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Everything posted by zeldafan2020

  1. it'll be a worldwide release.
  2. for real! we desperately need a damn date!
  3. I think we'll see this game immediately after E3.
  4. It'll be for gamecube,don't worry about that.
  5. I'm 17 too and I'm not gonna brag out a bunch of BS and say " I'm very intelligent" but, that's good for you guys.
  6. WOW...all I can say is WOW! you guys REALLY pay close attention to detail...I could barely understand you guy's sopphisticated lingo...very...professional...how old are you guys? you guys talk like you're 50 or something! :P lol
  7. you really pay close attention to detail don't you?
  8. okayyy........welllllllllllllll in the meantime we can re play OOT while we wait for this one...and I've already played WW till I'm sick of it. I beat that game in 4 days! and everytime I re beat it too...just 4 days! I hope TP takes more like 4 months! especially since we're having to wait on it for years! Edit by Fierce_LiNk: Please don't double post
  9. where I put and, I meant to put at* sorry
  10. well second quarter may seem unlikely, but we don't know...you never know. we just have to wait and see what happens, but the same deal over here guys about nintendo not talking...NOA isn't talking either, the whole company worldwide is not talking...let's me know they've got something BIG planned, theyre just waiting for the right moment to SPILL THE BEANS! and we're all ready! and I believe it'll be either march 20th and the GDC or May 9th - 11th I think at E3! let's keep our fingers crossed.
  11. HA I WISH it would be April, but I believe we'll have to wait till E3 which is in May to even get an official release date! of course, I hope you're right! I HOPE it WILL come out in April...like the rumor of April 1st. and maybe it would be out in time for my birthday on April 13th!
  12. you guys are stupid if you think it will be a revolution only title! it will be on gamecube first!!! JUST COMPATABLE FOR REV damn
  13. NO it will definetely be a gamecube title cuz they've already made it for gamecube! it's just gonna be compatable with the revolution and have extra stuff you can only get when you pop it into your revolution. the thing is it seems the game is gonna come out pretty close to the revolution's launch. that's all. and I don't get all this MB talk, it's all way above my head! lol
  14. but I was just thinking...what if nintendo said " you know what? let's make it a November release date." then omg you guys what if they did the unthinkable and delayed it AGAIN past that! and said Q1 2007 then they said nah let's make it November 07 for the holidays then hmmmm maybe we need to add more to it so Q1 or Q2 2008 then welllllll u know what I think we should make it for a holiday release so Nov/Dec 2008...then welllllll u know it would be great to kick off the new year with zelda so we'll make it Jan 2009...........if that happened I would be unimaginably mad as hell at nintendo and would have DONE GAVE UP on this game EVER coming out! lol
  15. well I heard the game would have a global release date which is good cuz that way Japan wouldn't be the first to have a newly released game before the rest of the world like they allways do! but I do hope it comes out in June.
  16. ok well we'll just have to see what happens, we have to wait till E3 cuz I think that's when we'll get an official release date and I hope it's not delayed till november for the revolution launch and is gonna be a revolution launch title cuz that would suck...I don't wana wait that long!
  17. and about Link dying, well from the information we got from WW, it's pretty obvious " but the hero did not appear..." that he'll die, but that doesn't at all make it the last zelda game cuz obviouslly there's a new Link in almost every Zelda game and WW happened 100 years after OOT and TP will be after OOT, but before WW so there ya go!
  18. Hey everyone, I'm new, my name is Jonathan and I'm from Atlanta,GA ( USA) and I want to make a comment on something I read earlier on the posts about this game being the end of zelda in its current form, let me clear this up, ok, TP is a direct sequel to OOT, so obviouslly its the last in its current form cuz after this one they can't keep on making " sequels to OOT" we'll have to face the " sequel to WW " which will be the end of everything zelda as we know it, mainly Hyrule. we will be saying good bye to the old and Hello to the new, it'll be a totally new generation of Zelda...even though it's not the same land literally, it is the same land hypothetically ( spiritually) the spirit of Hyrule will live on in this new world and it doesn't matter about the land, it's the legend that matters, Link and Zelda ...the legend continues " I have scattered the seeds of the future" - King Daphanes Nohansen Hyrule ( King of Hyrule) and someone will free Ganon by removing the master sword from him and here we go again! so I'm looking forward to another 20 years of Zelda! and beyond! it'll be a brand new age of Zelda!
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