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  1. Image n they boast bout stats that are fibbed big time n most mainstream gamers still think a ps2 is more powerful than a xbox n gamecube. Hahahhaha just remembered when sony said they couldnt release the ps2 in China cuz it was considered a super computer n commi china would use it to launch nukes something or other load of crap. Stuff like that mainstream gamers eat up so they can brag bout their consoles. But little did they know the sale of gamecubes was forbiden in russia cuz the west feared those commis would use the cube as a suitcase to smuggle nuclear warheads into free america like in the cold war. Oh i wish Nintendo ran that story.....
  2. The idea n functions of the controller are amazing. Nintendo has never been short on innovation but lack in advertising and appeal. They could easily still be number one but they dont know how to come across as cool for some reason or other. It's a start to have a system that is gettin ipod compliments in design but it has to go beyond that n into commercials n mag adverts. If ppl remember back in the snes, genesis days sega had it down ppl would mimmick their commercials....."Say it say it SEGA" if anyone remembers that those were the golden years werent they. What im tryin to say is Nintendo lacks the skill to make themselves appeal to main stream gamers. I think Sony learned from Sega for sure cuz thats the only reason theyre number one.. image END OF STORY!
  3. shit son the knife fight in resi would be awesome with that remote props on the idea. If u read ppls posts there is so many ideas going around for what it can be used for lotta potenial. If they make a zelda i dont think it will be totally played just with the new controller. What my idea is u play with the wavebird attachement n when u face a boss u pull the remote out n fight the boss, rest of the game will be played with the wavebird and remote in it. My guess but who can predict nintendo.
  4. Likewise after watching the demo demonstration of the type of games, i think resi has the most potential. Even though nintendo were hinting at luigis mansion i think it would work tre cool with resi. Cuz come on how creepy can nintendo ghosts really be. RESI game example; first person u navigate through a house/town/forest n in certain areas where its dark u can turn on a flash light attached to ur gun. u aim with remote n move with the anolog stick. If Capcom dont realize this they are idiots.
  5. The press in general are morons when it comes to games. I remember watching CNN when they had a segment on E3 they sent a 50 year old grey hair dude to interview software companies n such. Boy did he memorize his cue cards. I bet that guy hasnt even touched a game pad for any system in his life.
  6. shit son what you know......Nintendo pulled a sony lets stone them n not buy a rev.
  7. Can someone say PMS, why u always cuttin ppl up when they make predictions whats going to happen. They can say what they please it's fun to cheer for your team and they want nintendo to do well among other things. who knows maybe they can see into the future n nintendo is back on top. So stop tryin to be like trish or trisha on the old forums with the new upgrade to this site i think we can only handle one B***H this time around. So respect other ppls rights to say what they say.
  8. What a stupid thing to say, if they dont include a regular controller they would alianate to much of the 3rd parties games. When they came out with analog stick why they keep the d pad same with sony. Just cuz they have a regular controller add on its not that they lack confidence sorry if u see it that way.
  9. Most ppl that take the time to put all the pieces together understand the controller n its possibilities but to ur average gamer they glance at it and are stumped. I think in a way it's nintendos fault in stead of giving us the FULL loaf of bread they kept on droping crums. Some ppl still dont get IT n i think the secrecy might hurt nintendo in the end.....i hope not cuz the potential of this console is enormous......All i ask is ppl that understand the controller educate others that are a lil lost. Pick up the slack where nintendo left off. NOW WE WAIT TILL 2006 SIGN!
  10. from what i noticed if u tilt the remote side ways it resembles an nes controller, notice the small a and b buttons n u have the directional pad, for N64 snes n even cube there will be attachments. I understand n64 n snes but the cube it has ports for cube controllers, but theres always a but they say when u get the cube attachment u can still use the tilting n pointing action of the remote which is sweet, the function and all the buttons u need.
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