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Everything posted by Marbles

  1. is that really what he said, im sure he said "coming to all platforms" then he paused and as if to correct himself and said "all platforms with multicore" I took that too mean PS3 and 360 only.
  2. wii have a suggestion.
  3. another past its sell by date company bought by microsoft.
  4. the new superman game. ideal for the rev controller
  5. ambx sounds good in theory but when u look at the pix and the amount of additional add-ons required to have it running at it full potention, its just not do-able. plus it also looks extremely daft.
  6. ambx.com ambx.com/resources/downloads/amBx_demo.wmv while i was browsing their site i also came across this. mms://Ntstream2.ddns.ehv.campus.philips.com/efi/86090/3d_tv.wmv "the WOW effect jumping off the screen" mms://Ntstream2.ddns.ehv.campus.philips.com/efi/86090/3D_TV/040524-3dtv.wmv "optical component that u put in front of the flat display and that directs the light from the display into the viewers eyes" sorry about the format the urls. stupid forum doesnt let u post urls unless the have 15+ posts
  7. damn u rare! I had hopes of replaying snake, rattle & roll and battletoads
  8. finally got to vote, had to turn of my firewall to do so. Was pleasently surprised by the current count. Nintendo Rev just surpassed the PS3 "VOTE Which console will come out on top? Microsoft Xbox 360 16.24% Nintendo Revolution 43.34% Sony PlayStation 3 40.42% 17254 Votes Cast Results are indicative and may not reflect public opinion"
  9. Its a fix. "Page Not Found" it wouldnt let me vote for Rev:(
  10. what about being able to use the DS touch screen as an input device/controller for the Rev, or is that secret 2.5.
  11. Reggie stated a few weeks back that the Rev controller would only work with Rev games. Now we've just had Miyamoto come out and say “And one of the most important features is that, because Revolution can run GameCube software, when you play Twilight Princess on Revolution you can take advantage of the Revolution controller.†So that could mean, Reggie is full of it. OR A gamecube zelda and a Special edition zelda for the Rev??? My guess... Reggies full of it
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