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Posts posted by dabookerman

  1. And Owen and Domstercool I don't know about you two but their doesn't seem to be any great games coming out on the 360 or the wii in europe at least carn't wait for ps3 and virtua fighter 5


    There is a bit of a drought at the moment, Crackdown seems interesting, but the main reason would be for the Halo 3 beta.


    So far the games i cant wait for will come out the latter half of the year. Assassins creed, GTA4, Halo 3 and the usual suspects.

  2. I don't think Tekken 5 HD is free, as I remember some guys on about tricking your PS3 into thinking it is from Hong Kong, this would let you download Tekken 5 HD, but I know you had to have some HK dollars to do it. But you do get free online gaming and demos to download.



    Ok yeah, i mistook it for GT HD.

    But then still, at least there is some worthwhile content, that you cannot get anywhere else. So that's nice to know.

  3. Sony's is free and they have user names for you to login to. The thing is that Nintendo should of made you have some sort of name account to login. The trade of friends codes is just awful.


    Hopefully when games that are online come out, they will have friends list built into the game that requires to login. IDs are much more easier than a 16digit number.


    I'm i right in saying that not only is the PS3 online service is free, but you can download games like Tekken 5 HD for free??

  4. Because it's a load of egotistical presumptious bull5hit from Iwata. Every piece of electronics ever made has released its specs, suddenly Nintendo claim they are above that sort of thing?


    We'd like to know. Or are you worried that we'll laugh at how ridiculously underpowered the Wii is for a supposed next-gen console?


    The specs were not given out because they knew they would be rideculed in front of the other 2 consoles.


    That is a simple fact.

  5. I'm trying to make a point.


    People are saying that the Wii is just a gamecube repackaged...that couldn't be further from the truth. I am stating these statistics to show these people that they are wrong...I do not give a rats arse whether it makes me look smarter or not, I am just fed up with general ignorance by people who do not know what they are on about


    I wasn't actually referring to you. It's just people go round to specs to try to prove a point. This isn't the 90s.

  6. Ahhh, brilliant! That's a continuation of the clip I saw on Big Mouth, they cut out the bit where Jade started shouting 'no you shut the fuck up!', but on Big Mouth they didn't show the bit where she said about her claim to fame.

    As for whoever mentioned the muslims, where the hell did muslims come into this? Seriously, that's the sort of ignorance I'm talking about what causes problems.

    I think mostly this is bullying, but it also has some slightly racist undertones, however Platty raises a good point about mimicking accents. I haven't seen much racism from my point of view, except for bullying which seems to be centered around her race, the point about Jackie calling her 'Indian' however, I still stand by it being completely unacceptable, for anyone.


    Because people with brown skins are Muslims. This is a well known fact.
