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About mikekov

  • Birthday 10/04/1987


  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Call of Duty 2, ICO
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. PERHAPS ANOTHER SPOILER..... (dont read, just in case) Sorry I've edited my post now. I agree with it not having a long conclusive ending but to be honest, even if they just had a cut scene walking off the beach together, perhaps holding hands to suggest they stuck together. I mean who knows what happened to them? Maybe i just look too much into things and should let it go. lol Planned on getting Shadow of the Colossus the other day, when i realised i was skint. How much do you hate that?
  2. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILERSPOILER SPOILER SPOILER {sorry to those who its already been spoiled for} aw i wish it was ICO. i dont know why, i mean the whole movie effect of ICO 1 was awesome but the ending i hated. sure i was glad the girl washed up on the beach but wth she was a shadow thing in the castle>does ICO get allowed back into his village now his horns are gone? so many unanswered questions
  3. hey, i just got the game on friday and i just finished it today (monday), it was short but it was damn sweet. no those ghosty things arent really in it the whole game, they pop up a fair amount and (im not sure but i think) if you leave Yorda alone long enough, they appear. Overall this is by far my favorite game, you go so into it. it's so short but the vastness of the castle makes it just seem longer. i just talked myself into buying Shadow of the Colossus and wondered does anyone know if the hero in that is the older version of the hero from ICO !?!?
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