be good enough for someone to simply return an email.




    Fuck that you, I can't like it or repost/blog/fuck it.


    Maybe you can fuck an email...


    Maybe that's what they're doing with my emails.

  6. Yeah I actually don't see the problem in it either, to be honest.


    Yeah it's expensive but so's your face, right?


    Anyway, I'm moving into a career of being one of those Santa guys you see at shopping outlets and stuff.


    I wanna be a pro and go full-time.


    So it's that's about one month...


    Charge little kid ?100?


    I'll do the maths and make you realise it's actually not expensive...
